    Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
    Copyright (C) 2011-2017, Xiang Zhou

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef __PARAM_H__
#define __PARAM_H__

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "gsl/gsl_vector.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"

using namespace std;

class SNPINFO {
	string chr;
	string rs_number;
	double cM;
	long int base_position;
	string a_minor;
	string a_major;
	size_t n_miss;
	double missingness;
	double maf;
	size_t n_idv;         // Number of non-missing individuals.
	size_t n_nb;          // Number of neighbours on the right hand side.
	size_t file_position; // SNP location in file.

// Results for LMM.
class SUMSTAT {
	double beta;		// REML estimator for beta.
	double se;		// SE for beta.
	double lambda_remle;	// REML estimator for lambda.
	double lambda_mle;	// MLE estimator for lambda.
	double p_wald;		// p value from a Wald test.
	double p_lrt;		// p value from a likelihood ratio test.
	double p_score;		// p value from a score test.

// Results for mvLMM.
	vector<double> v_beta;	// REML estimator for beta.
	double p_wald;		// p value from a Wald test.
	double p_lrt;		// p value from a likelihood ratio test.
	double p_score;		// p value from a score test.
	vector<double> v_Vg;	// Estimator for Vg, right half.
	vector<double> v_Ve;	// Estimator for Ve, right half.
	vector<double> v_Vbeta;	// Estimator for Vbeta, right half.

// Hyper-parameters for BSLMM.
class HYPBSLMM {
	double h;
	double pve;
	double rho;
	double pge;
	double logp;
	size_t n_gamma;

// Header class.
class HEADER {
    size_t rs_col;
    size_t chr_col;
    size_t pos_col;
    size_t cm_col;
    size_t a1_col;
    size_t a0_col;
    size_t z_col;
    size_t beta_col;
    size_t sebeta_col;
    size_t chisq_col;
    size_t p_col;
    size_t n_col;
    size_t nmis_col;
    size_t nobs_col;
    size_t ncase_col;
    size_t ncontrol_col;
    size_t af_col;
    size_t var_col;
    size_t ws_col;
    size_t cor_col;
    size_t coln; // Number of columns.
    set<size_t> catc_col;
    set<size_t> catd_col;

class PARAM {
	// IO-related parameters.
	bool mode_silence;
	int a_mode;  // Analysis mode, 1/2/3/4 for Frequentist tests
        int k_mode;  // Kinship read mode: 1: n by n matrix, 2: id/id/k_value;
	vector<size_t> p_column; // Which phenotype column needs analysis.
	size_t d_pace;	 	 // Display pace

	string file_bfile, file_mbfile;
	string file_geno, file_mgeno;
	string file_pheno;
	string file_anno; // Optional.
	string file_gxe;  // Optional.
	string file_cvt;  // Optional.
	string file_cat, file_mcat;
	string file_catc, file_mcatc;
	string file_var;
	string file_beta;
	string file_cor;
	string file_kin, file_mk;
	string file_ku, file_kd;
	string file_study, file_mstudy;
	string file_ref, file_mref;
	string file_weight, file_wsnp, file_wcat;
	string file_out;
	string file_bf, file_hyp;
	string path_out;

	string file_epm;  // Estimated parameter file.
	string file_ebv;  // Estimated breeding value file.
	string file_log;  // Log file containing mean estimate.
	string file_read; // File containing total number of reads.
	string file_gene; // Gene expression file.
	string file_snps; // File containing analyzed SNPs or genes.
        // WJA added.
	string file_oxford;

	// QC-related parameters.
	double miss_level;
	double maf_level;
	double hwe_level;
	double r2_level;

	// LMM-related parameters.
	double l_min;
	double l_max;
	size_t n_region;
	double l_mle_null, l_remle_null;
	double logl_mle_H0, logl_remle_H0;
	double pve_null, pve_se_null, pve_total, se_pve_total;
	double vg_remle_null, ve_remle_null, vg_mle_null, ve_mle_null;
	vector<double> Vg_remle_null, Ve_remle_null, Vg_mle_null, Ve_mle_null;
        vector<double> VVg_remle_null, VVe_remle_null, VVg_mle_null;
        vector<double> VVe_mle_null;
        vector<double> beta_remle_null, se_beta_remle_null, beta_mle_null;
        vector<double> se_beta_mle_null;
	double p_nr;
	double em_prec, nr_prec;
	size_t em_iter, nr_iter;
	size_t crt;
	double pheno_mean; // Phenotype mean from BSLMM fitting or prediction.

