* GEMMA Design Document

** Introduction

With the v0.98 release GEMMA has stabilized and contains extensive
error checking. To move faster we are moving towards integrating the
faster-lmm-d code base which is written in the D programming
language. We are also add interfaces for Python and R (and other
languages). We will try to keep a legacy C++ based GEMMA as long as
possible, but for performance and features it is likely a D compiler
is required. The good news is that most distributions contain D
compilers today.

** Faster-lmm-d integration

Faster-lmm-d is mostly a rewrite of GEMMA univariate LMM and
multivariate LMM resolvers. We compile faster-lmm-d as a library that
can be linked against GEMMA. For computing K, for example, there are
two modes: (1) that has all genotype data in RAM and (2) that loads
the genotype data directly from a geno file.

** Improved data formats

The original data formats are somewhat lacking because they make error
correction hard. In collaboration with the R/qtl2 project we aim for
supporting newer formats.

*** Kinship format

As the kinship mastrix K is symmetric we only need to store half the
data. Also we want to be able to filter and validate on the names of
individuals/samples. Next we compress it. A comparison of formats is
[[https://catchchallenger.first-world.info/wiki/Quick_Benchmark:_Gzip_vs_Bzip2_vs_LZMA_vs_XZ_vs_LZ4_vs_LZO][here]]. Decompression speed is most critical and [[https://github.com/lz4/lz4][lz4]] does a great job
there (lz4 is used in CRAM and sambamba). According to [[https://www.dummeraugust.com/main/content/blog/posts.php?pid=173][this comparison]]
text processing is fairly similar between gzip and lz4. lz4 files are
a bit larger, so decompression gains may be offset by network speeds.

To recognise the tab dilimited file we'll add a header with nind's:

# GRMv1.0
# nind=900
ind1 0.1436717816 0.006341902008 0.007596806816 ...
ind2 0.007996662028 0.008741860935 0.008489758779 ...
ind900 0.002311556029

where each row is one value shorter describing the right top half of
K. This setup allows one to use a K with for exaple ind1 missing -
just remove that row and column. The data will be stored as
name.cXX.txt.lz4 (later add the alternative name.cxx.txt.gz).