# Generic Makefile for GEMMA # # Supported platforms # # Unix / Linux LNX (default) # Mac MAC # GNU Guix GUIX (set to profile) # # Compilation options # static compilation FORCE_STATIC # # Examples: # # Make GEMMA on Linux without OPENBLAS support: # # make WITH_OPENBLAS= # # Disable debug info and checks (slightly faster release mode) # # make DEBUG= # # Force static compilation # # make FORCE_STATIC=1 # # Run tests with # # make check # # Run quick (development) tests with # # make fast-check # # Run full (lengthy) tests with # # make check-all # # To compile with CLANG # # make CXX=clang++ check # # See also the INSTALL.md document in the source tree at # # https://github.com/genetics-statistics/GEMMA/blob/master/INSTALL.md GEMMA_VERSION = $(shell cat ./VERSION) # Set this variable to either LNX or MAC ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) SYS = WIN VGEN = scripts/gen_version_info.cmd else UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) SYS = MAC else SYS = LNX # default to linux endif VGEN = scripts/gen_version_info.sh endif # Leave blank after "=" to disable; put "= 1" to enable DIST_NAME = gemma-$(GEMMA_VERSION) DEBUG = 1 # DEBUG mode, set DEBUG=0 for a release PROFILING = # Add profiling info SHOW_COMPILER_WARNINGS = WITH_OPENBLAS = 1 # Without OpenBlas uses LAPACK WITH_ATLAS = # In place of OpenBlas(?) WITH_LAPACK = # Force linking LAPACK (if OpenBlas lacks it) WITH_GSLCBLAS = # Force linking gslcblas (if OpenBlas lacks it) OPENBLAS_LEGACY = # Using older OpenBlas FORCE_STATIC = # Static linking of libraries # GCC_FLAGS = -Wall -O3 -std=gnu++11 # extra flags -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition GCC_FLAGS = -DHAVE_INLINE -pthread -Wall -std=gnu++11 # extra flags -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition TRAVIS_CI = # used by TRAVIS for testing GSL_INCLUDE_PATH = ifeq ($(SYS), WIN) GSL_INCLUDE_PATH = -isystemc:/MinGW/include -LC:/MinGW/lib EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH = ../eigen-git-mirror OPENBLAS_INCLUDE_PATH = ../OpenBLAS-v0.2.19-Win64-int32/include -L../OpenBLAS-v0.2.19-Win64-int32/lib else OPENBLAS_INCLUDE_PATH = /usr/local/opt/openblas/include ifeq ($(SYS), MAC) EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH = /usr/local/include/eigen3 else EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH = /usr/include/eigen3 endif ifndef GUIX ifdef GUIX_ENVIRONMENT GUIX=$(GUIX_ENVIRONMENT) endif endif ifdef GUIX # Effectively disable paths for GNU Guix OPENBLAS_INCLUDE_PATH = . EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH = $(GUIX)/include/eigen3 # RPATH = -Xlinker --rpath=$(GUIX)/lib GUIX_PROFILE =$(realpath $(GUIX)) endif endif # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Edit below this line with caution # -------------------------------------------------------------------- BIN_DIR = ./bin SRC_DIR = ./src TEST_SRC_DIR = ./test/src ifdef CXX # CXX defined in environment CPP = $(CXX) CC = $(CXX) else CPP = g++ endif ifeq ($(CPP), clang++) # macOS Homebrew settings (as used on Travis-CI) # GCC_FLAGS=-O3 -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -isystem$(OPENBLAS_INCLUDE_PATH) -isystem$(EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH) -Wl,-L/usr/local/opt/openblas/lib GCC_FLAGS=-std=c++11 -isystem$(OPENBLAS_INCLUDE_PATH) -isystem$(EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH) endif ifdef WITH_OPENBLAS OPENBLAS=1 # WITH_LAPACK = # OPENBLAS usually includes LAPACK CPPFLAGS += -DOPENBLAS -isystem$(OPENBLAS_INCLUDE_PATH) ifdef OPENBLAS_LEGACY # Legacy version (mostly for Travis-CI) CPPFLAGS += -DOPENBLAS_LEGACY endif else ifdef WITH_ATLAS CPPFLAGS += -DUSE_BLAS=atlas