{%extends "phenotypes/add-phenotypes-base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%} {%from "macro-table-pagination.html" import table_pagination%} {%from "phenotypes/macro-display-pheno-dataset-card.html" import display_pheno_dataset_card%} {%from "phenotypes/macro-display-preview-table.html" import display_preview_table%} {%from "phenotypes/macro-display-resumable-elements.html" import display_resumable_elements%} {%block title%}Phenotypes{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Phenotypes{%endblock%} {%block lvl4_breadcrumbs%} <li {%if activelink=="add-phenotypes"%} class="breadcrumb-item active" {%else%} class="breadcrumb-item" {%endif%}> <a href="{{url_for('species.populations.phenotypes.add_phenotypes', species_id=species.SpeciesId, population_id=population.Id, dataset_id=dataset.Id)}}">Add Phenotypes</a> </li> {%endblock%} {%block frm_add_phenotypes_documentation%} <p>This page will allow you to upload all the separate files that make up your phenotypes. Here, you will have to upload each separate file individually. If you want instead to upload all your files as a single ZIP file, <a href="{{url_for('species.populations.phenotypes.add_phenotypes', species_id=species.SpeciesId, population_id=population.Id, dataset_id=dataset.Id, use_bundle=true)}}" title="">click here</a>.</p> {%endblock%} {%block frm_add_phenotypes_elements%} <fieldset id="fldset-file-metadata"> <legend>File(s) Metadata</legend> <div class="form-group"> <label for="txt-file-separator" class="form-label">File Separator</label> <div class="input-group"> <input id="txt-file-separator" name="file-separator" type="text" value="	" class="form-control" maxlength="1" /> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button id="btn-reset-file-separator" class="btn btn-info">Reset Default</button> </span> </div> <span class="form-text text-muted"> Provide the character that separates the fields in your file(s). It should be the same character for all files (if more than one is provided).<br /> A tab character will be assumed if you leave this field blank. See <a href="#docs-file-separator" title="Documentation for file-separator characters"> documentation for more information</a>. </span> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="txt-file-comment-character" class="form-label">File Comment-Character</label> <div class="input-group"> <input id="txt-file-comment-character" name="file-comment-character" type="text" value="#" class="form-control" maxlength="1" /> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button id="btn-reset-file-comment-character" class="btn btn-info"> Reset Default</button> </span> </div> <span class="form-text text-muted"> This specifies that lines that begin with the character provided will be considered comment lines and ignored in their entirety. See <a href="#docs-file-comment-character" title="Documentation for comment characters"> documentation for more information</a>. </span> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="txt-file-na" class="form-label">File "No-Value" Indicators</label> <div class="input-group"> <input id="txt-file-na" name="file-na" type="text" value="- NA N/A" class="form-control" /> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button id="btn-reset-file-na" class="btn btn-info">Reset Default</button> </span> </div> <span class="form-text text-muted"> This specifies strings in your file indicate that there is no value for a particular cell (a cell is where a column and row intersect). Provide a space-separated list of strings if you have more than one way of indicating no values. See <a href="#docs-file-na" title="Documentation for no-value fields"> documentation for more information</a>.</span> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset id="fldset-data-files"> <legend>Data File(s)</legend> <div class="form-group non-resumable-elements"> <label for="finput-phenotype-descriptions" class="form-label"> Phenotype Descriptions</label> <input id="finput-phenotype-descriptions" name="phenotype-descriptions" class="form-control" type="file" data-preview-table="tbl-preview-pheno-desc" required="required" /> <span class="form-text text-muted"> Provide a file that contains only the phenotype descriptions, <a href="#docs-file-phenotype-description" title="Documentation of the phenotype data file format."> the documentation for the expected format of the file</a>.</span> </div> {{display_resumable_elements( "resumable-phenotype-descriptions", "phenotype descriptions", '<p>You can drop a CSV file that contains the phenotype descriptions here, or you can click the "Browse" button (below and to the right) to select it from your computer.</p> <p>The CSV file must conform to some standards, as documented in the <a href="#docs-file-phenotype-description" title="Documentation of the phenotype data file format."