import requests from parameterized import parameterized from parametrized_test import ParametrizedTest login_link_text = '<a id="login_in" href="/n/login">Sign in</a>' logout_link_text = '<a id="login_out" title="Signed in as ." href="/n/logout">Sign out</a>' class TestLoginLocal(ParametrizedTest): def setUp(self): super(TestLoginLocal, self).setUp() self.login_url = self.gn2_url +"/n/login" data = { "es_connection":, "email_address": "", "full_name": "Test User", "organization": "Test Organisation", "password": "test_password", "password_confirm": "test_password" } @parameterized.expand([ ( { "email_address": "", "password": "doesitmatter?" }, login_link_text, "Login should have failed with the wrong user details."), ( { "email_address": "", "password": "test_password" }, logout_link_text, "Login should have been successful with correct user details and neither import_collections nor remember_me set"), ( { "email_address": "", "password": "test_password", "import_collections": "y" }, logout_link_text, "Login should have been successful with correct user details and only import_collections set"), ( { "email_address": "", "password": "test_password", "remember_me": "y" }, logout_link_text, "Login should have been successful with correct user details and only remember_me set"), ( { "email_address": "", "password": "test_password", "remember_me": "y", "import_collections": "y" }, logout_link_text, "Login should have been successful with correct user details, and both remember_me, and import_collections set") ]) def testLogin(self, data, expected, message): result =, data=data) index = result.content.find(expected) self.assertTrue(index >= 0, message)