    Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
    Copyright (C) 2011-2017, Xiang Zhou

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "gsl/gsl_blas.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_linalg.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_randist.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_vector.h"

#include "eigenlib.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "mathfunc.h"
#include "param.h"

using namespace std;

// ---- Helper functions which do not use the PARAM scope

// Calculate the SNP sets as used in LOCO from mapchr which was filled
// from the annotation file. Returns ksnps (used for K) and gwasnps (used for
// GWA). Both are complimentary with each other and subsets of setSnps.

void LOCO_set_Snps(set<string> &ksnps, set<string> &gwasnps,
                   const map<string, string> mapchr, const string loco) {
  enforce_msg(ksnps.size() == 0, "make sure knsps is not initialized twice");
  enforce_msg(gwasnps.size() == 0,
              "make sure gwasnps is not initialized twice");
  for (auto &kv : mapchr) {
    auto snp = kv.first;
    auto chr = kv.second;
    if (chr != loco) {
    } else {

// Trim #individuals to size which is used to write tests that run faster
// Note it actually trims the number of functional individuals
// (indicator_idv[x] == 1). This should match indicator_cvt etc. If
// this gives problems with certain sets we can simply trim to size.

void trim_individuals(vector<int> &idvs, size_t ni_max, bool debug) {
  if (ni_max) {
    size_t count = 0;
    for (auto ind = idvs.begin(); ind != idvs.end(); ++ind) {
      if (*ind)
      if (count >= ni_max)
    if (count != idvs.size()) {
      if (debug)
        cout << "**** TEST MODE: trim individuals from " << idvs.size()
             << " to " << count << endl;

// ---- PARAM class implementation

    : mode_silence(false), a_mode(0), k_mode(1), d_pace(100000),
      file_out("result"), path_out("./output/"), miss_level(0.05),
      maf_level(0.01), hwe_level(0), r2_level(0.9999), l_min(1e-5), l_max(1e5),
      n_region(10), p_nr(0.001), em_prec(0.0001), nr_prec(0.0001),
      em_iter(10000), nr_iter(100), crt(0), pheno_mean(0), noconstrain(false),
      h_min(-1), h_max(-1), h_scale(-1), rho_min(0.0), rho_max(1.0),
      rho_scale(-1), logp_min(0.0), logp_max(0.0), logp_scale(-1), h_ngrid(10),
      rho_ngrid(10), s_min(0), s_max(300), w_step(100000), s_step(1000000),
      r_pace(10), w_pace(1000), n_accept(0), n_mh(10), geo_mean(2000.0),
      randseed(-1), window_cm(0), window_bp(0), window_ns(0), n_block(200),
      error(false), ni_subsample(0), n_cvt(1), n_vc(1), n_cat(0),
      time_total(0.0), time_G(0.0), time_eigen(0.0), time_UtX(0.0),
      time_UtZ(0.0), time_opt(0.0), time_Omega(0.0) {}

// Read files: obtain ns_total, ng_total, ns_test, ni_test.
void PARAM::ReadFiles(void) {
  string file_str;

  // Read cat file.
  if (!file_mcat.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_mcat(file_mcat, mapRS2cat, n_vc) == false) {
      error = true;
  } else if (!file_cat.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_cat(file_cat, mapRS2cat, n_vc) == false) {
      error = true;

  // Read snp weight files.
  if (!file_wcat.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_wsnp(file_wcat, n_vc, mapRS2wcat) == false) {
      error = true;
  if (!file_wsnp.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_wsnp(file_wsnp, mapRS2wsnp) == false) {
      error = true;

  // Count number of kinship files.
  if (!file_mk.empty()) {
    if (CountFileLines(file_mk, n_vc) == false) {
      error = true;

  // Read SNP set.
  if (!file_snps.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_snps(file_snps, setSnps) == false) {
      error = true;
  } else {

  // Read KSNP set.
  if (!file_ksnps.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_snps(file_ksnps, setKSnps) == false) {
      error = true;
  } else {

  // For prediction.
  if (!file_epm.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_est(file_epm, est_column, mapRS2est) == false) {
      error = true;
    if (!file_bfile.empty()) {
      file_str = file_bfile + ".bim";
      if (ReadFile_bim(file_str, snpInfo) == false) {
        error = true;
      file_str = file_bfile + ".fam";
      if (ReadFile_fam(file_str, indicator_pheno, pheno, mapID2num, p_column) ==
          false) {
        error = true;

    if (!file_geno.empty()) {
      if (ReadFile_pheno(file_pheno, indicator_pheno, pheno, p_column) ==
          false) {
        error = true;

      if (CountFileLines(file_geno, ns_total) == false) {
        error = true;

    if (!file_ebv.empty()) {
      if (ReadFile_column(file_ebv, indicator_bv, vec_bv, 1) == false) {
        error = true;

    if (!file_log.empty()) {
      if (ReadFile_log(file_log, pheno_mean) == false) {
        error = true;

    // Convert indicator_pheno to indicator_idv.
    int k = 1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < indicator_pheno.size(); i++) {
      k = 1;
      for (size_t j = 0; j < indicator_pheno[i].size(); j++) {
        if (indicator_pheno[i][j] == 0) {
          k = 0;

    ns_test = 0;


  // Read covariates before the genotype files.
  if (!file_cvt.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_cvt(file_cvt, indicator_cvt, cvt, n_cvt) == false) {
      error = true;
    if ((indicator_cvt).size() == 0) {
      n_cvt = 1;
  } else {
    n_cvt = 1;
  trim_individuals(indicator_cvt, ni_max, mode_debug);

  if (!file_gxe.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_column(file_gxe, indicator_gxe, gxe, 1) == false) {
      error = true;
  if (!file_weight.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_column(file_weight, indicator_weight, weight, 1) == false) {
      error = true;

  trim_individuals(indicator_idv, ni_max, mode_debug);

  // WJA added.
  // Read genotype and phenotype file for bgen format.
  if (!file_oxford.empty()) {
    file_str = file_oxford + ".sample";
    if (ReadFile_sample(file_str, indicator_pheno, pheno, p_column,
                        indicator_cvt, cvt, n_cvt) == false) {
      error = true;
    if ((indicator_cvt).size() == 0) {
      n_cvt = 1;

    // Post-process covariates and phenotypes, obtain
    // ni_test, save all useful covariates.

    // Obtain covariate matrix.
    gsl_matrix *W = gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, n_cvt);

    file_str = file_oxford + ".bgen";
    if (ReadFile_bgen(file_str, setSnps, W, indicator_idv, indicator_snp,
                      snpInfo, maf_level, miss_level, hwe_level, r2_level,
                      ns_test) == false) {
      error = true;

    ns_total = indicator_snp.size();

  // Read genotype and phenotype file for PLINK format.
  if (!file_bfile.empty()) {
    file_str = file_bfile + ".bim";
    if (ReadFile_bim(file_str, snpInfo) == false) {
      error = true;

    // If both fam file and pheno files are used, use
    // phenotypes inside the pheno file.
    if (!file_pheno.empty()) {

      // Phenotype file before genotype file.
      if (ReadFile_pheno(file_pheno, indicator_pheno, pheno, p_column) ==
          false) {
        error = true;
    } else {
      file_str = file_bfile + ".fam";
      if (ReadFile_fam(file_str, indicator_pheno, pheno, mapID2num, p_column) ==
          false) {
        error = true;

    // Post-process covariates and phenotypes, obtain
    // ni_test, save all useful covariates.

    // Obtain covariate matrix.
    gsl_matrix *W = gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, n_cvt);

    file_str = file_bfile + ".bed";
    if (ReadFile_bed(file_str, setSnps, W, indicator_idv, indicator_snp,
                     snpInfo, maf_level, miss_level, hwe_level, r2_level,
                     ns_test) == false) {
      error = true;
    ns_total = indicator_snp.size();

  // Read genotype and phenotype file for BIMBAM format.
  if (!file_geno.empty()) {

    // Annotation file before genotype file.
    if (!file_anno.empty()) {
      if (ReadFile_anno(file_anno, mapRS2chr, mapRS2bp, mapRS2cM) == false) {
        error = true;

    // Phenotype file before genotype file.
    if (ReadFile_pheno(file_pheno, indicator_pheno, pheno, p_column) == false) {
      error = true;

    // Post-process covariates and phenotypes, obtain
    // ni_test, save all useful covariates.