	// For fitting multiple variance components.
	// The first 3 are of size (n_vc), and the next 2 are of size n_vc+1.
	bool noconstrain;
	vector<double> v_traceG;
	vector<double> v_pve;
	vector<double> v_se_pve;

	vector<double> v_sigma2;
	vector<double> v_se_sigma2;
	vector<double> v_enrich;
	vector<double> v_se_enrich;
	vector<double> v_beta;
	vector<double> v_se_beta;

	// BSLMM/MCMC-related parameters.
	double h_min, h_max, h_scale;		// Priors for h.
	double rho_min, rho_max, rho_scale;	// Priors for rho.
	double logp_min, logp_max, logp_scale; 	// Priors for log(pi).
	size_t h_ngrid, rho_ngrid;
	size_t s_min, s_max;			// Min & max. number of gammas.
	size_t w_step;				// # warm up/burn in iter.
	size_t s_step;				// # sampling iterations.
	size_t r_pace;				// Record pace.
	size_t w_pace;				// Write pace.
	size_t n_accept;			// Number of acceptance.
	size_t n_mh;				// # MH steps in each iter.
	double geo_mean;			// Mean of geometric dist.
	long int randseed;
	double trace_G;

	HYPBSLMM cHyp_initial;

	// VARCOV-related parameters.
	double window_cm;
	size_t window_bp;
	size_t window_ns;

	// vc-related parameters.
	size_t n_block;

	// Summary statistics.
	bool error;
        // Number of individuals.
	size_t ni_total, ni_test, ni_cvt, ni_study, ni_ref;

        // Number of observed and missing phenotypes.
	size_t np_obs, np_miss;

        // Number of SNPs.
	size_t ns_total, ns_test, ns_study, ns_ref;
	size_t ng_total, ng_test;   // Number of genes.
	size_t ni_control, ni_case; // Number of controls and number of cases.
	size_t ni_subsample;        // Number of subsampled individuals.
	size_t n_cvt;		    // Number of covariates.
	size_t n_cat;		    // Number of continuous categories.
	size_t n_ph;		    // Number of phenotypes.
	size_t n_vc;		    // Number of variance components
                                    // (including the diagonal matrix).
	double time_total;	    // Record total time.
	double time_G;	 	    // Time spent on reading files the
                                    // second time and calculate K.
	double time_eigen;	    // Time spent on eigen-decomposition.
	double time_UtX;	    // Time spent on calculating UX and Uy.
	double time_UtZ;	    // Time calculating UtZ for probit BSLMM.
	double time_opt;	    // Time on optimization iterations/MCMC.
	double time_Omega;   	    // Time spent on calculating Omega.
	double time_hyp;	    // Time sampling hyperparameters in PMM.
	double time_Proposal;       // Time spent on constructing the
				    // proposal distribution (i.e. the
				    // initial LMM or LM analysis).

	// Data.
        // Vector recording all phenotypes (NA replaced with -9).
	vector<vector<double> > pheno;

        // Vector recording all covariates (NA replaced with -9).
	vector<vector<double> > cvt;

        // Vector recording all covariates (NA replaced with -9).
	vector<double> gxe;

        // Vector recording weights for the individuals, which is
        // useful for animal breeding studies.
	vector<double> weight;

        // Matrix recording when a phenotype is missing for an
        // individual; 0 missing, 1 available.
	vector<vector<int> > indicator_pheno;

        // Indicator for individuals (phenotypes): 0 missing, 1
        // available for analysis
	vector<int> indicator_idv;

        // Sequence indicator for SNPs: 0 ignored because of (a) maf,
        // (b) miss, (c) non-poly; 1 available for analysis.
	vector<int> indicator_snp;

