{%extends "platforms/base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%} {%from "species/macro-display-species-card.html" import display_species_card%} {%block title%}Platforms — List Platforms{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Platforms — List Platforms{%endblock%} {%block contents%} {{flash_all_messages()}}

View the list of the genetic sequencing platforms that are currently supported by GeneNetwork.

If you cannot find the platform you wish to use, you can add it by clicking the "New Platform" button below.

Create Platform

Supported Platforms

{%if platforms is defined and platforms | length > 0%}

There are {{total_platforms}} platforms supported by GeneNetwork

{%if start_from > 0%} Previous {%endif%}
Displaying platforms {{start_from+1}} to {{start_from+count if start_from+count < total_platforms else total_platforms}} of {{total_platforms}}
{%if start_from + count < total_platforms%} Next {%endif%}
{%for platform in platforms%} {%endfor%}
Platform Name GEO Platform Title
{{platform.sequence_number}} {{platform.GeneChipName}} {{platform.GeoPlatform}} {{platform.Title}}

There are no platforms supported at this time!

{%endblock%} {%block sidebarcontents%} {{display_species_card(species)}} {%endblock%}