    // Obtain covariate matrix.
    gsl_matrix *W = gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, n_cvt);

    trim_individuals(indicator_idv, ni_max, mode_debug);
    trim_individuals(indicator_cvt, ni_max, mode_debug);
    if (ReadFile_geno(file_geno, setSnps, W, indicator_idv, indicator_snp,
                      maf_level, miss_level, hwe_level, r2_level, mapRS2chr,
                      mapRS2bp, mapRS2cM, snpInfo, ns_test) == false) {
      error = true;

    ns_total = indicator_snp.size();

  // Read genotype file for multiple PLINK files.
  if (!file_mbfile.empty()) {
    igzstream infile(file_mbfile.c_str(), igzstream::in);
    if (!infile) {
      cout << "error! fail to open mbfile file: " << file_mbfile << endl;

    string file_name;
    size_t t = 0, ns_test_tmp = 0;
    gsl_matrix *W;
    while (!safeGetline(infile, file_name).eof()) {
      file_str = file_name + ".bim";

      if (ReadFile_bim(file_str, snpInfo) == false) {
        error = true;

      if (t == 0) {

        // If both fam file and pheno files are used, use
        // phenotypes inside the pheno file.
        if (!file_pheno.empty()) {

          // Phenotype file before genotype file.
          if (ReadFile_pheno(file_pheno, indicator_pheno, pheno, p_column) ==
              false) {
            error = true;
        } else {
          file_str = file_name + ".fam";
          if (ReadFile_fam(file_str, indicator_pheno, pheno, mapID2num,
                           p_column) == false) {
            error = true;

        // Post-process covariates and phenotypes, obtain
        // ni_test, save all useful covariates.

        // Obtain covariate matrix.
        W = gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, n_cvt);

      file_str = file_name + ".bed";
      if (ReadFile_bed(file_str, setSnps, W, indicator_idv, indicator_snp,
                       snpInfo, maf_level, miss_level, hwe_level, r2_level,
                       ns_test_tmp) == false) {
        error = true;
      ns_test += ns_test_tmp;
      ns_total += indicator_snp.size();




  // Read genotype and phenotype file for multiple BIMBAM files.
  if (!file_mgeno.empty()) {

    // Annotation file before genotype file.
    if (!file_anno.empty()) {
      if (ReadFile_anno(file_anno, mapRS2chr, mapRS2bp, mapRS2cM) == false) {
        error = true;

    // Phenotype file before genotype file.
    if (ReadFile_pheno(file_pheno, indicator_pheno, pheno, p_column) == false) {
      error = true;

    // Post-process covariates and phenotypes, obtain ni_test,
    // save all useful covariates.

    // Obtain covariate matrix.
    gsl_matrix *W = gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, n_cvt);

    igzstream infile(file_mgeno.c_str(), igzstream::in);
    if (!infile) {
      cout << "error! fail to open mgeno file: " << file_mgeno << endl;

    string file_name;
    size_t ns_test_tmp;
    while (!safeGetline(infile, file_name).eof()) {
      if (ReadFile_geno(file_name, setSnps, W, indicator_idv, indicator_snp,
                        maf_level, miss_level, hwe_level, r2_level, mapRS2chr,
                        mapRS2bp, mapRS2cM, snpInfo, ns_test_tmp) == false) {
        error = true;

      ns_test += ns_test_tmp;
      ns_total += indicator_snp.size();



  if (!file_gene.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_pheno(file_pheno, indicator_pheno, pheno, p_column) == false) {
      error = true;

    // Convert indicator_pheno to indicator_idv.
    int k = 1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < indicator_pheno.size(); i++) {
      k = 1;
      for (size_t j = 0; j < indicator_pheno[i].size(); j++) {
        if (indicator_pheno[i][j] == 0) {
          k = 0;

    // Post-process covariates and phenotypes, obtain
    // ni_test, save all useful covariates.

    // Obtain covariate matrix.
    gsl_matrix *W = gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, n_cvt);

    if (ReadFile_gene(file_gene, vec_read, snpInfo, ng_total) == false) {
      error = true;

  // Read is after gene file.
  if (!file_read.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_column(file_read, indicator_read, vec_read, 1) == false) {
      error = true;

    ni_test = 0;
    for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < (indicator_idv).size(); ++i) {
      indicator_idv[i] *= indicator_read[i];
      ni_test += indicator_idv[i];

    if (ni_test == 0) {
      error = true;
      cout << "error! number of analyzed individuals equals 0. " << endl;

  // For ridge prediction, read phenotype only.
  if (file_geno.empty() && file_gene.empty() && !file_pheno.empty()) {
    if (ReadFile_pheno(file_pheno, indicator_pheno, pheno, p_column) == false) {
      error = true;

    // Post-process covariates and phenotypes, obtain
    // ni_test, save all useful covariates.

  // Compute setKSnps when -loco is passed in
  if (!loco.empty()) {
    LOCO_set_Snps(setKSnps, setGWASnps, mapRS2chr, loco);

void PARAM::CheckParam(void) {
  struct stat fileInfo;
  string str;

  // Check parameters.
  if (k_mode != 1 && k_mode != 2) {
    cout << "error! unknown kinship/relatedness input mode: " << k_mode << endl;
    error = true;
  if (a_mode != 1 && a_mode != 2 && a_mode != 3 && a_mode != 4 && a_mode != 5 &&
      a_mode != 11 && a_mode != 12 && a_mode != 13 && a_mode != 14 &&
      a_mode != 15 && a_mode != 21 && a_mode != 22 && a_mode != 25 &&
      a_mode != 26 && a_mode != 27 && a_mode != 28 && a_mode != 31 &&
      a_mode != 41 && a_mode != 42 && a_mode != 43 && a_mode != 51 &&
      a_mode != 52 && a_mode != 53 && a_mode != 54 && a_mode != 61 &&
      a_mode != 62 && a_mode != 63 && a_mode != 66 && a_mode != 67 &&
      a_mode != 71) {
    cout << "error! unknown analysis mode: " << a_mode
         << ". make sure -gk or -eigen or -lmm or -bslmm -predict or "
         << "-calccov is sepcified correctly." << endl;
    error = true;
  if (miss_level > 1) {
    cout << "error! missing level needs to be between 0 and 1. "
         << "current value = " << miss_level << endl;
    error = true;
  if (maf_level > 0.5) {
    cout << "error! maf level needs to be between 0 and 0.5. "
         << "current value = " << maf_level << endl;
    error = true;
  if (hwe_level > 1) {
    cout << "error! hwe level needs to be between 0 and 1. "
         << "current value = " << hwe_level << endl;
    error = true;
  if (r2_level > 1) {
    cout << "error! r2 level needs to be between 0 and 1. "
         << "current value = " << r2_level << endl;
    error = true;

  if (l_max < l_min) {
    cout << "error! maximum lambda value must be larger than the "
         << "minimal value. current values = " << l_max << " and " << l_min
         << endl;
    error = true;
  if (h_max < h_min) {
    cout << "error! maximum h value must be larger than the minimal "
         << "value. current values = " << h_max << " and " << h_min << endl;
    error = true;
  if (s_max < s_min) {
    cout << "error! maximum s value must be larger than the minimal "
         << "value. current values = " << s_max << " and " << s_min << endl;
    error = true;
  if (rho_max < rho_min) {
    cout << "error! maximum rho value must be larger than the"
         << "minimal value. current values = " << rho_max << " and " << rho_min
         << endl;
    error = true;
  if (logp_max < logp_min) {
    cout << "error! maximum logp value must be larger than the "
         << "minimal value. current values = " << logp_max / log(10) << " and "
         << logp_min / log(10) << endl;
    error = true;

  if (h_max > 1) {
    cout << "error! h values must be bewtween 0 and 1. current "
         << "values = " << h_max << " and " << h_min << endl;
    error = true;
  if (rho_max > 1) {
    cout << "error! rho values must be between 0 and 1. current "
         << "values = " << rho_max << " and " << rho_min << endl;
    error = true;
  if (logp_max > 0) {
    cout << "error! maximum logp value must be smaller than 0. "
         << "current values = " << logp_max / log(10) << " and "
         << logp_min / log(10) << endl;
    error = true;
  if (l_max < l_min) {
    cout << "error! maximum lambda value must be larger than the "
         << "minimal value. current values = " << l_max << " and " << l_min
         << endl;
    error = true;

  if (h_scale > 1.0) {
    cout << "error! hscale value must be between 0 and 1. "
         << "current value = " << h_scale << endl;
    error = true;
  if (rho_scale > 1.0) {
    cout << "error! rscale value must be between 0 and 1. "
         << "current value = " << rho_scale << endl;
    error = true;
  if (logp_scale > 1.0) {
    cout << "error! pscale value must be between 0 and 1. "
         << "current value = " << logp_scale << endl;
    error = true;

  if (rho_max == 1 && rho_min == 1 && a_mode == 12) {
    cout << "error! ridge regression does not support a rho "
         << "parameter. current values = " << rho_max << " and " << rho_min
         << endl;
    error = true;

  if (window_cm < 0) {
    cout << "error! windowcm values must be non-negative. "
         << "current values = " << window_cm << endl;
    error = true;

  if (window_cm == 0 && window_bp == 0 && window_ns == 0) {
    window_bp = 1000000;