> "Phenotypes Descriptions" documentation</a> section below.</p>')}} <div class="form-group non-resumable-elements"> <label for="finput-phenotype-data" class="form-label">Phenotype Data</label> <input id="finput-phenotype-data" name="phenotype-data" class="form-control" type="file" data-preview-table="tbl-preview-pheno-data" required="required" /> <span class="form-text text-muted"> Provide a file that contains only the phenotype data. See <a href="#docs-file-phenotype-data" title="Documentation of the phenotype data file format."> the documentation for the expected format of the file</a>.</span> </div> {{display_resumable_elements( "resumable-phenotype-data", "phenotype data", '<p>You can drop a CSV file that contains the phenotype data here, or you can click the "Browse" button (below and to the right) to select it from your computer.</p> <p>The CSV file must conform to some standards, as documented in the <a href="#docs-file-phenotype-data" title="Documentation of the phenotype data file format."> "Phenotypes Data" documentation</a> section below.</p>')}} {%if population.Family in families_with_se_and_n%} <div class="form-group non-resumable-elements"> <label for="finput-phenotype-se" class="form-label">Phenotype: Standard Errors</label> <input id="finput-phenotype-se" name="phenotype-se" class="form-control" type="file" data-preview-table="tbl-preview-pheno-se" required="required" /> <span class="form-text text-muted"> Provide a file that contains only the standard errors for the phenotypes, computed from the data above.</span> </div> {{display_resumable_elements( "resumable-phenotype-se", "standard errors", '<p>You can drop a CSV file that contains the computed standard-errors data here, or you can click the "Browse" button (below and to the right) to select it from your computer.</p> <p>The CSV file must conform to some standards, as documented in the <a href="#docs-file-phenotype-se" title="Documentation of the phenotype data file format."> "Phenotypes Data" documentation</a> section below.</p>')}} <div class="form-group non-resumable-elements"> <label for="finput-phenotype-n" class="form-label">Phenotype: Number of Samples/Individuals</label> <input id="finput-phenotype-n" name="phenotype-n" class="form-control" type="file" data-preview-table="tbl-preview-pheno-n" required="required" /> <span class="form-text text-muted"> Provide a file that contains only the number of samples/individuals used in the computation of the standard errors above.</span> </div> {{display_resumable_elements( "resumable-phenotype-n", "number of samples/individuals", '<p>You can drop a CSV file that contains the number of samples/individuals used in computation of the standard-errors here, or you can click the "Browse" button (below and to the right) to select it from your computer. </p> <p>The CSV file must conform to some standards, as documented in the <a href="#docs-file-phenotype-n" title="Documentation of the phenotype data file format."> "Phenotypes Data" documentation</a> section below.</p>')}} </fieldset> {%endif%} {%endblock%} {%block page_documentation%} <div class="row"> <h2 class="heading" id="docs-help">Help</h2> <h3 class="subheading">Common Features</h3> <p>The following are the common expectations for <strong>ALL</strong> the files provided in the form above: <ul> <li>The file <strong>MUST</strong> be character-separated values (CSV) text file</li> <li>The first row in the file <strong>MUST</strong> be a heading row, and will be composed of the list identifiers for all of samples/individuals/cases involved in your study.</li> <li>The first column of data in the file <strong>MUST</strong> be the identifiers for all of the phenotypes you wish to upload.</li> </ul> </p> <p>If you do not specify the separator character, then we will assume a <strong>TAB</strong> character was used as your separator.</p> <p>We also assume you might include comments lines in your files. In that case, if you do not specify what character denotes that a line in your files is a comment line, we will assume the <strong>#</strong> character.<br /> A comment <strong>MUST ALWAYS</strong> begin at the start of the line marked with the comment character specified.</p> <h3 class="subheading" id="docs-file-metadata">File Metadata</h3> <p>We request some details about your files to help us parse and process the files correctly. The details we collect are:</p> <dl> <dt id="docs-file-separator">File separator</dt> <dd>The files you provide should be character-separated value (CSV) files. We need to know what character you used to separate the values in your file. Some common ones are the Tab character, the comma, etc.<br /> Providing that information makes it possible for the system to parse and process your files correctly.