{%extends "phenotypes/base.html"%} {%from "cli-output.html" import cli_output%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%} {%from "macro-table-pagination.html" import table_pagination%} {%from "phenotypes/macro-display-pheno-dataset-card.html" import display_pheno_dataset_card%} {%block extrameta%} {%if job and job.status not in ("success", "completed:success", "error", "completed:error")%} {%endif%} {%endblock%} {%block title%}Phenotypes{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Phenotypes{%endblock%} {%block lvl4_breadcrumbs%} {%endblock%} {%block contents%} {%if job%}


Process Status: {{job.status}}

{%if metadata%} {%for file,meta in metadata.items()%} {%endfor%}
File Status Lines Processed Total Errors
{{file}} {{meta.status}} {{meta.linecount}} {{meta["total-errors"]}}
{%if job.status in ("completed:success", "success")%}

{%if errors | length == 0%} Continue {%else%} Cannot continue due to errors. Please fix the errors first. {%endif%}



{%if errors | length == 0 %}

No errors found so far

{%else%} {%for error in errors%} {%endfor%}
File Row Column Value Message
{{error.filename}} {{error.rowtitle}} {{error.coltitle}} {%if error.cellvalue | length > 25%} {{error.cellvalue[0:24]}}… {%else%} {{error.cellvalue}} {%endif%} {%if error.message | length > 250 %} {{error.message[0:249]}}… {%else%} {{error.message}} {%endif%}
{{cli_output(job, "stdout")}}
{{cli_output(job, "stderr")}}

No Such Job

Could not find a job with the ID: {{job_id}}

Please go back to the '{{dataset.Name}}' dataset page to upload new phenotypes or edit existing ones.

{%endif%} {%endblock%} {%block sidebarcontents%} {{display_pheno_dataset_card(species, population, dataset)}} {%endblock%}