"""Functions for accessing the database relating to species populations.""" import MySQLdb as mdb from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor def population_by_id(conn: mdb.Connection, population_id) -> dict: """Get the grouping/population by id.""" with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM InbredSet WHERE InbredSetId=%s", (population_id,)) return cursor.fetchone() def population_by_species_and_id( conn: mdb.Connection, species_id, population_id) -> dict: """Retrieve a population by its identifier and species.""" with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM InbredSet WHERE SpeciesId=%s AND Id=%s", (species_id, population_id)) return cursor.fetchone() def populations_by_species(conn: mdb.Connection, speciesid) -> tuple: "Retrieve group (InbredSet) information from the database." with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: query = "SELECT * FROM InbredSet WHERE SpeciesId=%s" cursor.execute(query, (speciesid,)) return tuple(cursor.fetchall()) return tuple() def population_families(conn) -> tuple: """Fetch the families under which populations are grouped.""" with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT(Family) FROM InbredSet WHERE Family IS NOT NULL") return tuple(row["Family"] for row in cursor.fetchall()) def population_genetic_types(conn) -> tuple: """Fetch the families under which populations are grouped.""" with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT(GeneticType) FROM InbredSet WHERE GeneticType IS " "NOT NULL") return tuple(row["GeneticType"] for row in cursor.fetchall()) def save_population(cursor: mdb.cursors.Cursor, population_details: dict) -> dict: """Save the population details to the db.""" cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(Family), FamilyOrder FROM InbredSet " "WHERE Family IS NOT NULL AND Family != '' " "AND FamilyOrder IS NOT NULL " "ORDER BY FamilyOrder ASC") _families = { row["Family"]: int(row["FamilyOrder"]) for row in cursor.fetchall() } params = { "MenuOrderId": 0, "InbredSetId": 0, "public": 2, **population_details, "FamilyOrder": _families.get( population_details["Family"], max((0,) + tuple(_families.values()))+1) } cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO InbredSet(" "InbredSetId, InbredSetName, Name, SpeciesId, FullName, " "public, MappingMethodId, GeneticType, Family, FamilyOrder," " MenuOrderId, InbredSetCode, Description" ") " "VALUES (" "%(InbredSetId)s, %(InbredSetName)s, %(Name)s, %(SpeciesId)s, " "%(FullName)s, %(public)s, %(MappingMethodId)s, %(GeneticType)s, " "%(Family)s, %(FamilyOrder)s, %(MenuOrderId)s, %(InbredSetCode)s, " "%(Description)s" ")", params) new_id = cursor.lastrowid cursor.execute("UPDATE InbredSet SET InbredSetId=%s WHERE Id=%s", (new_id, new_id)) return { **params, "Id": new_id, "InbredSetId": new_id, "population_id": new_id }