  // Check p_column, and (no need to) sort p_column into
  // ascending order.
  if (p_column.size() == 0) {
  } else {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p_column.size(); i++) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++) {
        if (p_column[i] == p_column[j]) {
          cout << "error! identical phenotype "
               << "columns: " << p_column[i] << endl;
          error = true;

  n_ph = p_column.size();

  // Only LMM option (and one prediction option) can deal with
  // multiple phenotypes and no gene expression files.
  if (n_ph > 1 && a_mode != 1 && a_mode != 2 && a_mode != 3 && a_mode != 4 &&
      a_mode != 43) {
    cout << "error! the current analysis mode " << a_mode
         << " can not deal with multiple phenotypes." << endl;
    error = true;
  if (n_ph > 1 && !file_gene.empty()) {
    cout << "error! multiple phenotype analysis option not "
         << "allowed with gene expression files. " << endl;
    error = true;

  if (p_nr > 1) {
    cout << "error! pnr value must be between 0 and 1. current value = " << p_nr
         << endl;
    error = true;

  // check est_column
  if (est_column.size() == 0) {
    if (file_ebv.empty()) {
    } else {

  if (est_column.size() != 4) {
    cout << "error! -en not followed by four numbers. current number = "
         << est_column.size() << endl;
    error = true;
  if (est_column[0] == 0) {
    cout << "error! -en rs column can not be zero. current number = "
         << est_column.size() << endl;
    error = true;

  // Check if files are compatible with each other, and if files exist.
  if (!file_bfile.empty()) {
    str = file_bfile + ".bim";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .bim file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;
    str = file_bfile + ".bed";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .bed file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;
    str = file_bfile + ".fam";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .fam file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;

  if (!file_oxford.empty()) {
    str = file_oxford + ".bgen";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .bgen file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;
    str = file_oxford + ".sample";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .sample file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;

  if ((!file_geno.empty() || !file_gene.empty())) {
    str = file_pheno;
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open phenotype file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;

  str = file_geno;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open mean genotype file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_gene;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open gene expression file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_cat;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open category file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_mcat;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open mcategory file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_beta;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open beta file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_cor;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open correlation file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  if (!file_study.empty()) {
    str = file_study + ".Vq.txt";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .Vq.txt file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;
    str = file_study + ".q.txt";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .q.txt file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;
    str = file_study + ".size.txt";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .size.txt file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;

  if (!file_ref.empty()) {
    str = file_ref + ".S.txt";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .S.txt file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;
    str = file_ref + ".size.txt";
    if (stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
      cout << "error! fail to open .size.txt file: " << str << endl;
      error = true;

  str = file_mstudy;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open mstudy file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_mref;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open mref file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_mgeno;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open mgeno file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_mbfile;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open mbfile file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  size_t flag = 0;
  if (!file_bfile.empty()) {
  if (!file_geno.empty()) {
  if (!file_gene.empty()) {

  // WJA added.
  if (!file_oxford.empty()) {

  if (flag != 1 && a_mode != 15 && a_mode != 27 && a_mode != 28 &&
      a_mode != 43 && a_mode != 5 && a_mode != 61 && a_mode != 62 &&
      a_mode != 63 && a_mode != 66 && a_mode != 67) {
    cout << "error! either plink binary files, or bimbam mean"
         << "genotype files, or gene expression files are required." << endl;
    error = true;

  if (file_pheno.empty() && (a_mode == 43 || a_mode == 5)) {
    cout << "error! phenotype file is required." << endl;
    error = true;

  if (a_mode == 61 || a_mode == 62) {
    if (!file_beta.empty()) {
      if (file_mbfile.empty() && file_bfile.empty() && file_mgeno.empty() &&
          file_geno.empty() && file_mref.empty() && file_ref.empty()) {
        cout << "error! missing genotype file or ref/mref file." << endl;
        error = true;
    } else if (!file_pheno.empty()) {
      if (file_kin.empty() && (file_ku.empty() || file_kd.empty()) &&
          file_mk.empty()) {
        cout << "error! missing relatedness file. " << endl;
        error = true;
    } else if ((file_mstudy.empty() && file_study.empty()) ||
               (file_mref.empty() && file_ref.empty())) {
      cout << "error! either beta file, or phenotype files or "
           << "study/ref mstudy/mref files are required." << endl;
      error = true;

  if (a_mode == 63) {
    if (file_kin.empty() && (file_ku.empty() || file_kd.empty()) &&
        file_mk.empty()) {
      cout << "error! missing relatedness file. " << endl;
      error = true;
    if (file_pheno.empty()) {
      cout << "error! missing phenotype file." << endl;
      error = true;

  if (a_mode == 66 || a_mode == 67) {
    if (file_beta.empty() || (file_mbfile.empty() && file_bfile.empty() &&
                              file_mgeno.empty() && file_geno.empty())) {
      cout << "error! missing beta file or genotype file." << endl;
      error = true;

  if (!file_epm.empty() && file_bfile.empty() && file_geno.empty()) {
    cout << "error! estimated parameter file also requires genotype "
         << "file." << endl;
    error = true;
  if (!file_ebv.empty() && file_kin.empty()) {
    cout << "error! estimated breeding value file also requires "
         << "relatedness file." << endl;
    error = true;

  if (!file_log.empty() && pheno_mean != 0) {
    cout << "error! either log file or mu value can be provide." << endl;
    error = true;

  enforce_fexists(file_snps, "open file");
  enforce_fexists(file_ksnps, "open file");
  enforce_fexists(file_gwasnps, "open file");
  enforce_fexists(file_log, "open file");
  enforce_fexists(file_anno, "open file");

  if (!loco.empty()) {
    enforce_msg((a_mode >= 1 && a_mode <= 4) || a_mode == 21 || a_mode == 22,
                "LOCO only works with LMM and K");
    enforce_msg(file_bfile.empty(), "LOCO does not work with PLink (yet)");
    enforce_msg(file_oxford.empty(), "LOCO does not work with Oxford (yet)");
    enforce_msg(file_gxe.empty(), "LOCO does not support GXE (yet)");
                "LOCO requires annotation file (-a switch)");
    enforce_msg(file_ksnps.empty(), "LOCO does not allow -ksnps switch");
    enforce_msg(file_gwasnps.empty(), "LOCO does not allow -gwasnps switch");

  str = file_kin;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open relatedness matrix file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_mk;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open relatedness matrix file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_cvt;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open covariates file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_gxe;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open environmental covariate file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_weight;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open the residual weight file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_epm;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open estimated parameter file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_ebv;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open estimated breeding value file: " << str
         << endl;
    error = true;

  str = file_read;
  if (!str.empty() && stat(str.c_str(), &fileInfo) == -1) {
    cout << "error! fail to open total read file: " << str << endl;
    error = true;

