/* Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA) Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Xiang Zhou This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gsl/gsl_linalg.h" #include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h" #include "gsl/gsl_vector.h" #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "debug.h" #include "lapack.h" #include "mathfunc.h" using namespace std; extern "C" void dgemm_(char *TRANSA, char *TRANSB, int *M, int *N, int *K, double *ALPHA, double *A, int *LDA, double *B, int *LDB, double *BETA, double *C, int *LDC); extern "C" void dpotrf_(char *UPLO, int *N, double *A, int *LDA, int *INFO); extern "C" void dpotrs_(char *UPLO, int *N, int *NRHS, double *A, int *LDA, double *B, int *LDB, int *INFO); extern "C" void dsyev_(char *JOBZ, char *UPLO, int *N, double *A, int *LDA, double *W, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO); extern "C" void dsyevr_(char *JOBZ, char *RANGE, char *UPLO, int *N, double *A, int *LDA, double *VL, double *VU, int *IL, int *IU, double *ABSTOL, int *M, double *W, double *Z, int *LDZ, int *ISUPPZ, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *IWORK, int *LIWORK, int *INFO); extern "C" double ddot_(int *N, double *DX, int *INCX, double *DY, int *INCY); // Cholesky decomposition, A is destroyed. void lapack_cholesky_decomp(gsl_matrix *A) { int N = A->size1, LDA = A->size1, INFO; char UPLO = 'L'; if (N != (int)A->size2) { cout << "Matrix needs to be symmetric and same dimension in " << "lapack_cholesky_decomp." << endl; return; } dpotrf_(&UPLO, &N, A->data, &LDA, &INFO); if (INFO != 0) { cout << "Cholesky decomposition unsuccessful in " << "lapack_cholesky_decomp." << endl; return; } return; } // Cholesky solve, A is decomposed. void lapack_cholesky_solve(gsl_matrix *A, const gsl_vector *b, gsl_vector *x) { int N = A->size1, NRHS = 1, LDA = A->size1, LDB = b->size, INFO; char UPLO = 'L'; if (N != (int)A->size2 || N != LDB) { cout << "Matrix needs to be symmetric and same dimension in " << "lapack_cholesky_solve." << endl; return; } gsl_vector_memcpy(x, b); dpotrs_(&UPLO, &N, &NRHS, A->data, &LDA, x->data, &LDB, &INFO); if (INFO != 0) { cout << "Cholesky solve unsuccessful in lapack_cholesky_solve." << endl; return; } return; } void lapack_dgemm(char *TransA, char *TransB, double alpha, const gsl_matrix *A, const gsl_matrix *B, double beta, gsl_matrix *C) { int M, N, K1, K2, LDA = A->size1, LDB = B->size1, LDC = C->size2; if (*TransA == 'N' || *TransA == 'n') { M = A->size1; K1 = A->size2; } else if (*TransA == 'T' || *TransA == 't') { M = A->size2; K1 = A->size1; } else { cout << "need 'N' or 'T' in lapack_dgemm" << endl; return; } if (*TransB == 'N' || *TransB == 'n') { N = B->size2; K2 = B->size1; } else if (*TransB == 'T' || *TransB == 't') { N = B->size1; K2 = B->size2; } else { cout << "need 'N' or 'T' in lapack_dgemm" << endl; return; } if (K1 != K2) { cout << "A and B not compatible in lapack_dgemm" << endl; return; } if (C->size1 != (size_t)M || C->size2 != (size_t)N) { cout << "C not compatible in lapack_dgemm" << endl; return; } gsl_matrix *A_t = gsl_matrix_alloc(A->size2, A->size1); gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(A_t, A); gsl_matrix *B_t = gsl_matrix_alloc(B->size2, B->size1); gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(B_t, B); gsl_matrix *C_t = gsl_matrix_alloc(C->size2, C->size1); gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(C_t, C); check_int_mult_overflow(M,K1); check_int_mult_overflow(N,K1); check_int_mult_overflow(M,N); dgemm_(TransA, TransB, &M, &N, &K1, &alpha, A_t->data, &LDA, B_t->data, &LDB, &beta, C_t->data, &LDC); gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(C, C_t); gsl_matrix_free(A_t); gsl_matrix_free(B_t); gsl_matrix_free(C_t); return; } // Eigenvalue decomposition, matrix A is destroyed. Returns eigenvalues in // 'eval'. Also returns matrix 'evec' (U). void lapack_eigen_symmv(gsl_matrix *A, gsl_vector *eval, gsl_matrix *evec, const size_t flag_largematrix) { if (flag_largematrix == 1) { // not sure this flag is used! int N = A->size1, LDA = A->size1, INFO, LWORK = -1; char JOBZ = 'V', UPLO = 'L'; if (N != (int)A->size2 || N != (int)eval->size) { cout << "Matrix needs to be symmetric and same " << "dimension in lapack_eigen_symmv." << endl; return; } LWORK = 3 * N; double *WORK = new double[LWORK]; dsyev_(&JOBZ, &UPLO, &N, A->data, &LDA, eval->data, WORK, &LWORK, &INFO); if (INFO != 0) { cout << "Eigen decomposition unsuccessful in " << "lapack_eigen_symmv." << endl; return; } gsl_matrix_view A_sub = gsl_matrix_submatrix(A, 0, 0, N, N); gsl_matrix_memcpy(evec, &A_sub.matrix); gsl_matrix_transpose(evec); delete[] WORK; } else { // entering here int N = A->size1, LDA = A->size1, LDZ = A->size1, INFO; int LWORK = -1, LIWORK = -1; char JOBZ = 'V', UPLO = 'L', RANGE = 'A'; double ABSTOL = 1.0E-7; // VL, VU, IL, IU are not referenced; M equals N if RANGE='A'. double VL = 0.0, VU = 0.0; int IL = 0, IU = 0, M; if (N != (int)A->size2 || N != (int)eval->size) { cout << "Matrix needs to be symmetric and same " << "dimension in lapack_eigen_symmv." << endl; return; } int *ISUPPZ = new int[2 * N]; double WORK_temp[1]; int IWORK_temp[1]; // disable fast NaN checking for now - dsyevr throws NaN errors, // but fixes them (apparently) if (is_check_mode()) disable_segfpe(); // DSYEVR - computes selected eigenvalues and, optionally, // eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix // Here compute both (JOBZ is V), all eigenvalues (RANGE is A) // Lower triangle is stored (UPLO is L) dsyevr_(&JOBZ, &RANGE, &UPLO, &N, A->data, &LDA, &VL, &VU, &IL, &IU, &ABSTOL, &M, eval->data, evec->data, &LDZ, ISUPPZ, WORK_temp, &LWORK, IWORK_temp, &LIWORK, &INFO); // If info = 0, the execution is successful. // If info = -i, the i-th parameter had an illegal value. // If info = i, an internal error has occurred. if (INFO != 0) cerr << "ERROR: value of INFO is " << INFO; enforce_msg(INFO == 0, "lapack_eigen_symmv failed"); LWORK = (int)WORK_temp[0]; // The dimension of the array work. LIWORK = (int)IWORK_temp[0]; // The dimension of the array iwork, lwork≥ max(1, 10n). double *WORK = new double[LWORK]; int *IWORK = new int[LIWORK]; dsyevr_(&JOBZ, &RANGE, &UPLO, &N, A->data, &LDA, &VL, &VU, &IL, &IU, &ABSTOL, &M, eval->data, evec->data, &LDZ, ISUPPZ, WORK, &LWORK, IWORK, &LIWORK, &INFO); if (INFO != 0) cerr << "ERROR: value of INFO is " << INFO; enforce_msg(INFO == 0, "lapack_eigen_symmv failed"); if (is_check_mode()) enable_segfpe(); // reinstate fast NaN checking gsl_matrix_transpose(evec); delete[] ISUPPZ; delete[] WORK; delete[] IWORK; } return; } // Does NOT set eigenvalues to be positive. G gets destroyed. Returns // eigen trace and values in U and eval (eigenvalues). double EigenDecomp(gsl_matrix *G, gsl_matrix *U, gsl_vector *eval, const size_t flag_largematrix) { lapack_eigen_symmv(G, eval, U, flag_largematrix); // Calculate track_G=mean(diag(G)). double d = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < eval->size; ++i) d += gsl_vector_get(eval, i); d /= (double)eval->size; return d; } // Same as EigenDecomp but zeroes eigenvalues close to zero. When // negative eigenvalues remain a warning is issued. double EigenDecomp_Zeroed(gsl_matrix *G, gsl_matrix *U, gsl_vector *eval, const size_t flag_largematrix) { EigenDecomp(G,U,eval,flag_largematrix); auto d = 0.0; int count_zero_eigenvalues = 0; int count_negative_eigenvalues = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < eval->size; i++) { if (std::abs(gsl_vector_get(eval, i)) < EIGEN_MINVALUE) gsl_vector_set(eval, i, 0.0); // checks if (gsl_vector_get(eval,i) == 0.0) count_zero_eigenvalues += 1; if (gsl_vector_get(eval,i) < 0.0) // count smaller than -EIGEN_MINVALUE count_negative_eigenvalues += 1; d += gsl_vector_get(eval, i); } d /= (double)eval->size; if (count_zero_eigenvalues > 1) { std::string msg = "Matrix G has "; msg += std::to_string(count_zero_eigenvalues); msg += " eigenvalues close to zero"; warning_msg(msg); } if (count_negative_eigenvalues > 0) { warning_msg("Matrix G has more than one negative eigenvalues!"); } return d; } double CholeskySolve(gsl_matrix *Omega, gsl_vector *Xty, gsl_vector *OiXty) { double logdet_O = 0.0; lapack_cholesky_decomp(Omega); for (size_t i = 0; i < Omega->size1; ++i) { logdet_O += log(gsl_matrix_get(Omega, i, i)); } logdet_O *= 2.0; lapack_cholesky_solve(Omega, Xty, OiXty); return logdet_O; } // LU decomposition. void LUDecomp(gsl_matrix *LU, gsl_permutation *p, int *signum) { enforce_gsl(gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(LU, p, signum)); return; } // LU invert. Returns inverse. Note that GSL does not recommend using // this function void LUInvert(const gsl_matrix *LU, const gsl_permutation *p, gsl_matrix *ret_inverse) { auto det = LULndet(LU); assert(det != 1.0); enforce_gsl(gsl_linalg_LU_invert(LU, p, ret_inverse)); } // LU lndet. double LULndet(const gsl_matrix *LU) { return gsl_linalg_LU_lndet((gsl_matrix *)LU); } // LU solve. void LUSolve(const gsl_matrix *LU, const gsl_permutation *p, const gsl_vector *b, gsl_vector *x) { enforce_gsl(gsl_linalg_LU_solve(LU, p, b, x)); return; } bool lapack_ddot(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, double &v) { bool flag = false; int incx = 1; int incy = 1; int n = (int)x.size(); if (x.size() == y.size()) { v = ddot_(&n, &x[0], &incx, &y[0], &incy); flag = true; } return flag; }