#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gsl/gsl_blas.h" #include "gsl/gsl_cdf.h" #include "gsl/gsl_eigen.h" #include "gsl/gsl_linalg.h" #include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h" #include "gsl/gsl_vector.h" #include "debug.h" #include "mathfunc.h" static bool debug_mode = false; static bool debug_check = true; // check data/algorithms static bool debug_strict = false; // fail on error static bool debug_quiet = false; static uint debug_issue = 0; // track github issues static bool debug_legacy = false; // legacy mode void debug_set_debug_mode(bool setting) { debug_mode = setting; } void debug_set_no_check_mode(bool setting) {debug_check = !setting; } void debug_set_strict_mode(bool setting) { debug_strict = setting; } void debug_set_quiet_mode(bool setting) { debug_quiet = setting; } void debug_set_issue(uint issue) { debug_issue = issue; } void debug_set_legacy_mode(bool setting) { debug_legacy = setting; } bool is_debug_mode() { return debug_mode; }; bool is_no_check_mode() { return !debug_check; }; bool is_check_mode() { return debug_check; }; bool is_strict_mode() { return debug_strict; }; bool is_quiet_mode() { return debug_quiet; }; bool is_issue(uint issue) { return issue == debug_issue; }; bool is_legacy_mode() { return debug_legacy; }; /* Helper function to make sure gsl allocations do their job because gsl_matrix_alloc does not initiatize values (behaviour that changed in GSL2) we introduced a 'strict mode' by initializing the buffer with NaNs. This happens when NO-CHECKS is not set (default) and with DEBUG (i.e. -debug option). */ gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix_safe_alloc(size_t rows,size_t cols) { gsl_matrix *m = gsl_matrix_alloc(rows,cols); enforce_msg(m,"Not enough memory"); // just to be sure when there is no error handler set if (is_check_mode() && is_debug_mode()) { gsl_matrix_set_all(m, nan("")); } return m; } int gsl_matrix_safe_memcpy (gsl_matrix *dest, const gsl_matrix *src) { enforce(dest->size1 == src->size1); enforce(dest->size2 == src->size2); return gsl_matrix_memcpy(dest,src); } void do_gsl_matrix_safe_free (gsl_matrix *m, const char *__pretty_function, const char *__file, int __line) { enforce(m); if (is_check_mode() && is_debug_mode()) { bool has_NaN = has_nan(m); bool has_Inf = has_inf(m); if (has_NaN || has_Inf) { std::string msg = "Matrix (size "; msg += std::to_string(m->size1); msg += "x"; msg += std::to_string(m->size2); msg += ")"; if (has_Inf) warnfail_at_msg(is_strict_mode(),__pretty_function,__file,__line,(msg+" contains Infinite on free!").c_str()); if (has_NaN) warnfail_at_msg(is_strict_mode(),__pretty_function,__file,__line,(msg+" contains NaN on free!").c_str()); } } return gsl_matrix_free(m); } int gsl_vector_safe_memcpy (gsl_vector *dest, const gsl_vector *src) { enforce(dest->size == src->size); return gsl_vector_memcpy(dest,src); } void do_gsl_vector_safe_free (gsl_vector *v, const char *__pretty_function, const char *__file, int __line) { enforce(v); if (is_check_mode() && is_debug_mode()) { bool has_NaN = has_nan(v); bool has_Inf = has_inf(v); if (has_NaN || has_Inf) { std::string msg = "Vector (size "; msg += std::to_string(v->size); msg += ")"; if (has_Inf) warnfail_at_msg(is_strict_mode(),__pretty_function,__file,__line,(msg+" contains Infinite on free!").c_str()); if (has_NaN) warnfail_at_msg(is_strict_mode(),__pretty_function,__file,__line,(msg+" contains NaN on free!").c_str()); } } return gsl_vector_free(v); } /* Helper function to make sure gsl allocations do their job because gsl_vector_alloc does not initiatize values (behaviour that changed in GSL2) we introduced a 'strict mode' by initializing the buffer with NaNs. This happens when NO-CHECKS is not set and with DEBUG (i.e. -debug option). */ gsl_vector *gsl_vector_safe_alloc(size_t n) { gsl_vector *v = gsl_vector_alloc(n); enforce_msg(v,"Not enough memory"); // just to be sure when there is no error handler set if (is_check_mode() && is_debug_mode()) { gsl_vector_set_all(v, nan("")); } return v; } char *do_strtok_safe(char *tokenize, const char *delimiters, const char *__pretty_function, const char *__file, int __line) { auto token = strtok(tokenize,delimiters); if (token == NULL && (is_debug_mode() || is_strict_mode())) fail_at_msg(__file,__line,string("strtok failed in ") + __pretty_function); return token; } // Helper function called by macro validate_K(K, check). K is validated // unless -no-check option is used. void do_validate_K(const gsl_matrix *K, const char *__pretty_function, const char *__file, int __line) { if (is_check_mode()) { // debug_msg("Validating K"); auto eigenvalues = getEigenValues(K); const uint count_small = count_small_values(eigenvalues,EIGEN_MINVALUE); if (count_small>1) { std::string msg = "K has "; msg += std::to_string(count_small); msg += " eigenvalues close to zero"; warning_at_msg(__file,__line,msg); } if (!isMatrixIllConditioned(eigenvalues)) warning_at_msg(__file,__line,"K is ill conditioned!"); if (!isMatrixSymmetric(K)) warnfail_at_msg(is_strict_mode(),__pretty_function,__file,__line,"K is not symmetric!" ); const bool negative_values = has_negative_values_but_one(eigenvalues); if (negative_values) { warning_at_msg(__file,__line,"K has more than one negative eigenvalues!"); } if (count_small>1 && negative_values && !isMatrixPositiveDefinite(K)) warnfail_at_msg(is_strict_mode(),__pretty_function,__file,__line,"K is not positive definite!"); gsl_vector_free(eigenvalues); } }