/** Handlers for events in datatables **/ var dtAddRowSelectionHandler = (tableId) => { $(tableId).on("draw.dt", (event) => { $(".chk-row-select").on("change", (event) => { var checkboxOrRadio = event.target; var tablerow = checkboxOrRadio.parentElement.parentElement; var tableclass = tablerow.getAttribute("class"); if(checkboxOrRadio.checked) { if (checkboxOrRadio.type == "radio") { $(tableId + " tr").each((index, row) => { var rowKlass = $(row).attr("class") || ""; row.setAttribute( "class", rowKlass.replaceAll("selected", "").trim()); }); } tablerow.setAttribute("class", `${tableclass} selected`); } else { tablerow.setAttribute( "class", tableclass.replaceAll("selected", "").trim()); } }); }); }; var toggleCheck = (checkboxOrRadio) => { if (checkboxOrRadio.length > 0) { var currentState = checkboxOrRadio.prop("checked"); var newState = !currentState; if (currentState == true && checkboxOrRadio.attr("type").toLowerCase() == "radio") { // We don't want to toggle from true to false by clicking on the row // if it is a radio button. newState = currentState; } checkboxOrRadio.prop("checked", newState); checkboxOrRadio.trigger("change"); } }; var dtAddRowClickHandler = (tableId) => { $(tableId).on("draw.dt", (event) => { $(tableId + " tbody tr").on("click", (event) => { var row = event.target.closest("tr"); var checkboxOrRadio = $(row).find(".chk-row-select"); toggleCheck(checkboxOrRadio); }); }); };