Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
Copyright © 2011-2017, Xiang Zhou
Copyright © 2017, Peter Carbonetto
Copyright © 2017, Pjotr Prins
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef __DEBUG_H__
#define __DEBUG_H__
#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"
void gemma_gsl_error_handler (const char * reason,
const char * file,
int line, int gsl_errno);
void debug_set_debug_mode(bool setting);
void debug_set_debug_data_mode(bool setting);
void debug_set_check_mode(bool setting);
void debug_set_no_check_mode(bool setting);
void debug_set_no_fpe_check_mode(bool setting);
void debug_set_strict_mode(bool setting);
void debug_set_quiet_mode(bool setting);
void debug_set_issue(uint issue);
void debug_set_legacy_mode(bool setting);
bool is_debug_mode();
bool is_debug_data_mode();
bool is_no_check_mode();
bool is_check_mode();
bool is_fpe_check_mode();
bool is_strict_mode();
bool is_quiet_mode();
bool is_issue(uint issue);
bool is_legacy_mode();
void enable_segfpe();
void disable_segfpe();
#define check_int_mult_overflow(m,n) \
{ auto x = m * n; \
enforce_msg(x / m == n, "multiply integer overflow"); }
void write(const double d, const char *msg = "");
void write(const char *s, const char *msg = "");
void write(const gsl_vector *v, const char *msg = "");
void write(const gsl_matrix *m, const char *msg = "");
gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix_safe_alloc(size_t rows,size_t cols);
int gsl_matrix_safe_memcpy (gsl_matrix *dest, const gsl_matrix *src);
void gsl_matrix_safe_free (gsl_matrix *v);
void gsl_matrix_warn_free (gsl_matrix *v);
void do_gsl_matrix_safe_free (gsl_matrix *m, const char *__pretty_function, const char *__file, int __line, bool warn_only);
double do_gsl_matrix_safe_get (const gsl_matrix * m, const size_t i, const size_t j, const char *__pretty_function, const char *__file, int __line);
#define gsl_matrix_safe_get(m,i,j) do_gsl_matrix_safe_get(m, i, j,__SHOW_FUNC,__FILE__,__LINE__);
gsl_vector *gsl_vector_safe_alloc(size_t n);
int gsl_vector_safe_memcpy (gsl_vector *dest, const gsl_vector *src);
void gsl_vector_safe_free (gsl_vector *v);
void do_gsl_vector_safe_free (gsl_vector *v, const char *__pretty_function, const char *__file, int __line);
char *do_strtok_safe(char *tokenize, const char *delimiters, const char *__pretty_function, const char *__file, int __line, const char *infile = NULL);
#define strtok_safe2(string,delimiters,infile) do_strtok_safe(string,delimiters,__SHOW_FUNC,__FILE__,__LINE__,infile)
#define strtok_safe(string,delimiters) do_strtok_safe(string,delimiters,__SHOW_FUNC,__FILE__,__LINE__)
// Validation routines
void do_validate_K(const gsl_matrix *K, const char*__pretty_func, const char *__file, int __line);
#define ROUND(f) round(f * 10000.)/10000
#define validate_K(K) do_validate_K(K,__SHOW_FUNC,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define warning_at_msg(__file,__line,msg) cerr << "**** WARNING: " << msg << " in " << __file << " at line " << __line << endl;
inline void warnfail_at_msg(bool strict, const char *__function, const char *__file, int __line, const char *msg) {
if (strict)
std::cerr << "**** STRICT FAIL: ";
std::cerr << "**** WARNING: ";
std::cerr << msg << " in " << __file << " at line " << __line << " in " << __function << std::endl;
if (strict)
std::raise(SIGINT); // keep stack trace for gdb
inline void fail_at_msg(const char *__file, int __line, std::string msg) {
std::cerr << "**** FAILED: " << msg << " in " << __file << " at line " << __line << std::endl;
std::raise(SIGINT); // keep stack trace for gdb
# define __ASSERT_VOID_CAST (void)
# endif
inline void fail_msg(const char *msg) {
std::cerr << "**** FAILED: " << msg << std::endl;
std::raise(SIGINT); // keep stack trace for gdb
inline void fail_msg(std::string msg) {
std::cerr << "**** FAILED: " << msg << std::endl;
std::raise(SIGINT); // keep stack trace for gdb
#define info_msg(msg) cerr << "**** INFO: " << msg << "." << endl;
#define msg(msg) info_msg(msg);
#if defined NDEBUG
#define __SHOW_FUNC __func__
#define warning_msg(msg) cerr << "**** WARNING: " << msg << endl;
#define debug_msg(msg)
#define assert_issue(is_issue, expr)
#else // DEBUG
#define __SHOW_FUNC __func__
#define warning_msg(msg) cerr << "**** WARNING: " << msg << " in " << __FILE__ << " at line " << __LINE__ << " in " << __func__ << endl;
#define debug_msg(msg) (is_debug_mode() && cerr << "**** DEBUG: " << msg << " in " << __FILE__ << " at line " << __LINE__ << " in " << __func__ << endl);
#define assert_issue(is_issue, expr) \
((is_issue) ? enforce_msg(expr,"FAIL: ISSUE assert") : __ASSERT_VOID_CAST(0))
#endif // NDEBUG
// enforce works like assert but also when NDEBUG is set (i.e., it
// always works). enforce_msg prints message instead of expr
/* This prints an "Assertion failed" message and aborts. */
inline void __enforce_fail(const char *__assertion, const char *__file,
unsigned int __line,
const char *__function)
std::cout << "ERROR: Enforce failed for " << __assertion << " in " << __file << " at line " << __line << " in " << __function << std::endl;
std::raise(SIGINT); // keep stack trace for gdb
// exit(1);
#define enforce(expr) \
((expr) \
: __enforce_fail(__STRING(expr), __FILE__, __LINE__, __SHOW_FUNC))
#define enforce_msg(expr, msg) \
((expr) ? __ASSERT_VOID_CAST(0) \
: __enforce_fail(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__, __SHOW_FUNC))
#define enforce_str(expr, msg) \
((expr) \
: __enforce_fail((msg).c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __SHOW_FUNC))
#define enforce_is_int(s) \
enforce_str(std::regex_match(s, std::regex("^[-+]?[0-9]+$")),s + " not an integer")
#define enforce_is_float(s) \
enforce_str(std::regex_match(s, std::regex("^[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$")),s + " not a float")
// Helpers to create a unique varname per MACRO
#define COMBINE1(X, Y) X##Y
#define COMBINE(X, Y) COMBINE1(X, Y)
#define enforce_gsl(expr) \
auto COMBINE(res, __LINE__) = (expr); \
(COMBINE(res, __LINE__) == 0 \
: __enforce_fail(gsl_strerror(COMBINE(res, __LINE__)), __FILE__, \
#define enforce_fexists(fn, msg) \
if (!fn.empty()) \
enforce_msg(stat(fn.c_str(), &fileInfo) == 0, \
((std::string(__STRING(fn)) + " " + fn + ": " + msg).c_str()));
#define gsl_matrix_safe_free(m) \
#define gsl_matrix_warn_free(m) \
#define gsl_vector_safe_free(v) \