<br> <strong>NOTE:</strong> All the files you upload MUST use the same separator.</dd> <dt id="docs-file-comment-character">Comment character</dt> <dd>We support use of comment lines in your files. We only support one type of comment style, the <em>line comment</em>.<br /> This mean the comment begins at the start of the line, and the end of that line indicates the end of that comment. If you have a really long comment, then you need to break it across multiple lines, marking each line a comment line.<br /> The "comment character" is the character at the start of the line that indicates that the line is a line comment.</dd> <dt id="docs-file-na">No-Value indicator(s)</dt> <dd>Data in the real world is messy, and in some cases, entirely absent. You need to indicate, in your files, that a particular field did not have a value, and once you do that, you then need to let the system know how you mark such fields. Common ways of indicating "empty values" are, leaving the field blank, using a character such as '-', or using strings like "NA", "N/A", "NULL", etc.<br /> Providing this information will help with parsing and processing such no-value fields the correct way.</dd> </dl> <h3 class="subheading" id="docs-file-phenotype-description"> file: Phenotypes Descriptions</h3> <p>The data in this file is a matrix of <em>phenotypes × metadata-fields</em>. Please note we use the term "metadata-fields" above loosely, due to lack of a good word for this.</p> <p>The file <strong>MUST</strong> have columns in this order: <dl> <dt>Phenotype Identifiers</dt> <dd>These are the names/identifiers for your phenotypes. These names/identifiers are the same ones you will have in all the other files you are uploading.</dd> <dt>Descriptions</dt> <dd>Each phenotype will need a description. Good description are necessary to inform other people of what the data is about. Good description are hard to construct, so we provide <a href="https://info.genenetwork.org/faq.php#q-22" title="How to write phenotype descriptions"> advice on describing your phenotypes.</a></dd> <dt>Units</dt> <dd>Each phenotype will need units for the measurements taken. If there are none, then indicate the field is a no-value field.</dd> </dl></p> <p>You can add more columns after those three if you want to, but these 3 <strong>MUST</strong> be present.</p> <p>The file would, for example, look like the following:</p> <code>id,description,units,…<br /> pheno10001|Central nervous system, behavior, cognition; …|mg|…<br /> pheno10002|Aging, metabolism, central nervous system: …|mg|…<br /> ⋮<br /></code> <p><strong>Note 01</strong>: The first usable row is the heading row.</p> <p><strong>Note 02: </strong>This example demonstrates a subtle issue that could make your CSV file invalid — the choice of your field separator character.<br > In the example above, we use the pipe character (<code>|</code>) as our field separator. This is because, if we follow the advice on how to write good descriptions, then we cannot use the comma as our separator – if we did, then our CSV file would be invalid because the system would have no way to tell the difference between the comma as a field separator, and the comma as a way to separate the "general category and ontology terms".</p> <h3 class="subheading">file: Phenotype Data, Standard Errors and/or Sample Counts</h3> <span id="docs-file-phenotype-data"></span> <span id="docs-file-phenotype-se"></span> <span id="docs-file-phenotype-n"></span> <p>The data is a matrix of <em>phenotypes × individuals</em>, e.g.</p> <code> # num-cases: 2549 # num-phenos: 13 id,IND001,IND002,IND003,IND004,…<br /> pheno10001,61.400002,54.099998,483,49.799999,…<br /> pheno10002,49,50.099998,403,45.5,…<br /> pheno10003,62.5,53.299999,501,62.900002,…<br /> pheno10004,53.099998,55.099998,403,NA,…<br /> ⋮<br /></code> <p>where <code>IND001,IND002,IND003,IND004,…</code> are the samples/individuals/cases in your study, and <code>pheno10001,pheno10002,pheno10004,pheno10004,…</code> are the identifiers for your phenotypes.</p> <p>The lines beginning with the "<em>#</em>" symbol (i.e. <code># num-cases: 2549</code> and <code># num-phenos: 13</code> are comment lines and will be ignored</p> <p>In this example, the comma (,) is used as the file separator.</p> </div> {%endblock%} {%block sidebarcontents%} {{display_preview_table("tbl-preview-pheno-desc", "descriptions")}} {{display_preview_table("tbl-preview-pheno-data", "data")}} {%if population.Family in families_with_se_and_n%} {{display_preview_table("tbl-preview-pheno-se", "standard errors")}} {{display_preview_table("tbl-preview-pheno-n", "number of samples")}} {%endif%} {{display_pheno_dataset_card(species, population, dataset)}} {%endblock%} {%block more_javascript%} <script src="{{url_for('base.node_modules', filename='resumablejs/resumable.js')}}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/files.