endif endif ifeq ($(CXX), clang++) # CPPFLAGS += -isystem$(GUIX)/include/c++ -isystem$(GUIX)/include/c++/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ifdef GUIX CPPFLAGS += -I$(GUIX)/include/c++ -I$(GUIX)/include/c++/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu endif # -L$(GUIX)/lib endif ifdef DEBUG ifneq ($(CXX), clang++) # Clang does not like this switch CPPFLAGS += -Og endif CPPFLAGS += -g $(GCC_FLAGS) $(GSL_INCLUDE_PATH) -isystem$(EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH) -Icontrib/catch-1.9.7 -Isrc $(RPATH) else # release mode CPPFLAGS += -DNDEBUG -O3 $(GCC_FLAGS) $(GSL_INCLUDE_PATH) -isystem$(EIGEN_INCLUDE_PATH) -Icontrib/catch-1.9.7 -Isrc $(RPATH) endif ifdef PROFILING CPPFLAGS += -pg endif ifeq ($(SYS), WIN) CPPFLAGS += -Duint="unsigned int" -D__CRT__NO_INLINE -D__STRING="__STRINGIFY" -DWINDOWS -DWITH_GSLCBLAS=1 endif ifdef SHOW_COMPILER_WARNINGS CPPFLAGS += -Wall endif ifdef FORCE_STATIC LIBS = -L$(GUIX)/lib -lgfortran -lquadmath ifndef TRAVIS_CI # Travis static compile we cheat a little CPPFLAGS += -static endif endif LIBS += -lgsl -lz ifdef WITH_OPENBLAS LIBS += -lopenblas else LIBS += -latlas -lcblas -llapack -lblas endif ifdef WITH_GSLCBLAS LIBS += -lgslcblas endif ifdef FORCE_STATIC LIBS += -lgfortran -lquadmath endif .PHONY: all OUTPUT = $(BIN_DIR)/gemma # Detailed libary paths, D for dynamic and S for static ifdef WITH_LAPACK LIBS_LNX_D_LAPACK = -llapack endif LIBS_MAC_D_LAPACK = -framework Accelerate # LIBS_LNX_S_LAPACK = /usr/lib/libgsl.a /usr/lib/libgslcblas.a /usr/lib/lapack/liblapack.a -lz # LIBS_LNX_S_LAPACK = /usr/lib/lapack/liblapack.a -lgfortran /usr/lib/atlas-base/libatlas.a /usr/lib/libblas/libblas.a -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition ifdef WITH_LAPACK ifeq ($(SYS), MAC) LIBS += $(LIBS_MAC_D_LAPACK) ifdef WITH_OPENBLAS LIBS += -Wl,-L/usr/local/opt/openblas/lib endif else ifndef FORCE_STATIC ifdef WITH_OPENBLAS LIBS += -lopenblas else LIBS += $(LIBS_LNX_D_BLAS) endif LIBS += $(LIBS_LNX_D_LAPACK) else LIBS += $(LIBS_LNX_S_LAPACK) endif endif endif HDR = $(wildcard src/*.h) ./src/version.h SOURCES = $(wildcard src/*.cpp) # all OBJS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) all: $(OUTPUT) ./src/version.h: ./VERSION $(shell bash $(VGEN) $(GUIX_PROFILE) > src/version.h) $(OUTPUT): $(OBJS) $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o $(OUTPUT) $(OBJS): $(HDR) .SUFFIXES : .cpp .c .o $(SUFFIXES) ./bin/unittests-gemma: contrib/catch-1.9.7/catch.hpp $(TEST_SRC_DIR)/unittests-main.o $(TEST_SRC_DIR)/unittests-math.o $(OBJS) $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(TEST_SRC_DIR)/unittests-main.o $(TEST_SRC_DIR)/unittests-math.o $(filter-out src/main.o, $(OBJS)) $(LIBS) -o ./bin/unittests-gemma unittests: all ./bin/unittests-gemma ./bin/unittests-gemma fast-check: all unittests rm -vf test/output/* cd test && ./dev_test_suite.sh | tee ../dev_test.log grep -q 'success rate: 100%' dev_test.log slow-check: all rm -vf test/output/* cd test && ./test_suite.sh | tee ../test.log grep -q 'success rate: 100%' test.log lengthy-check: all rm -vf test/output/* cd test && ./lengthy_test_suite.sh | tee ../lengthy_test.log grep -q 'success rate: 100%' lengthy_test.log check: fast-check slow-check check-all: check lengthy-check clean: rm -vf $(SRC_DIR)/*.o rm -vf $(SRC_DIR)/*~ rm -vf $(TEST_SRC_DIR)/*.o rm -vf $(OUTPUT) rm -vf ./bin/unittests-gemma DIST_COMMON = *.md LICENSE VERSION Makefile DIST_SUBDIRS = src doc example bin tar: version all @echo "Creating $(DIST_NAME)" mkdir -p ./$(DIST_NAME) cp $(DIST_COMMON) ./$(DIST_NAME)/ cp -r $(DIST_SUBDIRS) ./$(DIST_NAME)/ tar cvzf $(DIST_NAME).tar.gz ./$(DIST_NAME)/ rm -r ./$(DIST_NAME)