    Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
    Copyright © 2011-2017, Xiang Zhou
    Copyright © 2017, Peter Carbonetto
    Copyright © 2017, Pjotr Prins

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef __IO_H__
#define __IO_H__

#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_vector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include "gzstream.h"
#include "param.h"

#define tab(col) ( col ? "\t" : "")

using namespace std;

void ProgressBar(string str, double p, double total, double ratio = -1.0);

std::istream &safeGetline(std::istream &is, std::string &t);

bool ReadFile_snps(const string file_snps, set<string> &setSnps);
bool ReadFile_snps_header(const string &file_snps, set<string> &setSnps);
bool ReadFile_log(const string &file_log, double &pheno_mean);

bool ReadFile_bim(const string &file_bim, vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo);
bool ReadFile_fam(const string &file_fam, vector<vector<int>> &indicator_pheno,
                  vector<vector<double>> &pheno, map<string, int> &mapID2num,
                  const vector<size_t> &p_column);

bool ReadFile_cvt(const string &file_cvt, vector<int> &indicator_cvt,
                  vector<vector<double>> &cvt, size_t &n_cvt);
bool ReadFile_anno(const string &file_bim, map<string, string> &mapRS2chr,
                   map<string, long int> &mapRS2bp,
                   map<string, double> &mapRS2cM);
bool ReadFile_pheno(const string &file_pheno,
                    vector<vector<int>> &indicator_pheno,
                    vector<vector<double>> &pheno,
                    const vector<size_t> &p_column);
bool ReadFile_column(const string &file_pheno, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                     vector<double> &pheno, const int &p_column);

bool ReadFile_geno(const string &file_geno, const set<string> &setSnps,
                   const gsl_matrix *W, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                   vector<int> &indicator_snp, const double &maf_level,
                   const double &miss_level, const double &hwe_level,
                   const double &r2_level, map<string, string> &mapRS2chr,
                   map<string, long int> &mapRS2bp,
                   map<string, double> &mapRS2cM, vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo,
                   size_t &ns_test);
bool ReadFile_bed(const string &file_bed, const set<string> &setSnps,
                  const gsl_matrix *W, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                  vector<int> &indicator_snp, vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo,
                  const double &maf_level, const double &miss_level,
                  const double &hwe_level, const double &r2_level,
                  size_t &ns_test);
bool Bimbam_ReadOneSNP(const size_t inc, const vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                       igzstream &infile, gsl_vector *geno, double &geno_mean);
void Plink_ReadOneSNP(const int pos, const vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                      ifstream &infile, gsl_vector *geno, double &geno_mean);

void ReadFile_kin(const string &file_kin, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                  map<string, int> &mapID2num, const size_t k_mode, bool &error,
                  gsl_matrix *G);
void ReadFile_mk(const string &file_mk, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                 map<string, int> &mapID2num, const size_t k_mode, bool &error,
                 gsl_matrix *G);
void ReadFile_eigenU(const string &file_u, bool &error, gsl_matrix *U);
void ReadFile_eigenD(const string &file_d, bool &error, gsl_vector *eval);

bool BimbamKin(const string file_geno, const set<string> ksnps,
               vector<int> &indicator_snp, const int k_mode,
               const int display_pace, gsl_matrix *matrix_kin,
               const bool test_nind);
bool PlinkKin(const string &file_bed, vector<int> &indicator_snp,
              const int k_mode, const int display_pace, gsl_matrix *matrix_kin);

bool ReadFile_geno(const string file_geno, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                   vector<int> &indicator_snp, gsl_matrix *UtX, gsl_matrix *K,
                   const bool calc_K);
bool ReadFile_bed(const string &file_bed, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                  vector<int> &indicator_snp, gsl_matrix *UtX, gsl_matrix *K,
                  const bool calc_K);
bool ReadFile_geno(const string &file_geno, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                   vector<int> &indicator_snp,
                   vector<vector<unsigned char>> &Xt, gsl_matrix *K,
                   const bool calc_K, const size_t ni_test,
                   const size_t ns_test);
bool ReadFile_bed(const string &file_bed, vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                  vector<int> &indicator_snp, vector<vector<unsigned char>> &Xt,
                  gsl_matrix *K, const bool calc_K, const size_t ni_test,
                  const size_t ns_test);

