"""Test expression data path"""
import pytest

from tests.conftest import uploadable_file_object

def test_basic_elements_present_in_index_page(client):
    GIVEN: A flask application testing client
    WHEN: the index page is requested with the "GET" method and no data
    THEN: verify that the response contains error notifications
    response = client.get("/upload")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    ## form present
    assert b'<form action="/upload"' in response.data
    assert b'method="POST"' in response.data
    assert b'enctype="multipart/form-data"' in response.data
    assert b'</form>' in response.data
    ## filetype elements
    assert b'<input type="radio" name="filetype"' in response.data
    assert b'id="filetype_standard_error"' in response.data
    assert b'id="filetype_average"' in response.data
    ## file upload elements
    assert b'<label for="file_upload"' in response.data
    assert b'select file' in response.data
    assert b'<input type="file" name="qc_text_file"' in response.data
    assert b'id="file_upload"' in response.data
    ## submit button
    assert b'<button type="submit"' in response.data

def test_post_notifies_errors_if_no_data_is_provided(client):
    GIVEN: A flask application testing client
    WHEN: the index page is requested with the "POST" method and with no
          data provided
    THEN: ensure the system responds woit the appropriate error messages
    response = client.post("/upload", data={}, follow_redirects=True)
    assert len(response.history) == 1
    redirect = response.history[0]
    assert redirect.status_code == 302
    assert redirect.location == "/upload"

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert b'Invalid file type provided.' in response.data
    assert b'No file was uploaded.' in response.data

def test_post_with_correct_data(client):
    GIVEN: A flask application testing client
    WHEN: the index page is requested with the "POST" method and with the
          appropriate data provided
    THEN: ensure the system redirects to the parse endpoint with the filename
          and filetype
    response = client.post(
        "/upload", data={
            "speciesid": 1,
            "filetype": "average",
            "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object("no_data_errors.tsv")

    assert response.status_code == 302
    assert b'Redirecting...' in response.data
    assert (
        in response.data)

    (({"filetype": "invalid_choice",
       "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object("no_data_errors.tsv")},
      b'Invalid file type provided.'),
     ({"filetype": "average"}, b'No file was uploaded.'),
     ({"filetype": "standard-error"}, b'No file was uploaded.')))
def test_post_with_missing_or_invalid_data(client, request_data,error_message):
    GIVEN: A flask application testing client
    WHEN: the index page is requested with the "POST" method and with data
          either being missing or invalid
    THEN: ensure that the system responds with the appropriate error message
    response = client.post("/upload", data=request_data, follow_redirects=True)
    assert len(response.history) == 1
    redirect = response.history[0]
    assert redirect.status_code == 302
    assert redirect.location == "/upload"

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert error_message in response.data