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#btn-reset-file-separator").on("click", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); $("#txt-file-separator").val("\t"); $("#txt-file-separator").trigger("change"); }); $("#btn-reset-file-comment-character").on("click", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); $("#txt-file-comment-character").val("#"); $("#txt-file-comment-character").trigger("change"); }); $("#btn-reset-file-na").on("click", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); $("#txt-file-na").val("- NA N/A"); $("#txt-file-na").trigger("change"); }); var update_preview = (table, filedata, formdata, numrows) => { table.find("thead tr").remove() table.find(".data-row").remove(); var linenum = 0; var tableheader = table.find("thead"); var tablebody = table.find("tbody"); var numheadings = 0; var navalues = formdata .na_strings .split(" ") .map((v) => {return v.trim();}) .filter((v) => {return Boolean(v);}); filedata.forEach((line) => { if(line.startsWith(formdata.comment_char) || linenum >= numrows) { return false; } var row = $("<tr></tr>"); line.split(formdata.separator) .map((field) => { var value = field.trim(); if(navalues.includes(value)) { return "⋘NUL⋙"; } return value; }) .filter((field) => { return (field !== "" && field != undefined && field != null); }) .forEach((field) => { if(linenum == 0) { numheadings += 1; var tablefield = $("<th></th>"); tablefield.text(field); row.append(tablefield); } else { add_class(row, "data-row"); var tablefield = $("<td></td>"); tablefield.text(field); row.append(tablefield); } }); if(linenum == 0) { tableheader.append(row); } else { tablebody.append(row); } linenum += 1; }); if(table.find("tbody tr.data-row").length > 0) { add_class(table.find(".data-row-template"), "hidden"); } else { remove_class(table.find(".data-row-template"), "hidden"); } }; var makePreviewUpdater = (preview_table) => { return (data) => { update_preview( preview_table, data, filesMetadata(), PREVIEW_ROWS); }; }; var preview_tables_to_elements_map = { "#tbl-preview-pheno-desc": "#finput-phenotype-descriptions", "#tbl-preview-pheno-data": "#finput-phenotype-data", "#tbl-preview-pheno-se": "#finput-phenotype-se", "#tbl-preview-pheno-n": "#finput-phenotype-n" }; var filesMetadata = () => { return { "separator": $("#txt-file-separator").val(), "comment_char": $( "#txt-file-comment-character").val(), "na_strings": $("#txt-file-na").val() } }; var PREVIEW_ROWS = 5; var handler_update_previews = (event) => { Object.entries(preview_tables_to_elements_map).forEach((mapentry) => { var preview_table = $(mapentry[0]); var file_input = $(mapentry[1]); if(file_input.length === 1) { readFirstNLines( file_input[0].files[0], 10, [makePreviewUpdater(preview_table)]); } }); }; [ "#txt-file-separator", "#txt-file-comment-character", "#txt-file-na" ].forEach((elementid) => { $(elementid).on("change", handler_update_previews); }); [ "#finput-phenotype-descriptions", "#finput-phenotype-data", "#finput-phenotype-se", "#finput-phenotype-n" ].forEach((elementid) => { $(elementid).on("change", (event) => { readFirstNLines( event.target.files[0], 10, [makePreviewUpdater( $("#" + event.target.getAttribute("data-preview-table")))]); }); }); var resumableDisplayFiles = (display_area, files) => { files.forEach((file) => { display_area.find(".file-display").remove(); var display_element = display_area .find(".file-display-template") .clone(); remove_class(display_element, "hidden"); remove_class(display_element, "file-display-template"); add_class(display_element, "file-display"); display_element.find(".filename").text(file.name || file.fileName || file.relativePath || file.webkitRelativePath); display_element.find(".filesize").text( (file.size / (1024*1024)).toFixed(2) + "MB"); display_element.find(".fileuniqueid").text(file.uniqueIdentifier); display_element.find(".filemimetype").text(file.file.type); display_area.append(display_element); }); }; var indicateProgress = (resumable, progress_bar) => { return () => {/*Has no event!*/ var progress = (resumable.progress() * 100).toFixed(2); var pbar = progress_bar.find(".progress-bar"); remove_class(progress_bar, "hidden"); pbar.css("width", progress+"%"); pbar.attr("aria-valuenow", progress); pbar.text("Uploading: " + progress + "%"); }; }; var retryUpload = (retry_button, cancel_button) => { retry_button.on("click", (event) => { resumable.files.forEach((file) => {file.retry();}); add_class(retry_button, "hidden"); remove_class(cancel_button, "hidden"); add_class(browse_button, "hidden"); }); }; var cancelUpload = (cancel_button, retry_button) => { cancel_button.on("click", (event) => { resumable.files.forEach((file) => { if(file.isUploading()) { file.abort(); } }); add_class(cancel_button, "hidden"); remove_class(retry_button, "hidden"); remove_class(browse_button, "hidden"); }); }; var