{%extends "genotypes/base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%} {%from "populations/macro-display-population-card.html" import display_population_card%} {%block title%}Genotypes — Create Dataset{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Genotypes — Create Dataset{%endblock%} {%block lvl4_breadcrumbs%} {%endblock%} {%block contents%} {{flash_all_messages()}}
Create a new Genotype Dataset

This is a short representative, but constrained name for the genotype dataset.
The field will only accept letters ('A-Za-z'), numbers (0-9), hyphens and underscores. Any other character will cause the name to be rejected.

This is a longer, more descriptive name for your dataset.

A short name for your dataset. If you leave this field blank, the short name will be set to the same value as the "Name" field above.

{%endblock%} {%block sidebarcontents%} {{display_population_card(species, population)}} {%endblock%}