/* Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA) Copyright (C) 2011 Xiang Zhou This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef __VC_H__ #define __VC_H__ #include "gsl/gsl_vector.h" #include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h" #ifdef FORCE_FLOAT #include "param_float.h" #include "io_float.h" #else #include "param.h" #include "io.h" #endif using namespace std; class VC_PARAM { public: const gsl_matrix *K; const gsl_matrix *W; const gsl_vector *y; gsl_matrix *P; gsl_vector *Py; gsl_matrix *KPy_mat; gsl_matrix *PKPy_mat; gsl_matrix *Hessian; bool noconstrain; }; class VC { public: // IO related parameters size_t a_mode; string file_cat; string file_beta; string file_cor; string file_mq; string file_ms; string file_out; string path_out; set<string> setSnps; size_t ni_total_ref, ns_total_ref, ns_pair; size_t ni_total, ns_total, ns_test; size_t n_vc; double pve_total, se_pve_total; vector<double> v_sigma2; vector<double> v_se_sigma2; vector<double> v_pve; vector<double> v_se_pve; vector<double> v_traceG; vector<double> v_beta; vector<double> v_se_beta; size_t crt; double window_cm, window_bp, window_ns; double time_UtX; double time_opt; // Main functions void CopyFromParam (PARAM &cPar); void CopyToParam (PARAM &cPar); void WriteFile_qs (const gsl_vector *s_vec, const gsl_vector *q_vec, const gsl_vector *qvar_vec, const gsl_matrix *S_mat, const gsl_matrix *Svar_mat); void CalcVChe (const gsl_matrix *K, const gsl_matrix *W, const gsl_vector *y); void CalcVCreml (const bool noconstrain, const gsl_matrix *K, const gsl_matrix *W, const gsl_vector *y); void CalcVCacl (const gsl_matrix *K, const gsl_matrix *W, const gsl_vector *y); }; void CalcVCss(const gsl_matrix *Vq, const gsl_matrix *S_mat, const gsl_matrix *Svar_mat, const gsl_vector *q_vec, const gsl_vector *s_vec, const double df, vector<double> &v_pve, vector<double> &v_se_pve, double &pve_total, double &se_pve_total, vector<double> &v_sigma2, vector<double> &v_se_sigma2, vector<double> &v_enrich, vector<double> &v_se_enrich); bool BimbamXwz (const string &file_geno, const int display_pace, vector<int> &indicator_idv, vector<int> &indicator_snp, const vector<size_t> &vec_cat, const gsl_vector *w, const gsl_vector *z, size_t ns_test, gsl_matrix *XWz); bool PlinkXwz (const string &file_bed, const int display_pace, vector<int> &indicator_idv, vector<int> &indicator_snp, const vector<size_t> &vec_cat, const gsl_vector *w, const gsl_vector *z, size_t ns_test, gsl_matrix *XWz); bool MFILEXwz (const size_t mfile_mode, const string &file_mfile, const int display_pace, vector<int> &indicator_idv, vector<vector<int> > &mindicator_snp, const vector<size_t> &vec_cat, const gsl_vector *w, const gsl_vector *z, gsl_matrix *XWz); bool BimbamXtXwz (const string &file_geno, const int display_pace, vector<int> &indicator_idv, vector<int> &indicator_snp, const gsl_matrix *XWz, size_t ns_test, gsl_matrix *XtXWz); bool PlinkXtXwz (const string &file_bed, const int display_pace, vector<int> &indicator_idv, vector<int> &indicator_snp, const gsl_matrix *XWz, size_t ns_test, gsl_matrix *XtXWz); bool MFILEXtXwz (const size_t mfile_mode, const string &file_mfile, const int display_pace, vector<int> &indicator_idv, vector<vector<int> > &mindicator_snp, const gsl_matrix *XWz, gsl_matrix *XtXWz); void CalcCIss(const gsl_matrix *Xz, const gsl_matrix *XWz, const gsl_matrix *XtXWz, const gsl_matrix *S_mat, const gsl_matrix *Svar_mat, const gsl_vector *w, const gsl_vector *z, const gsl_vector *s_vec, const vector<size_t> &vec_cat, const vector<double> &v_pve, vector<double> &v_se_pve, double &pve_total, double &se_pve_total, vector<double> &v_sigma2, vector<double> &v_se_sigma2, vector<double> &v_enrich, vector<double> &v_se_enrich); #endif