  // Check if files are compatible with analysis mode.
  if (k_mode == 2 && !file_geno.empty()) {
    cout << "error! use \"-km 1\" when using bimbam mean genotype "
         << "file. " << endl;
    error = true;

  if ((a_mode == 1 || a_mode == 2 || a_mode == 3 || a_mode == 4 ||
       a_mode == 5 || a_mode == 31) &&
      (file_kin.empty() && (file_ku.empty() || file_kd.empty()))) {
    cout << "error! missing relatedness file. " << endl;
    error = true;

  if ((a_mode == 43) && file_kin.empty()) {
    cout << "error! missing relatedness file. -predict option requires "
         << "-k option to provide a relatedness file." << endl;
    error = true;

  if ((a_mode == 11 || a_mode == 12 || a_mode == 13 || a_mode == 14 ||
       a_mode == 16) &&
      !file_cvt.empty()) {
    cout << "error! -bslmm option does not support covariates files." << endl;
    error = true;

  if (a_mode == 41 || a_mode == 42) {
    if (!file_cvt.empty()) {
      cout << "error! -predict option does not support "
           << "covariates files." << endl;
      error = true;
    if (file_epm.empty()) {
      cout << "error! -predict option requires estimated "
           << "parameter files." << endl;
      error = true;

  if (file_beta.empty() && (a_mode == 27 || a_mode == 28)) {
    cout << "error! beta effects file is required." << endl;
    error = true;


void PARAM::CheckData(void) {

  // WJA NOTE: I added this condition so that covariates can be added
  // through sample, probably not exactly what is wanted.
  if (file_oxford.empty()) {
    if ((file_cvt).empty() || (indicator_cvt).size() == 0) {
      n_cvt = 1;

  if ((a_mode == 66 || a_mode == 67) && (v_pve.size() != n_vc)) {
    cout << "error! the number of pve estimates does not equal to "
         << "the number of categories in the cat file:" << v_pve.size() << " "
         << n_vc << endl;
    error = true;

  if ((indicator_cvt).size() != 0 &&
      (indicator_cvt).size() != (indicator_idv).size()) {
    error = true;
    cout << "error! number of rows in the covariates file do not "
         << "match the number of individuals. " << indicator_cvt.size() << endl;
  if ((indicator_gxe).size() != 0 &&
      (indicator_gxe).size() != (indicator_idv).size()) {
    error = true;
    cout << "error! number of rows in the gxe file do not match the number "
         << "of individuals. " << endl;
  if ((indicator_weight).size() != 0 &&
      (indicator_weight).size() != (indicator_idv).size()) {
    error = true;
    cout << "error! number of rows in the weight file do not match "
         << "the number of individuals. " << endl;

  if ((indicator_read).size() != 0 &&
      (indicator_read).size() != (indicator_idv).size()) {
    error = true;
    cout << "error! number of rows in the total read file do not "
         << "match the number of individuals. " << endl;

  // Calculate ni_total and ni_test, and set indicator_idv to 0
  // whenever indicator_cvt=0, and calculate np_obs and np_miss.
  ni_total = (indicator_idv).size();

  ni_test = 0;
  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < (indicator_idv).size(); ++i) {
    if (indicator_idv[i] == 0) {

  ni_cvt = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < indicator_cvt.size(); i++) {
    if (indicator_cvt[i] == 0) {

  np_obs = 0;
  np_miss = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < indicator_pheno.size(); i++) {
    if (indicator_cvt.size() != 0) {
      if (indicator_cvt[i] == 0) {

    if (indicator_gxe.size() != 0) {
      if (indicator_gxe[i] == 0) {

    if (indicator_weight.size() != 0) {
      if (indicator_weight[i] == 0) {

    for (size_t j = 0; j < indicator_pheno[i].size(); j++) {
      if (indicator_pheno[i][j] == 0) {
      } else {

  if (ni_test == 0 && file_cor.empty() && file_mstudy.empty() &&
      file_study.empty() && file_beta.empty() && file_bf.empty()) {
    error = true;
    cout << "error! number of analyzed individuals equals 0. " << endl;

  if (a_mode == 43) {
    if (ni_cvt == ni_test) {
      error = true;
      cout << "error! no individual has missing "
           << "phenotypes." << endl;
    if ((np_obs + np_miss) != (ni_cvt * n_ph)) {
      error = true;
      cout << "error! number of phenotypes do not match the "
           << "summation of missing and observed phenotypes." << endl;

  // Output some information.
  if (file_cor.empty() && file_mstudy.empty() && file_study.empty() &&
      a_mode != 15 && a_mode != 27 && a_mode != 28) {
    cout << "## number of total individuals = " << ni_total << endl;
    if (a_mode == 43) {
      cout << "## number of analyzed individuals = " << ni_cvt << endl;
      cout << "## number of individuals with full phenotypes = " << ni_test
           << endl;
    } else {
      cout << "## number of analyzed individuals = " << ni_test << endl;
    cout << "## number of covariates = " << n_cvt << endl;
    cout << "## number of phenotypes = " << n_ph << endl;
    if (a_mode == 43) {
      cout << "## number of observed data = " << np_obs << endl;
      cout << "## number of missing data = " << np_miss << endl;
    if (!file_gene.empty()) {
      cout << "## number of total genes = " << ng_total << endl;
    } else if (file_epm.empty() && a_mode != 43 && a_mode != 5) {
      if (!loco.empty())
        cout << "## leave one chromosome out (LOCO) = " << loco << endl;
      cout << "## number of total SNPs    = " << ns_total << endl;
      if (setSnps.size())
        cout << "## number of considered SNPS = " << setSnps.size() << endl;
      if (setKSnps.size())
        cout << "## number of SNPS for K    = " << setKSnps.size() << endl;
      if (setGWASnps.size())
        cout << "## number of SNPS for GWAS = " << setGWASnps.size() << endl;
      cout << "## number of analyzed SNPs = " << ns_test << endl;
    } else {

  // Set d_pace to 1000 for gene expression.
  if (!file_gene.empty() && d_pace == 100000) {
    d_pace = 1000;

  // For case-control studies, count # cases and # controls.
  int flag_cc = 0;
  if (a_mode == 13) {
    ni_case = 0;
    ni_control = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); i++) {
      if (indicator_idv[i] == 0) {

      if (pheno[i][0] == 0) {
      } else if (pheno[i][0] == 1) {
      } else {
        flag_cc = 1;
    cout << "## number of cases = " << ni_case << endl;
    cout << "## number of controls = " << ni_control << endl;

  if (flag_cc == 1) {
    cout << "Unexpected non-binary phenotypes for "
         << "case/control analysis. Use default (BSLMM) analysis instead."
         << endl;
    a_mode = 11;

  // Set parameters for BSLMM and check for predict.
  if (a_mode == 11 || a_mode == 12 || a_mode == 13 || a_mode == 14) {
    if (a_mode == 11) {
      n_mh = 1;
    if (logp_min == 0) {
      logp_min = -1.0 * log((double)ns_test);

    if (h_scale == -1) {
      h_scale = min(1.0, 10.0 / sqrt((double)ni_test));
    if (rho_scale == -1) {
      rho_scale = min(1.0, 10.0 / sqrt((double)ni_test));
    if (logp_scale == -1) {
      logp_scale = min(1.0, 5.0 / sqrt((double)ni_test));

    if (h_min == -1) {
      h_min = 0.0;
    if (h_max == -1) {
      h_max = 1.0;

    if (s_max > ns_test) {
      s_max = ns_test;
      cout << "s_max is re-set to the number of analyzed SNPs." << endl;
    if (s_max < s_min) {
      cout << "error! maximum s value must be larger than the "
           << "minimal value. current values = " << s_max << " and " << s_min
           << endl;
      error = true;
  } else if (a_mode == 41 || a_mode == 42) {
    if (indicator_bv.size() != 0) {
      if (indicator_idv.size() != indicator_bv.size()) {
        cout << "error! number of rows in the "
             << "phenotype file does not match that in the "
             << "estimated breeding value file: " << indicator_idv.size()
             << "\t" << indicator_bv.size() << endl;
        error = true;
      } else {
        size_t flag_bv = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < (indicator_bv).size(); ++i) {
          if (indicator_idv[i] != indicator_bv[i]) {
        if (flag_bv != 0) {
          cout << "error! individuals with missing value in the "
               << "phenotype file does not match that in the "
               << "estimated breeding value file: " << flag_bv << endl;
          error = true;

  if (a_mode == 62 && !file_beta.empty() && mapRS2wcat.size() == 0) {
    cout << "vc analysis with beta files requires -wcat file." << endl;
    error = true;
  if (a_mode == 67 && mapRS2wcat.size() == 0) {
    cout << "ci analysis with beta files requires -wcat file." << endl;
    error = true;

