{%extends "genotypes/base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%} {%from "populations/macro-display-population-card.html" import display_population_card%} {%block title%}Genotypes{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Genotypes{%endblock%} {%block lvl4_breadcrumbs%} {%endblock%} {%block contents%} {{flash_all_messages()}}

Genetic Markers

There are a total of {{total_markers}} currently registered genetic markers for the "{{species.FullName}}" species. You can click this link to view the genetic markers .

Genotype Encoding

The genotype encoding used for the "{{population.FullName}}" population from the "{{species.FullName}}" species is as shown in the table below.

{%for row in genocode%} {%else%} {%endfor%}
Allele Type Allele Symbol Allele Value
{{row.AlleleType}} {{row.AlleleSymbol}} {{row.DatabaseValue if row.DatabaseValue is not none else "NULL"}}
There is no explicit genotype encoding defined for this population.
{%if genocode | length < 1%} add genotype encoding {%endif%}

Some Important Concepts to Consider/Remember

Possible references

Genotype Datasets

The genotype data is organised under various genotype datasets. You can click on the link for the relevant dataset to view a little more information about it.

You can also create a new genotype dataset by clicking the button below.
create new genotype dataset

{%if datasets | length > 0%}

There are no genotype datasets to display, yet!

{%endblock%} {%block sidebarcontents%} {{display_population_card(species, population)}} {%endblock%}