# Run with something like
#   env GN2_PROFILE=/home/wrk/opt/gn-latest ./bin/genenetwork2 ./etc/default_settings.py -c ../test/requests/test-website.py http://localhost:5003
# Mostly to pick up the Guix GN2_PROFILE and python modules
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from link_checker import check_links
from mapping_tests import check_mapping
from navigation_tests import check_navigation
from main_web_functionality import check_main_web_functionality
import link_checker
import sys

# Imports for integration tests
from wqflask import app
from test_login_local import TestLoginLocal
from test_login_orcid import TestLoginOrcid
from test_login_github import TestLoginGithub
from test_registration import TestRegistration
from test_forgot_password import TestForgotPassword
from unittest import TestSuite, TextTestRunner, TestLoader

print("Mechanical Rob firing up...")

def run_all(args_obj, parser):
    print("Running all tests.")
    link_checker.DO_FAIL = args_obj.fail
    check_main_web_functionality(args_obj, parser)
    check_links(args_obj, parser)
    check_mapping(args_obj, parser)
    # TODO: Add other functions as they are created.

def print_help(args_obj, parser):

def dummy(args_obj, parser):
    print("Not implemented yet.")

def integration_tests(args_obj, parser):
    gn2_url = args_obj.host
    es_url = app.config.get("ELASTICSEARCH_HOST")+":"+str(app.config.get("ELASTICSEARCH_PORT"))
    run_integration_tests(gn2_url, es_url)

def initTest(klass, gn2_url, es_url):
    loader = TestLoader()
    methodNames = loader.getTestCaseNames(klass)
    return [klass(mname, gn2_url, es_url) for mname in methodNames]

def integration_suite(gn2_url, es_url):
    test_cases = [
        , TestLoginLocal
        , TestLoginGithub
        , TestLoginOrcid
        , TestForgotPassword
    the_suite = TestSuite()
    for case in test_cases:
        the_suite.addTests(initTest(case, gn2_url, es_url))
    return the_suite

def run_integration_tests(gn2_url, es_url):
    runner = TextTestRunner()
    runner.run(integration_suite(gn2_url, es_url))

desc = """
This is Mechanical-Rob - an automated web server tester for
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)

parser.add_argument("--fail", help="Fail and stop on any error", action="store_true")

parser.add_argument("-d", "--database", metavar="DB", type=str
                    , default="db_webqtl_s"
                    , help="Use database (default db_webqtl_s)")

parser.add_argument("host", metavar="HOST", type=str
                    , default="http://localhost:5003"
                    , help="The url to the web server")

parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", dest="accumulate", action="store_const"
                    , const=run_all, default=print_help
                    , help="Runs all tests.")

parser.add_argument("-l", "--link-checker", dest="accumulate"
                    , action='store_const', const=check_links, default=print_help
                    , help="Checks for dead links.")

parser.add_argument("-f", "--main-functionality", dest="accumulate"
                    , action='store_const', const=check_main_web_functionality
                    , default=print_help
                    , help="Checks for main web functionality.")

parser.add_argument("-m", "--mapping", dest="accumulate"
                    , action="store_const", const=check_mapping, default=print_help
                    , help="Checks for mapping.")

parser.add_argument("-i", "--integration-tests", dest="accumulate"
                    , action="store_const", const=integration_tests, default=print_help
                    , help="Runs integration tests.")

# Navigation tests deactivated since system relies on Javascript
# parser.add_argument("-n", "--navigation", dest="accumulate"
#                     , action="store_const", const=check_navigation, default=print_help
#                     , help="Checks for navigation.")

# parser.add_argument("-s", "--skip-broken", dest="accumulate"
#                     , action="store_const", const=dummy, default=print_help
#                     , help="Skip tests that are known to be broken.")

args = parser.parse_args()
# print("The arguments object: ", args)

args.accumulate(args, parser)