#+TITLE: Guix North America #+AUTHOR: Collin J. Doering #+begin_abstract This repository contains setup and management instructions for a Guix North American Build Farm. #+end_abstract * Install Guix on debian to be used to bootstrap the Guix os installation Following the [[https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Binary-Installation.html][Binary Installation]] section from the Guix manual to install guix. #+begin_src shell sudo apt update -y sudo apt install -y guix #+end_src This installs the Debian's packaged version of Guix, which likely is older then what's available upstream. As such, update our installation of Guix (following the [[https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Upgrading-Guix.html][Updating Guix]] documentation specific to foreign distros'). #+begin_src shell sudo -i guix pull sudo systemctl restart guix-daemon.service #+end_src * Define Guix operating-system for the machine See: [[file:balg02.scm][balg02.scm]] * Bootstrap Guix Using Guix on debian, bootstrap the machine using the configuration in [[*Define Guix operating-system for the machine][Define Guix operating-system for the machine]]. * Modify grub config on debian to add an additional (and default) option to chainload Guix grub - Add a menuitem for Guix in ~/etc/grub.d/40_custom~ - Modify ~/etc/default/grub~ setting ~GRUB_DEFAULT=~ where ~~ is the menu item number, starting from 0.