{%extends "base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%} {%block title%}Expression Data{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Expression Data{%endblock%} {%block breadcrumb%} {%endblock%} {%block contents%}

data upload

Each of the sections below gives you a different option for data expression-data. Please read the documentation for each section carefully to understand what each section is about.

R/qtl2 Bundles

This feature combines and extends the two upload methods below. Instead of uploading one item at a time, the R/qtl2 bundle you upload can contain both the genotypes data (samples/individuals/cases and their data) and the expression data.

The R/qtl2 bundle, additionally, can contain extra metadata, that neither of the methods below can handle.

Expression Data

This feature enables you to upload expression data. It expects the data to be in tab-separated values (TSV) files. The data should be a simple matrix of phenotype × sample, i.e. The first column is a list of the phenotypes and the first row is a list of samples/cases.

If you haven't done so please go to this page to learn the requirements for file formats and helpful suggestions to enter your data in a fast and easy way.

  1. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR DATA.Make sure your data complies with our system requirements. ( Help )
  2. UPLOAD YOUR DATA FOR DATA VERIFICATION. We accept .csv, .txt and .zip files (Help)
upload expression data


For the expression data above, you need the samples/cases in your file to already exist in the GeneNetwork database. If there are any samples that do not already exist the upload of the expression data will fail.

This section gives you the opportunity to upload any missing samples

upload Samples/Cases