import string
import os

from gn2.base.webqtlConfig import TMPDIR
from gn2.utility import webqtlUtil
from gn2.utility.tools import flat_files, PLINK_COMMAND

def run_plink(this_trait, dataset, species, vals, maf):
    plink_output_filename = webqtlUtil.genRandStr(
    gen_pheno_txt_file(dataset, vals)

    plink_command = f"{PLINK_COMMAND}  --noweb --bfile {flat_files('mapping')}/{dataset.group.name} --no-pheno --no-fid --no-parents --no-sex --maf {maf} --out { TMPDIR}{plink_output_filename} --assoc "


    count, p_values = parse_plink_output(plink_output_filename, species)


    return dataset.group.markers.markers

def gen_pheno_txt_file(this_dataset, vals):
    """Generates phenotype file for GEMMA/PLINK"""

    current_file_data = []
    with open(f"{flat_files('mapping')}/{this_dataset.group.name}.fam", "r") as outfile:
        for i, line in enumerate(outfile):
            split_line = line.split()

    with open(f"{flat_files('mapping')}/{this_dataset.group.name}.fam", "w") as outfile:
        for i, line in enumerate(current_file_data):
            if vals[i] == "x":
                this_val = -9
                this_val = vals[i]
            outfile.write("0 " + line[1] + " " + line[2] + " " + \
                          line[3] + " " + line[4] + " " + str(this_val) + "\n")

def gen_pheno_txt_file_plink(this_trait, dataset, vals, pheno_filename=''):
    ped_sample_list = get_samples_from_ped_file(dataset)
    output_file = open(f"{TMPDIR}{pheno_filename}.txt", "wb")
    header = f"FID\tIID\t{this_trait.name}\n"

    new_value_list = []

    # if valueDict does not include some strain, value will be set to -9999 as missing value
    for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list):
            value = vals[i]
            value = str(value).replace('value=', '')
            value = value.strip()
            value = -9999


    new_line = ''
    for i, sample in enumerate(ped_sample_list):
        j = i + 1
        value = new_value_list[i]
        new_line += f"{sample}\t{sample}\t{value}\n"

        if j % 1000 == 0:
            new_line = ''

    if new_line:


# get strain name from ped file in order

def get_samples_from_ped_file(dataset):
    ped_file = open(f"{flat_files('mapping')}{dataset.group.name}.ped", "r")
    line = ped_file.readline()
    sample_list = []

    while line:
        lineList = line.strip().split('\t')
        lineList = [item.strip() for item in lineList]

        sample_name = lineList[0]

        line = ped_file.readline()

    return sample_list

def parse_plink_output(output_filename, species):
    plink_results = {}

    threshold_p_value = 1

    result_fp = open(f"{TMPDIR}{output_filename}.qassoc", "rb")

    line = result_fp.readline()

    value_list = []  # initialize value list, this list will include snp, bp and pvalue info
    p_value_dict = {}
    count = 0

    while line:
        # convert line from str to list
        line_list = build_line_list(line=line)

        # only keep the records whose chromosome name is in db
        if int(line_list[0]) in species.chromosomes.chromosomes and line_list[-1] and line_list[-1].strip() != 'NA':

            chr_name = species.chromosomes.chromosomes[int(line_list[0])]
            snp = line_list[1]
            BP = line_list[2]
            p_value = float(line_list[-1])
            if threshold_p_value >= 0 and threshold_p_value <= 1:
                if p_value < threshold_p_value:
                    p_value_dict[snp] = float(p_value)

            if chr_name in plink_results:
                value_list = plink_results[chr_name]

                # pvalue range is [0,1]
                if threshold_p_value >= 0 and threshold_p_value <= 1:
                    if p_value < threshold_p_value:
                        value_list.append((snp, BP, p_value))
                        count += 1

                plink_results[chr_name] = value_list
                value_list = []
                if threshold_p_value >= 0 and threshold_p_value <= 1:
                    if p_value < threshold_p_value:
                        value_list.append((snp, BP, p_value))
                        count += 1

                if value_list:
                    plink_results[chr_name] = value_list

                value_list = []

            line = result_fp.readline()
            line = result_fp.readline()

    return count, p_value_dict

# input: line: str,one line read from file
# function: convert line from str to list;
# output: lineList list

def build_line_list(line=""):
    # irregular number of whitespaces between columns
    line_list = line.strip().split(' ')
    line_list = [item for item in line_list if item != '']
    line_list = [item.strip() for item in line_list]

    return line_list