{%extends "samples/base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%} {%from "populations/macro-select-population.html" import select_population_form%} {%from "populations/macro-display-population-card.html" import display_population_card%} {%block title%}Samples — List Samples{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Samples — List Samples{%endblock%} {%block lvl4_breadcrumbs%} {%endblock%} {%block contents%} {{flash_all_messages()}}

You selected the population "{{population.FullName}}" from the "{{species.FullName}}" species.

{%if samples | length > 0%}

This population already has {{total_samples}} samples/individuals entered. You can explore the list of samples in this population in the table below.

{%if offset > 0:%} Previous {%endif%}
Samples {{offset}} — {{offset+(count if offset + count < total_samples else total_samples - offset)}} / {{total_samples}}
{%if offset + count < total_samples:%} Next {%endif%}
{%for sample in samples%} {%endfor%}
Name Auxilliary Name Symbol Alias
{{sample.sequence_number}} {{sample.Name}} {{sample.Name2}} {{sample.Symbol or "-"}} {{sample.Alias or "-"}}

delete all samples


There are no samples entered for this population. Do please go ahead and add the samples for this population by clicking on the button below.

add samples

{%endif%} {%endblock%} {%block sidebarcontents%} {{display_population_card(species, population)}} {%endblock%}