        // Sequence indicator for SNPs: 0 ignored because of (a) maf,
        // (b) miss, (c) non-poly; 1 available for analysis.
	vector< vector<int> >  mindicator_snp;

        // Indicator for covariates: 0 missing, 1 available for
        // analysis.
	vector<int> indicator_cvt;

        // Indicator for gxe: 0 missing, 1 available for analysis.
	vector<int> indicator_gxe;

        // Indicator for weight: 0 missing, 1 available for analysis.
	vector<int> indicator_weight;

        // Indicator for estimated breeding value file: 0 missing, 1
        // available for analysis.
	vector<int> indicator_bv;

	// Indicator for read file: 0 missing, 1 available for analysis.
	vector<int> indicator_read;
	vector<double> vec_read;	// Total number of reads.
	vector<double> vec_bv;   	// Breeding values.
	vector<size_t> est_column;

	map<string, int> mapID2num;	// Map small ID to number, 0 to n-1.
	map<string, string> mapRS2chr; 	// Map rs# to chromosome location.
	map<string, long int> mapRS2bp;	// Map rs# to base position.
	map<string, double> mapRS2cM;	// Map rs# to cM.
	map<string, double> mapRS2est;	// Map rs# to parameters.
	map<string, size_t> mapRS2cat;  // Map rs# to category number.
	map<string, vector<double> > mapRS2catc; // Map rs# to cont. cat's.
	map<string, double> mapRS2wsnp;          // Map rs# to SNP weights.
	map<string, vector<double> > mapRS2wcat; // Map rs# to SNP cat weights.

	vector<SNPINFO> snpInfo;	 	 // Record SNP information.
	vector< vector<SNPINFO> > msnpInfo;	 // Record SNP information.
	set<string> setSnps;			 // Set of snps for analysis.

	// Constructor.

	// Functions.
	void ReadFiles ();
	void CheckParam ();
	void CheckData ();
	void PrintSummary ();
	void ReadGenotypes (gsl_matrix *UtX, gsl_matrix *K,
			    const bool calc_K);
	void ReadGenotypes (vector<vector<unsigned char> > &Xt,
			    gsl_matrix *K, const bool calc_K);
	void CheckCvt ();
	void CopyCvt (gsl_matrix *W);
	void CopyA (size_t flag, gsl_matrix *A);
	void CopyGxe (gsl_vector *gxe);
	void CopyWeight (gsl_vector *w);
	void ProcessCvtPhen();
	void CopyCvtPhen (gsl_matrix *W, gsl_vector *y, size_t flag);
	void CopyCvtPhen (gsl_matrix *W, gsl_matrix *Y, size_t flag);
	void CalcKin (gsl_matrix *matrix_kin);
	void CalcS (const map<string, double> &mapRS2wA,
		    const map<string, double> &mapRS2wK,
		    const gsl_matrix *W, gsl_matrix *A, gsl_matrix *K,
		    gsl_matrix *S, gsl_matrix *Svar, gsl_vector *ns);
	void WriteVector (const gsl_vector *q, const gsl_vector *s,
			  const size_t n_total, const string suffix);
	void WriteVar (const string suffix);
	void WriteMatrix (const gsl_matrix *matrix_U, const string suffix);
	void WriteVector (const gsl_vector *vector_D, const string suffix);
	void CopyRead (gsl_vector *log_N);
	void ObtainWeight (const set<string> &setSnps_beta, map<string,
			   double> &mapRS2wK);
	void UpdateWeight (const size_t pve_flag,
			   const map<string,double> &mapRS2wK,
			   const size_t ni_test, const gsl_vector *ns,
			   map<string, double> &mapRS2wA);
	void UpdateSNPnZ (const map<string, double> &mapRS2wA,
			  const map<string, string> &mapRS2A1,
			  const map<string, double> &mapRS2z,
			  gsl_vector *w, gsl_vector *z,
			  vector<size_t> &vec_cat);
	void UpdateSNP (const map<string, double> &mapRS2wA);

size_t GetabIndex (const size_t a, const size_t b, const size_t n_cvt);