bool ReadFile_est(const string &file_est, const vector<size_t> &est_column,
                  map<string, double> &mapRS2est);

bool CountFileLines(const string &file_input, size_t &n_lines);

bool ReadFile_gene(const string &file_gene, vector<double> &vec_read,
                   vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo, size_t &ng_total);

bool ReadHeader_io(const string &line, HEADER &header);
bool ReadFile_cat(const string &file_cat, map<string, size_t> &mapRS2cat,
                  size_t &n_vc);
bool ReadFile_mcat(const string &file_mcat, map<string, size_t> &mapRS2cat,
                   size_t &n_vc);

bool ReadFile_catc(const string &file_cat,
                   map<string, vector<double>> &mapRS2catc, size_t &n_cat);
bool ReadFile_mcatc(const string &file_mcat,
                    map<string, vector<double>> &mapRS2catc, size_t &n_cat);

bool BimbamKinUncentered(const string &file_geno, const set<string> ksnps,
                         const int display_pace,
                         const vector<int> &indicator_idv,
                         const vector<int> &indicator_snp,
                         const map<string, double> &mapRS2weight,
                         const map<string, size_t> &mapRS2cat,
                         const vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo, const gsl_matrix *W,
                         gsl_matrix *matrix_kin, gsl_vector *vector_ns);
bool PlinkKin(const string &file_bed, const int display_pace,
              const vector<int> &indicator_idv,
              const vector<int> &indicator_snp,
              const map<string, double> &mapRS2weight,
              const map<string, size_t> &mapRS2cat,
              const vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo, const gsl_matrix *W,
              gsl_matrix *matrix_kin, gsl_vector *vector_ns);
bool MFILEKin(const size_t mfile_mode, const string &file_mfile,
              const set<string> setKSnps, const int display_pace,
              const vector<int> &indicator_idv,
              const vector<vector<int>> &mindicator_snp,
              const map<string, double> &mapRS2weight,
              const map<string, size_t> &mapRS2cat,
              const vector<vector<SNPINFO>> &msnpInfo, const gsl_matrix *W,
              gsl_matrix *matrix_kin, gsl_vector *vector_ns);

bool ReadFile_wsnp(const string &file_wsnp, map<string, double> &mapRS2double);
bool ReadFile_wsnp(const string &file_wcat, const size_t n_vc,
                   map<string, vector<double>> &mapRS2vector);

void ReadFile_beta(const string &file_beta,
                   const map<string, size_t> &mapRS2cat,
                   const map<string, double> &mapRS2wA, vector<size_t> &vec_cat,
                   vector<size_t> &vec_ni, vector<double> &vec_weight,
                   vector<double> &vec_z2, size_t &ni_total, size_t &ns_total,
                   size_t &ns_test);
void ReadFile_beta(const string &file_beta, const map<string, double> &mapRS2wA,
                   map<string, string> &mapRS2A1, map<string, double> &mapRS2z);
void Calcq(const size_t n_block, const vector<size_t> &vec_cat,
           const vector<size_t> &vec_ni, const vector<double> &vec_weight,
           const vector<double> &vec_z2, gsl_matrix *Vq, gsl_vector *q,
           gsl_vector *s);

void ReadFile_study(const string &file_study, gsl_matrix *Vq, gsl_vector *q_vec,
                    gsl_vector *s_vec, size_t &ni);
void ReadFile_ref(const string &file_ref, gsl_matrix *S_mat,
                  gsl_matrix *Svar_mat, gsl_vector *s_vec, size_t &ni);
void ReadFile_mstudy(const string &file_mstudy, gsl_matrix *Vq,
                     gsl_vector *q_vec, gsl_vector *s_vec, size_t &ni);
void ReadFile_mref(const string &file_mref, gsl_matrix *S_mat,
                   gsl_matrix *Svar_mat, gsl_vector *s_vec, size_t &ni);
bool ReadFile_sample(const string &file_sample,
                     vector<vector<int>> &indicator_pheno,
                     vector<vector<double>> &pheno,
                     const vector<size_t> &p_column, vector<int> &indicator_cvt,
                     vector<vector<double>> &cvt, size_t &n_cvt);
