/* Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA) Copyright (C) 2011 Xiang Zhou This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef __LAPACK_H__ #define __LAPACK_H__ #include <vector> using namespace std; void lapack_float_cholesky_decomp (gsl_matrix_float *A); void lapack_cholesky_decomp (gsl_matrix *A); void lapack_float_cholesky_solve (gsl_matrix_float *A, const gsl_vector_float *b, gsl_vector_float *x); void lapack_cholesky_solve (gsl_matrix *A, const gsl_vector *b, gsl_vector *x); void lapack_sgemm (char *TransA, char *TransB, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float *A, const gsl_matrix_float *B, float beta, gsl_matrix_float *C); void lapack_dgemm (char *TransA, char *TransB, double alpha, const gsl_matrix *A, const gsl_matrix *B, double beta, gsl_matrix *C); void lapack_float_eigen_symmv (gsl_matrix_float *A, gsl_vector_float *eval, gsl_matrix_float *evec, const size_t flag_largematrix); void lapack_eigen_symmv (gsl_matrix *A, gsl_vector *eval, gsl_matrix *evec, const size_t flag_largematrix); double EigenDecomp (gsl_matrix *G, gsl_matrix *U, gsl_vector *eval, const size_t flag_largematrix); double EigenDecomp (gsl_matrix_float *G, gsl_matrix_float *U, gsl_vector_float *eval, const size_t flag_largematrix); double CholeskySolve(gsl_matrix *Omega, gsl_vector *Xty, gsl_vector *OiXty); double CholeskySolve(gsl_matrix_float *Omega, gsl_vector_float *Xty, gsl_vector_float *OiXty); void LUDecomp (gsl_matrix *LU, gsl_permutation *p, int *signum); void LUDecomp (gsl_matrix_float *LU, gsl_permutation *p, int *signum); void LUInvert (const gsl_matrix *LU, const gsl_permutation *p, gsl_matrix *inverse); void LUInvert (const gsl_matrix_float *LU, const gsl_permutation *p, gsl_matrix_float *inverse); double LULndet (gsl_matrix *LU); double LULndet (gsl_matrix_float *LU); void LUSolve (const gsl_matrix *LU, const gsl_permutation *p, const gsl_vector *b, gsl_vector *x); void LUSolve (const gsl_matrix_float *LU, const gsl_permutation *p, const gsl_vector_float *b, gsl_vector_float *x); bool lapack_ddot(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, double &v); bool lapack_sdot(vector<float> &x, vector<float> &y, double &v); #endif