  // File_mk needs to contain more than one line.
  if (n_vc == 1 && !file_mk.empty()) {
    cout << "error! -mk file should contain more than one line." << endl;
    error = true;


void PARAM::PrintSummary() {
  if (n_ph == 1) {
    cout << "pve estimate =" << pve_null << endl;
    cout << "se(pve) =" << pve_se_null << endl;
  } else {

void PARAM::ReadGenotypes(gsl_matrix *UtX, gsl_matrix *K, const bool calc_K) {
  string file_str;

  if (!file_bfile.empty()) {
    file_str = file_bfile + ".bed";
    if (ReadFile_bed(file_str, indicator_idv, indicator_snp, UtX, K, calc_K) ==
        false) {
      error = true;
  } else {
    if (ReadFile_geno(file_geno, indicator_idv, indicator_snp, UtX, K,
                      calc_K) == false) {
      error = true;


void PARAM::ReadGenotypes(vector<vector<unsigned char>> &Xt, gsl_matrix *K,
                          const bool calc_K) {
  string file_str;

  if (!file_bfile.empty()) {
    file_str = file_bfile + ".bed";
    if (ReadFile_bed(file_str, indicator_idv, indicator_snp, Xt, K, calc_K,
                     ni_test, ns_test) == false) {
      error = true;
  } else {
    if (ReadFile_geno(file_geno, indicator_idv, indicator_snp, Xt, K, calc_K,
                      ni_test, ns_test) == false) {
      error = true;


void PARAM::CalcKin(gsl_matrix *matrix_kin) {
  string file_str;


  if (!file_bfile.empty()) {
    file_str = file_bfile + ".bed";
    enforce_msg(loco.empty(), "FIXME: LOCO nyi");
    if (PlinkKin(file_str, indicator_snp, a_mode - 20, d_pace, matrix_kin) ==
        false) {
      error = true;
  } else if (!file_oxford.empty()) {
    file_str = file_oxford + ".bgen";
    enforce_msg(loco.empty(), "FIXME: LOCO nyi");
    if (bgenKin(file_str, indicator_snp, a_mode - 20, d_pace, matrix_kin) ==
        false) {
      error = true;
  } else {
    file_str = file_geno;
    if (BimbamKin(file_str, setKSnps, indicator_snp, a_mode - 20, d_pace,
                  matrix_kin, ni_max == 0) == false) {
      error = true;


// From an existing n by nd A and K matrices, compute the d by d S
// matrix (which is not necessary symmetric).
void compAKtoS(const gsl_matrix *A, const gsl_matrix *K, const size_t n_cvt,
               gsl_matrix *S) {
  size_t n_vc = S->size1, ni_test = A->size1;
  double di, dj, tr_AK, sum_A, sum_K, s_A, s_K, sum_AK, tr_A, tr_K, d;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < n_vc; j++) {
      tr_AK = 0;
      sum_A = 0;
      sum_K = 0;
      sum_AK = 0;
      tr_A = 0;
      tr_K = 0;
      for (size_t l = 0; l < ni_test; l++) {
        s_A = 0;
        s_K = 0;
        for (size_t k = 0; k < ni_test; k++) {
          di = gsl_matrix_get(A, l, k + ni_test * i);
          dj = gsl_matrix_get(K, l, k + ni_test * j);
          s_A += di;
          s_K += dj;

          tr_AK += di * dj;
          sum_A += di;
          sum_K += dj;
          if (l == k) {
            tr_A += di;
            tr_K += dj;
        sum_AK += s_A * s_K;

      sum_A /= (double)ni_test;
      sum_K /= (double)ni_test;
      sum_AK /= (double)ni_test;
      tr_A -= sum_A;
      tr_K -= sum_K;
      d = tr_AK - 2 * sum_AK + sum_A * sum_K;

      if (tr_A == 0 || tr_K == 0) {
        d = 0;
      } else {
        d = d / (tr_A * tr_K) - 1 / (double)(ni_test - n_cvt);

      gsl_matrix_set(S, i, j, d);


// Copied from lmm.cpp; is used in the following function compKtoV
// map a number 1-(n_cvt+2) to an index between 0 and [(n_c+2)^2+(n_c+2)]/2-1
size_t GetabIndex(const size_t a, const size_t b, const size_t n_cvt) {
  if (a > n_cvt + 2 || b > n_cvt + 2 || a <= 0 || b <= 0) {
    cout << "error in GetabIndex." << endl;
    return 0;
  size_t index;
  size_t l, h;
  if (b > a) {
    l = a;
    h = b;
  } else {
    l = b;
    h = a;

  size_t n = n_cvt + 2;
  index = (2 * n - l + 2) * (l - 1) / 2 + h - l;

  return index;

// From an existing n by nd (centered) G matrix, compute the d+1 by
// d*(d-1)/2*(d+1) Q matrix where inside i'th d+1 by d+1 matrix, each
// element is tr(KiKlKjKm)-r*tr(KmKiKl)-r*tr(KlKjKm)+r^2*tr(KlKm),
// where r=n/(n-1)
void compKtoV(const gsl_matrix *G, gsl_matrix *V) {
  size_t n_vc = G->size2 / G->size1, ni_test = G->size1;

  gsl_matrix *KiKj =
      gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, (n_vc * (n_vc + 1)) / 2 * ni_test);
  gsl_vector *trKiKj = gsl_vector_alloc(n_vc * (n_vc + 1) / 2);
  gsl_vector *trKi = gsl_vector_alloc(n_vc);

  double d, tr, r = (double)ni_test / (double)(ni_test - 1);
  size_t t, t_il, t_jm, t_lm, t_im, t_jl, t_ij;

  // Compute KiKj for all pairs of i and j (not including the identity
  // matrix).
  t = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
    gsl_matrix_const_view Ki =
        gsl_matrix_const_submatrix(G, 0, i * ni_test, ni_test, ni_test);
    for (size_t j = i; j < n_vc; j++) {
      gsl_matrix_const_view Kj =
          gsl_matrix_const_submatrix(G, 0, j * ni_test, ni_test, ni_test);
      gsl_matrix_view KiKj_sub =
          gsl_matrix_submatrix(KiKj, 0, t * ni_test, ni_test, ni_test);
      eigenlib_dgemm("N", "N", 1.0, &Ki.matrix, &Kj.matrix, 0.0,

  // Compute trKi, trKiKj.
  t = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
    for (size_t j = i; j < n_vc; j++) {
      tr = 0;
      for (size_t k = 0; k < ni_test; k++) {
        tr += gsl_matrix_get(KiKj, k, t * ni_test + k);
      gsl_vector_set(trKiKj, t, tr);


    tr = 0;
    for (size_t k = 0; k < ni_test; k++) {
      tr += gsl_matrix_get(G, k, i * ni_test + k);
    gsl_vector_set(trKi, i, tr);

  // Compute V.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
    for (size_t j = i; j < n_vc; j++) {
      t_ij = GetabIndex(i + 1, j + 1, n_vc - 2);
      for (size_t l = 0; l < n_vc + 1; l++) {
        for (size_t m = 0; m < n_vc + 1; m++) {
          if (l != n_vc && m != n_vc) {
            t_il = GetabIndex(i + 1, l + 1, n_vc - 2);
            t_jm = GetabIndex(j + 1, m + 1, n_vc - 2);
            t_lm = GetabIndex(l + 1, m + 1, n_vc - 2);
            tr = 0;
            for (size_t k = 0; k < ni_test; k++) {
              gsl_vector_const_view KiKl_row =
                  gsl_matrix_const_subrow(KiKj, k, t_il * ni_test, ni_test);
              gsl_vector_const_view KiKl_col =
                  gsl_matrix_const_column(KiKj, t_il * ni_test + k);
              gsl_vector_const_view KjKm_row =
                  gsl_matrix_const_subrow(KiKj, k, t_jm * ni_test, ni_test);
              gsl_vector_const_view KjKm_col =
                  gsl_matrix_const_column(KiKj, t_jm * ni_test + k);

              gsl_vector_const_view Kl_row =
                  gsl_matrix_const_subrow(G, k, l * ni_test, ni_test);
              gsl_vector_const_view Km_row =
                  gsl_matrix_const_subrow(G, k, m * ni_test, ni_test);

              if (i <= l && j <= m) {
                gsl_blas_ddot(&KiKl_row.vector, &KjKm_col.vector, &d);
                tr += d;
                gsl_blas_ddot(&Km_row.vector, &KiKl_col.vector, &d);
                tr -= r * d;
                gsl_blas_ddot(&Kl_row.vector, &KjKm_col.vector, &d);
                tr -= r * d;
              } else if (i <= l && j > m) {
                gsl_blas_ddot(&KiKl_row.vector, &KjKm_row.vector, &d);
                tr += d;
                gsl_blas_ddot(&Km_row.vector, &KiKl_col.vector, &d);
                tr -= r * d;
                gsl_blas_ddot(&Kl_row.vector, &KjKm_row.vector, &d);
                tr -= r * d;
              } else if (i > l && j <= m) {
                gsl_blas_ddot(&KiKl_col.vector, &KjKm_col.vector, &d);
                tr += d;
                gsl_blas_ddot(&Km_row.vector, &KiKl_row.vector, &d);
                tr -= r * d;
                gsl_blas_ddot(&Kl_row.vector, &KjKm_col.vector, &d);
                tr -= r * d;
              } else {
                gsl_blas_ddot(&KiKl_col.vector, &KjKm_row.vector, &d);
                tr += d;
                gsl_blas_ddot(&Km_row.vector, &KiKl_row.vector, &d);
                tr -= r * d;
                gsl_blas_ddot(&Kl_row.vector, &KjKm_row.vector, &d);
                tr -= r * d;

