{%extends "platforms/base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%} {%from "species/macro-display-species-card.html" import display_species_card%} {%block title%}Platforms — Create Platforms{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Platforms — Create Platforms{%endblock%} {%block lvl3_breadcrumbs%} {%endblock%} {%block contents%} {{flash_all_messages()}}

Create New Platform

You can create a new genetic sequencing platform below.

This is the platform's accession value on NCBI. If you do not know the value, click the link and search on NCBI for species '{{species.FullName}}'.

This is name of the genetic sequencing platform.

Use the following conventions for this field:

  1. Start with a 4-letter vendor code, e.g. "Affy" for "Affymetrix", "Illu" for "Illumina", etc.
  2. Append an underscore to the 4-letter vendor code
  3. Use the name of the array given by the vendor, e.g. U74AV2, MOE430A, etc.

The full platform title. Sometimes, this is the same as the Platform Name above.

This is a Chip identification value useful for analysis with the GeneWeaver and WebGestalt tools.
This can be left blank for custom platforms.

{%endblock%} {%block sidebarcontents%} {{display_species_card(species)}} {%endblock%}