startUpload = (browse_button, retry_button, cancel_button) => { return (event) => { remove_class(cancel_button, "hidden"); add_class(retry_button, "hidden"); add_class(browse_button, "hidden"); }; }; var processForm = (form) => { var formdata = new FormData(form); uploaded_files.forEach((msg) => { formdata.delete(msg["file-input-name"]); formdata.append(msg["file-input-name"], JSON.stringify({ "uploaded-file": msg["uploaded-file"], "original-name": msg["original-name"] })); }); formdata.append("resumable-upload", "true"); return formdata; } var uploaded_files = new Set(); var submitForm = (new_file) => { uploaded_files.add(new_file); if(uploaded_files.size === resumables.length) { var form = $("#frm-add-phenotypes"); if(form.length !== 1) { // TODO: Handle error somehow? alert("Could not find form!!!"); return false; } $.ajax({ "url": form.attr("action"), "type": "POST", "data": processForm(form[0]), "processData": false, "contentType": false, "success": (data, textstatus, jqxhr) => { // TODO: Redirect to endpoint that should come as part of the // success/error message. console.log("SUCCESS DATA: ", data); console.log("SUCCESS STATUS: ", textstatus); console.log("SUCCESS jqXHR: ", jqxhr); window.location.assign(window.location.origin + data["redirect-to"]); }, }); return false; } return false; }; var uploadSuccess = (file_input_name) => { return (file, message) => { submitForm({...JSON.parse(message), "file-input-name": file_input_name}); }; }; var uploadError = () => { return (message, file) => { $("#frm-add-phenotypes input[type=submit]").removeAttr("disabled"); console.log("THE FILE:", file); console.log("THE ERROR MESSAGE:", message); }; }; var makeResumableObject = (form_id, file_input_id, resumable_element_id, preview_table_id) => { var the_form = $("#" + form_id); var file_input = $("#" + file_input_id); var submit_button = the_form.find("input[type=submit]"); if(file_input.length != 1) { return false; } var r = errorHandler( fileSuccessHandler( uploadStartHandler( filesAddedHandler( markResumableDragAndDropElement( makeResumableElement( the_form.attr("data-resumable-target"), file_input.parent(), $("#" + resumable_element_id), submit_button, ["csv", "tsv"]), file_input.parent(), $("#" + resumable_element_id), $("#" + resumable_element_id + "-browse-button")), (files) => { // TODO: Also trigger preview! resumableDisplayFiles( $("#" + resumable_element_id + "-selected-files"), files); files.forEach((file) => { readFirstNLines( file.file, 10, [makePreviewUpdater( $("#" + preview_table_id))]) }); }), startUpload($("#" + resumable_element_id + "-browse-button"), $("#" + resumable_element_id + "-retry-button"), $("#" + resumable_element_id + "-cancel-button"))), uploadSuccess(file_input.attr("name"))), uploadError()); /** Setup progress indicator **/ progressHandler( r, indicateProgress(r, $("#" + resumable_element_id + "-progress-bar"))); return r; }; var resumables = [ ["frm-add-phenotypes", "finput-phenotype-descriptions", "resumable-phenotype-descriptions", "tbl-preview-pheno-desc"], ["frm-add-phenotypes", "finput-phenotype-data", "resumable-phenotype-data", "tbl-preview-pheno-data"], ["frm-add-phenotypes", "finput-phenotype-se", "resumable-phenotype-se", "tbl-preview-pheno-se"], ["frm-add-phenotypes", "finput-phenotype-n", "resumable-phenotype-n", "tbl-preview-pheno-n"], ].map((row) => { return makeResumableObject(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]); }).filter((val) => { return Boolean(val); }); $("#frm-add-phenotypes input[type=submit]").on("click", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); // TODO: Check all the relevant files exist // TODO: Verify that files are not duplicated var filenames = []; var nondupfiles = []; resumables.forEach((r) => { var fname = r.files[0].file.name; filenames.push(fname); if(!nondupfiles.includes(fname)) { nondupfiles.push(fname); } }); // Check that all files were provided if(resumables.length !== filenames.length) { window.alert("You MUST provide all the files requested."); event.target.removeAttribute("disabled"); return false; } // Check that there are no duplicate files var duplicates = Object.entries(filenames.reduce( (acc, curr, idx, arr) => { acc[curr] = (acc[curr] || 0) + 1; return acc; }, {})).filter((entry) => {return entry[1] !== 1;}); if(duplicates.length > 0) { var msg = "The file(s):\r\n"; msg = msg + duplicates.reduce( (msgstr, afile) => { return msgstr + " • " + afile[0] + "\r\n"; }, ""); msg = msg + "is(are) duplicated. Please fix and try again."; window.alert(msg); event.target.removeAttribute("disabled"); return false; } // TODO: Check all fields // Start the uploads. event.target.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); resumables.forEach((r) => {r.upload();}); }); </script> {%endblock%}