            tr += r * r * gsl_vector_get(trKiKj, t_lm);
          } else if (l != n_vc && m == n_vc) {
            t_il = GetabIndex(i + 1, l + 1, n_vc - 2);
            t_jl = GetabIndex(j + 1, l + 1, n_vc - 2);
            tr = 0;
            for (size_t k = 0; k < ni_test; k++) {
              gsl_vector_const_view KiKl_row =
                  gsl_matrix_const_subrow(KiKj, k, t_il * ni_test, ni_test);
              gsl_vector_const_view KiKl_col =
                  gsl_matrix_const_column(KiKj, t_il * ni_test + k);
              gsl_vector_const_view Kj_row =
                  gsl_matrix_const_subrow(G, k, j * ni_test, ni_test);

              if (i <= l) {
                gsl_blas_ddot(&KiKl_row.vector, &Kj_row.vector, &d);
                tr += d;
              } else {
                gsl_blas_ddot(&KiKl_col.vector, &Kj_row.vector, &d);
                tr += d;
            tr += -r * gsl_vector_get(trKiKj, t_il) -
                  r * gsl_vector_get(trKiKj, t_jl) +
                  r * r * gsl_vector_get(trKi, l);
          } else if (l == n_vc && m != n_vc) {
            t_jm = GetabIndex(j + 1, m + 1, n_vc - 2);
            t_im = GetabIndex(i + 1, m + 1, n_vc - 2);
            tr = 0;
            for (size_t k = 0; k < ni_test; k++) {
              gsl_vector_const_view KjKm_row =
                  gsl_matrix_const_subrow(KiKj, k, t_jm * ni_test, ni_test);
              gsl_vector_const_view KjKm_col =
                  gsl_matrix_const_column(KiKj, t_jm * ni_test + k);
              gsl_vector_const_view Ki_row =
                  gsl_matrix_const_subrow(G, k, i * ni_test, ni_test);

              if (j <= m) {
                gsl_blas_ddot(&KjKm_row.vector, &Ki_row.vector, &d);
                tr += d;
              } else {
                gsl_blas_ddot(&KjKm_col.vector, &Ki_row.vector, &d);
                tr += d;
            tr += -r * gsl_vector_get(trKiKj, t_im) -
                  r * gsl_vector_get(trKiKj, t_jm) +
                  r * r * gsl_vector_get(trKi, m);
          } else {
            tr = gsl_vector_get(trKiKj, t_ij) - r * gsl_vector_get(trKi, i) -
                 r * gsl_vector_get(trKi, j) + r * r * (double)(ni_test - 1);

          gsl_matrix_set(V, l, t_ij * (n_vc + 1) + m, tr);

  gsl_matrix_scale(V, 1.0 / pow((double)ni_test, 2));



// Perform Jacknife sampling for variance of S.
void JackknifeAKtoS(const gsl_matrix *W, const gsl_matrix *A,
                    const gsl_matrix *K, gsl_matrix *S, gsl_matrix *Svar) {
  size_t n_vc = Svar->size1, ni_test = A->size1, n_cvt = W->size2;

  vector<vector<vector<double>>> trAK, sumAK;
  vector<vector<double>> sumA, sumK, trA, trK, sA, sK;
  vector<double> vec_tmp;
  double di, dj, d, m, v;

  // Initialize and set all elements to zero.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ni_test; i++) {

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {

  // Run jackknife.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
    for (size_t l = 0; l < ni_test; l++) {
      for (size_t k = 0; k < ni_test; k++) {
        di = gsl_matrix_get(A, l, k + ni_test * i);
        dj = gsl_matrix_get(K, l, k + ni_test * i);

        for (size_t t = 0; t < ni_test; t++) {
          if (t == l || t == k) {
          sumA[i][t] += di;
          sumK[i][t] += dj;
          if (l == k) {
            trA[i][t] += di;
            trK[i][t] += dj;
        sA[i][l] += di;
        sK[i][l] += dj;

    for (size_t t = 0; t < ni_test; t++) {
      sumA[i][t] /= (double)(ni_test - 1);
      sumK[i][t] /= (double)(ni_test - 1);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < n_vc; j++) {
      for (size_t l = 0; l < ni_test; l++) {
        for (size_t k = 0; k < ni_test; k++) {
          di = gsl_matrix_get(A, l, k + ni_test * i);
          dj = gsl_matrix_get(K, l, k + ni_test * j);
          d = di * dj;

          for (size_t t = 0; t < ni_test; t++) {
            if (t == l || t == k) {
            trAK[i][j][t] += d;

        for (size_t t = 0; t < ni_test; t++) {
          if (t == l) {
          di = gsl_matrix_get(A, l, t + ni_test * i);
          dj = gsl_matrix_get(K, l, t + ni_test * j);

          sumAK[i][j][t] += (sA[i][l] - di) * (sK[j][l] - dj);

      for (size_t t = 0; t < ni_test; t++) {
        sumAK[i][j][t] /= (double)(ni_test - 1);

      m = 0;
      v = 0;
      for (size_t t = 0; t < ni_test; t++) {
        d = trAK[i][j][t] - 2 * sumAK[i][j][t] + sumA[i][t] * sumK[j][t];
        if ((trA[i][t] - sumA[i][t]) == 0 || (trK[j][t] - sumK[j][t]) == 0) {
          d = 0;
        } else {
          d /= (trA[i][t] - sumA[i][t]) * (trK[j][t] - sumK[j][t]);
          d -= 1 / (double)(ni_test - n_cvt - 1);
        m += d;
        v += d * d;
      m /= (double)ni_test;
      v /= (double)ni_test;
      v -= m * m;
      v *= (double)(ni_test - 1);
      gsl_matrix_set(Svar, i, j, v);
      if (n_cvt == 1) {
        d = gsl_matrix_get(S, i, j);
        d = (double)ni_test * d - (double)(ni_test - 1) * m;
        gsl_matrix_set(S, i, j, d);


// Compute the d by d S matrix with its d by d variance matrix of
// Svar, and the d+1 by d(d+1) matrix of Q for V(q).
void PARAM::CalcS(const map<string, double> &mapRS2wA,
                  const map<string, double> &mapRS2wK, const gsl_matrix *W,
                  gsl_matrix *A, gsl_matrix *K, gsl_matrix *S, gsl_matrix *Svar,
                  gsl_vector *ns) {
  string file_str;


  // Compute the kinship matrix G for multiple categories; these
  // matrices are not centered, for convienence of Jacknife sampling.
  if (!file_bfile.empty()) {
    file_str = file_bfile + ".bed";
    if (mapRS2wA.size() == 0) {
      if (PlinkKin(file_str, d_pace, indicator_idv, indicator_snp, mapRS2wK,
                   mapRS2cat, snpInfo, W, K, ns) == false) {
        error = true;
    } else {
      if (PlinkKin(file_str, d_pace, indicator_idv, indicator_snp, mapRS2wA,
                   mapRS2cat, snpInfo, W, A, ns) == false) {
        error = true;
  } else if (!file_geno.empty()) {
    file_str = file_geno;
    if (mapRS2wA.size() == 0) {
      if (BimbamKinUncentered(file_str, setKSnps, d_pace, indicator_idv,
                              indicator_snp, mapRS2wK, mapRS2cat, snpInfo, W, K,
                              ns) == false) {
        error = true;
    } else {
      if (BimbamKinUncentered(file_str, setKSnps, d_pace, indicator_idv,
                              indicator_snp, mapRS2wA, mapRS2cat, snpInfo, W, A,
                              ns) == false) {
        error = true;
  } else if (!file_mbfile.empty()) {
    if (mapRS2wA.size() == 0) {
      if (MFILEKin(1, file_mbfile, setKSnps, d_pace, indicator_idv,
                   mindicator_snp, mapRS2wK, mapRS2cat, msnpInfo, W, K,
                   ns) == false) {
        error = true;
    } else {
      if (MFILEKin(1, file_mbfile, setKSnps, d_pace, indicator_idv,
                   mindicator_snp, mapRS2wA, mapRS2cat, msnpInfo, W, A,
                   ns) == false) {
        error = true;
  } else if (!file_mgeno.empty()) {
    if (mapRS2wA.size() == 0) {
      if (MFILEKin(0, file_mgeno, setKSnps, d_pace, indicator_idv,
                   mindicator_snp, mapRS2wK, mapRS2cat, msnpInfo, W, K,
                   ns) == false) {
        error = true;
    } else {
      if (MFILEKin(0, file_mgeno, setKSnps, d_pace, indicator_idv,
                   mindicator_snp, mapRS2wA, mapRS2cat, msnpInfo, W, A,
                   ns) == false) {
        error = true;

  if (mapRS2wA.size() == 0) {
    gsl_matrix_memcpy(A, K);

