{%extends "samples/base.html"%}
{%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%}
{%from "species/macro-select-species.html" import select_species_form%}

{%block title%}Populations{%endblock%}

{%block pagetitle%}Populations{%endblock%}

{%block contents%}

<div class="row">
  <p>GeneNetwork has a selection of different species of organisms to choose from. Within those species, there are the populations of interest for a variety of experiments, from which you, the researcher, picked your samples (or individuals or cases) from. Here you can provide some basic details about your samples.</p>
  <p>To start off, we will need to know what species and population your samples belong to. Please provide that information in the next sections.</p>

  {{select_species_form(url_for("species.populations.samples.index"), species)}}

{%block javascript%}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/species.js"></script>