The following are some of the requirements that the data in your file
MUST fulfil before it is considered valid for this system:
File headings
The first row in the file should contains the headings. The number of
headings in this first row determines the number of columns expected for
all other lines in the file.
Each heading value in the first row MUST appear in the first row
The sample/cases (previously 'strains') headers in your first row will be
against those in the
GeneNetwork database.
If you encounter an error saying your sample(s)/case(s) do not exist
in the GeneNetwork database, then you will have to use the
Upload Samples/Cases
option on this system to upload them.
NONE of the data cells/fields is allowed to be empty.
All fields/cells MUST contain a value.
The first column of the data rows will be considered a textual field,
holding the "identifier" for that row
Except for the first column/field for each data row,
NONE of the data columns/cells/fields should contain
spurious characters like `eeeee`, `5.555iloveguix`, etc...
All of them should be decimal values
decimal numbers must conform to the following criteria:
when checking an average file decimal numbers must have exactly three
decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
when checking a standard error file decimal numbers must have six or
greater decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
there must be a number to the left side of the decimal place
(e.g. 0.55555 is allowed but .55555 is not).
Supported File Types
We support the following file types:
Tab-Separated value files (.tsv)
The TAB character is used to separate the fields of each
.txt files: Content has the same format as .tsv file above
.zip files: each zip file should contain
ONE AND ONLY ONE file of the .tsv or .txt type above.
Any zip file with more than one file is invalid, and so is an empty
zip file.