  // Center and scale every kinship matrix inside G.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
    gsl_matrix_view Ksub =
        gsl_matrix_submatrix(K, 0, i * ni_test, ni_test, ni_test);

    gsl_matrix_view Asub =
        gsl_matrix_submatrix(A, 0, i * ni_test, ni_test, ni_test);

  // Cased on G, compute S.
  compAKtoS(A, K, W->size2, S);

  // Compute Svar and update S with Jacknife.
  JackknifeAKtoS(W, A, K, S, Svar);


void PARAM::WriteVector(const gsl_vector *q, const gsl_vector *s,
                        const size_t n_total, const string suffix) {
  string file_str;
  file_str = path_out + "/" + file_out;
  file_str += ".";
  file_str += suffix;
  file_str += ".txt";

  ofstream outfile(file_str.c_str(), ofstream::out);
  if (!outfile) {
    cout << "error writing file: " << file_str.c_str() << endl;


  for (size_t i = 0; i < q->size; ++i) {
    outfile << gsl_vector_get(q, i) << endl;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < s->size; ++i) {
    outfile << gsl_vector_get(s, i) << endl;

  outfile << n_total << endl;


void PARAM::WriteVar(const string suffix) {
  string file_str, rs;
  file_str = path_out + "/" + file_out;
  file_str += ".";
  file_str += suffix;
  file_str += ".txt.gz";

  ogzstream outfile(file_str.c_str(), ogzstream::out);
  if (!outfile) {
    cout << "error writing file: " << file_str.c_str() << endl;


  if (mindicator_snp.size() != 0) {
    for (size_t t = 0; t < mindicator_snp.size(); t++) {
      indicator_snp = mindicator_snp[t];
      for (size_t i = 0; i < indicator_snp.size(); i++) {
        if (indicator_snp[i] == 0) {
        rs = snpInfo[i].rs_number;
        outfile << rs << endl;
  } else {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < indicator_snp.size(); i++) {
      if (indicator_snp[i] == 0) {
      rs = snpInfo[i].rs_number;
      outfile << rs << endl;


void PARAM::WriteMatrix(const gsl_matrix *matrix_U, const string suffix) {
  string file_str;
  file_str = path_out + "/" + file_out;
  file_str += ".";
  file_str += suffix;
  file_str += ".txt";

  ofstream outfile(file_str.c_str(), ofstream::out);
  if (!outfile) {
    cout << "error writing file: " << file_str.c_str() << endl;


  for (size_t i = 0; i < matrix_U->size1; ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < matrix_U->size2; ++j) {
      outfile << gsl_matrix_get(matrix_U, i, j) << "\t";
    outfile << endl;


void PARAM::WriteVector(const gsl_vector *vector_D, const string suffix) {
  string file_str;
  file_str = path_out + "/" + file_out;
  file_str += ".";
  file_str += suffix;
  file_str += ".txt";

  ofstream outfile(file_str.c_str(), ofstream::out);
  if (!outfile) {
    cout << "error writing file: " << file_str.c_str() << endl;


  for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_D->size; ++i) {
    outfile << gsl_vector_get(vector_D, i) << endl;


void PARAM::CheckCvt() {
  if (indicator_cvt.size() == 0) {

  size_t ci_test = 0;

  gsl_matrix *W = gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, n_cvt);

  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); ++i) {
    if (indicator_idv[i] == 0 || indicator_cvt[i] == 0) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < n_cvt; ++j) {
      gsl_matrix_set(W, ci_test, j, (cvt)[i][j]);

  size_t flag_ipt = 0;
  double v_min, v_max;
  set<size_t> set_remove;

  // Check if any columns is an intercept.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < W->size2; i++) {
    gsl_vector_view w_col = gsl_matrix_column(W, i);
    gsl_vector_minmax(&w_col.vector, &v_min, &v_max);
    if (v_min == v_max) {
      flag_ipt = 1;

  // Add an intecept term if needed.
  if (n_cvt == set_remove.size()) {
    n_cvt = 1;
  } else if (flag_ipt == 0) {
    cout << "no intecept term is found in the cvt file. "
         << "a column of 1s is added." << endl;
    for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); ++i) {
      if (indicator_idv[i] == 0 || indicator_cvt[i] == 0) {

  } else {



// Post-process phentoypes and covariates.
void PARAM::ProcessCvtPhen() {

  // Convert indicator_pheno to indicator_idv.
  int k = 1;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < indicator_pheno.size(); i++) {
    k = 1;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < indicator_pheno[i].size(); j++) {
      if (indicator_pheno[i][j] == 0) {
        k = 0;

  // Remove individuals with missing covariates.
  if ((indicator_cvt).size() != 0) {
    for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < (indicator_idv).size(); ++i) {
      indicator_idv[i] *= indicator_cvt[i];

  // Remove individuals with missing gxe variables.
  if ((indicator_gxe).size() != 0) {
    for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < (indicator_idv).size(); ++i) {
      indicator_idv[i] *= indicator_gxe[i];

  // Remove individuals with missing residual weights.
  if ((indicator_weight).size() != 0) {
    for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < (indicator_idv).size(); ++i) {
      indicator_idv[i] *= indicator_weight[i];

  // Obtain ni_test.
  ni_test = 0;
  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < (indicator_idv).size(); ++i) {
    if (indicator_idv[i] == 0) {

  // If subsample number is set, perform a random sub-sampling
  // to determine the subsampled ids.
  if (ni_subsample != 0) {
    if (ni_test < ni_subsample) {
      cout << "error! number of subsamples is less than number of"
           << "analyzed individuals. " << endl;
    } else {

      // Set up random environment.
      gsl_rng *gsl_r;
      const gsl_rng_type *gslType;
      gslType = gsl_rng_default;
      if (randseed < 0) {
        time_t rawtime;
        tm *ptm = gmtime(&rawtime);

        randseed = (unsigned)(ptm->tm_hour % 24 * 3600 + ptm->tm_min * 60 +
      gsl_r = gsl_rng_alloc(gslType);
      gsl_rng_set(gsl_r, randseed);

      // From ni_test, sub-sample ni_subsample.
      vector<size_t> a, b;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < ni_subsample; i++) {
      for (size_t i = 0; i < ni_test; i++) {

      gsl_ran_choose(gsl_r, static_cast<void *>(&a[0]), ni_subsample,
                     static_cast<void *>(&b[0]), ni_test, sizeof(size_t));

      // Re-set indicator_idv and ni_test.
      int j = 0;
      for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < (indicator_idv).size(); ++i) {
        if (indicator_idv[i] == 0) {
        if (find(a.begin(), a.end(), j) == a.end()) {
          indicator_idv[i] = 0;
      ni_test = ni_subsample;

  // Check ni_test.
  if (ni_test == 0 && a_mode != 15) {
    error = true;
    cout << "error! number of analyzed individuals equals 0. " << endl;

  // Check covariates to see if they are correlated with each
  // other, and to see if the intercept term is included.
  // After getting ni_test.
  // Add or remove covariates.
  if (indicator_cvt.size() != 0) {
  } else {
    vector<double> cvt_row;

    for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < (indicator_idv).size(); ++i) {


void PARAM::CopyCvt(gsl_matrix *W) {
  size_t ci_test = 0;

  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); ++i) {
    if (indicator_idv[i] == 0 || indicator_cvt[i] == 0) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < n_cvt; ++j) {
      gsl_matrix_set(W, ci_test, j, (cvt)[i][j]);


void PARAM::CopyGxe(gsl_vector *env) {
  size_t ci_test = 0;

