
GN4 Guile Webservice

This directory provides a Guile web service incl. the new REST API. It is used in conjunction with the Python web services and (very much) WIP.


Start with this file and then the documentation in doc.


The current repository lives at

git clone tux02.genenetwork.org:/home/git/genenetwork/gn-guile

GNU Guile allows you to develop against a live running web server using emacs-geiser. To try this fire up the web server from the web directory as

cd web
. .guix-shell -- guile --listen=1970 -e main ./webserver.scm 8091

Note the leading dot. The .guix-shell is defined in genenetwork3/gn3-guile/web and loads required packages using GNU Guix.

Next fire up emacs with emacs-geiser-guile and connect to the running web server with M-x geiser-connect and the port 1970. Now you can not only inspect procedures, but also update any prodedure on the live server using C-M-x and get updated output from the webserver!


Some tooling and scripts that run independently are stored in ./scripts.


git remote add gn git.genenetwork.org:/home/git/public/gn-guile


This software is published by the GeneNetwork team under the AGPL3. See LICENSE.