  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); ++i) {
    if (indicator_idv[i] == 0 || indicator_gxe[i] == 0) {
    gsl_vector_set(env, ci_test, gxe[i]);


void PARAM::CopyWeight(gsl_vector *w) {
  size_t ci_test = 0;

  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); ++i) {
    if (indicator_idv[i] == 0 || indicator_weight[i] == 0) {
    gsl_vector_set(w, ci_test, weight[i]);


// If flag=0, then use indicator_idv to load W and Y;
// else, use indicator_cvt to load them.
void PARAM::CopyCvtPhen(gsl_matrix *W, gsl_vector *y, size_t flag) {
  size_t ci_test = 0;

  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); ++i) {
    if (flag == 0) {
      if (indicator_idv[i] == 0) {
    } else {
      if (indicator_cvt[i] == 0) {

    gsl_vector_set(y, ci_test, (pheno)[i][0]);

    for (size_t j = 0; j < n_cvt; ++j) {
      gsl_matrix_set(W, ci_test, j, (cvt)[i][j]);


// If flag=0, then use indicator_idv to load W and Y;
// else, use indicator_cvt to load them.
void PARAM::CopyCvtPhen(gsl_matrix *W, gsl_matrix *Y, size_t flag) {
  size_t ci_test = 0;

  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); ++i) {
    if (flag == 0) {
      if (indicator_idv[i] == 0) {
    } else {
      if (indicator_cvt[i] == 0) {

    for (size_t j = 0; j < n_ph; ++j) {
      gsl_matrix_set(Y, ci_test, j, (pheno)[i][j]);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < n_cvt; ++j) {
      gsl_matrix_set(W, ci_test, j, (cvt)[i][j]);



void PARAM::CopyRead(gsl_vector *log_N) {
  size_t ci_test = 0;

  for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < indicator_idv.size(); ++i) {
    if (indicator_idv[i] == 0) {
    gsl_vector_set(log_N, ci_test, log(vec_read[i]));


void PARAM::ObtainWeight(const set<string> &setSnps_beta,
                         map<string, double> &mapRS2wK) {

  vector<double> wsum, wcount;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {

  string rs;
  if (msnpInfo.size() == 0) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < snpInfo.size(); i++) {
      if (indicator_snp[i] == 0) {

      rs = snpInfo[i].rs_number;
      if ((setSnps_beta.size() == 0 || setSnps_beta.count(rs) != 0) &&
          (mapRS2wsnp.size() == 0 || mapRS2wsnp.count(rs) != 0) &&
          (mapRS2wcat.size() == 0 || mapRS2wcat.count(rs) != 0) &&
          (mapRS2cat.size() == 0 || mapRS2cat.count(rs) != 0)) {
        if (mapRS2wsnp.size() != 0) {
          mapRS2wK[rs] = mapRS2wsnp[rs];
          if (mapRS2cat.size() == 0) {
            wsum[0] += mapRS2wsnp[rs];
          } else {
            wsum[mapRS2cat[rs]] += mapRS2wsnp[rs];
        } else {
          mapRS2wK[rs] = 1;
  } else {
    for (size_t t = 0; t < msnpInfo.size(); t++) {
      snpInfo = msnpInfo[t];
      indicator_snp = mindicator_snp[t];

      for (size_t i = 0; i < snpInfo.size(); i++) {
        if (indicator_snp[i] == 0) {

        rs = snpInfo[i].rs_number;
        if ((setSnps_beta.size() == 0 || setSnps_beta.count(rs) != 0) &&
            (mapRS2wsnp.size() == 0 || mapRS2wsnp.count(rs) != 0) &&
            (mapRS2wcat.size() == 0 || mapRS2wcat.count(rs) != 0) &&
            (mapRS2cat.size() == 0 || mapRS2cat.count(rs) != 0)) {
          if (mapRS2wsnp.size() != 0) {
            mapRS2wK[rs] = mapRS2wsnp[rs];
            if (mapRS2cat.size() == 0) {
              wsum[0] += mapRS2wsnp[rs];
            } else {
              wsum[mapRS2cat[rs]] += mapRS2wsnp[rs];
          } else {
            mapRS2wK[rs] = 1;

  if (mapRS2wsnp.size() != 0) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
      wsum[i] /= wcount[i];

    for (map<string, double>::iterator it = mapRS2wK.begin();
         it != mapRS2wK.end(); ++it) {
      if (mapRS2cat.size() == 0) {
        it->second /= wsum[0];
      } else {
        it->second /= wsum[mapRS2cat[it->first]];

// If pve_flag=0 then do not change pve; pve_flag==1, then change pve
// to 0 if pve < 0 and pve to 1 if pve > 1.
void PARAM::UpdateWeight(const size_t pve_flag,
                         const map<string, double> &mapRS2wK,
                         const size_t ni_test, const gsl_vector *ns,
                         map<string, double> &mapRS2wA) {
  double d;
  vector<double> wsum, wcount;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {

  for (map<string, double>::const_iterator it = mapRS2wK.begin();
       it != mapRS2wK.end(); ++it) {
    d = 1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
      if (v_pve[i] >= 1 && pve_flag == 1) {
        d += (double)ni_test / gsl_vector_get(ns, i) * mapRS2wcat[it->first][i];
      } else if (v_pve[i] <= 0 && pve_flag == 1) {
        d += 0;
      } else {
        d += (double)ni_test / gsl_vector_get(ns, i) *
             mapRS2wcat[it->first][i] * v_pve[i];
    mapRS2wA[it->first] = 1 / (d * d);

    if (mapRS2cat.size() == 0) {
      wsum[0] += mapRS2wA[it->first];
    } else {
      wsum[mapRS2cat[it->first]] += mapRS2wA[it->first];

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vc; i++) {
    wsum[i] /= wcount[i];

  for (map<string, double>::iterator it = mapRS2wA.begin();
       it != mapRS2wA.end(); ++it) {
    if (mapRS2cat.size() == 0) {
      it->second /= wsum[0];
    } else {
      it->second /= wsum[mapRS2cat[it->first]];

// This function updates indicator_snp, and save z-scores and other
// values into vectors.
void PARAM::UpdateSNPnZ(const map<string, double> &mapRS2wA,
                        const map<string, string> &mapRS2A1,
                        const map<string, double> &mapRS2z, gsl_vector *w,
                        gsl_vector *z, vector<size_t> &vec_cat) {

  string rs, a1;
  size_t c = 0;
  if (msnpInfo.size() == 0) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < snpInfo.size(); i++) {
      if (indicator_snp[i] == 0) {

      rs = snpInfo[i].rs_number;
      a1 = snpInfo[i].a_minor;

      if (mapRS2wA.count(rs) != 0) {
        if (a1 == mapRS2A1.at(rs)) {
          gsl_vector_set(z, c, mapRS2z.at(rs));
        } else {
          gsl_vector_set(z, c, -1 * mapRS2z.at(rs));
        gsl_vector_set(w, c, mapRS2wA.at(rs));

      } else {
        indicator_snp[i] = 0;
  } else {
    for (size_t t = 0; t < msnpInfo.size(); t++) {
      snpInfo = msnpInfo[t];

      for (size_t i = 0; i < snpInfo.size(); i++) {
        if (mindicator_snp[t][i] == 0) {

        rs = snpInfo[i].rs_number;
        a1 = snpInfo[i].a_minor;

        if (mapRS2wA.count(rs) != 0) {
          if (a1 == mapRS2A1.at(rs)) {
            gsl_vector_set(z, c, mapRS2z.at(rs));
          } else {
            gsl_vector_set(z, c, -1 * mapRS2z.at(rs));
          gsl_vector_set(w, c, mapRS2wA.at(rs));

        } else {
          mindicator_snp[t][i] = 0;


// This function updates indicator_snp, and save z-scores and other
// values into vectors.
void PARAM::UpdateSNP(const map<string, double> &mapRS2wA) {
  string rs;
  if (msnpInfo.size() == 0) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < snpInfo.size(); i++) {
      if (indicator_snp[i] == 0) {

      rs = snpInfo[i].rs_number;

      if (mapRS2wA.count(rs) == 0) {
        indicator_snp[i] = 0;
  } else {
    for (size_t t = 0; t < msnpInfo.size(); t++) {
      snpInfo = msnpInfo[t];

      for (size_t i = 0; i < mindicator_snp[t].size(); i++) {
        if (mindicator_snp[t][i] == 0) {

        rs = snpInfo[i].rs_number;

        if (mapRS2wA.count(rs) == 0) {
          mindicator_snp[t][i] = 0;
