"""Test the parsing of the R/qtl2 bundles with multiple values for file keys."""
from pathlib import Path

import pytest
from zipfile import ZipFile

from r_qtl import r_qtl2 as rqtl2

          "id": "1", "PVV4": 1, "AXR-1": 1, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 1, "EC.480C": 1,
          "EC.66C": 1
      }, {
          "id": "2", "PVV4": 1, "AXR-1": 1, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 1, "EC.480C": 1,
          "EC.66C": 1
      }, {
          "id": "3", "PVV4": 2, "AXR-1": 2, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": None,
          "EC.480C": 1, "EC.66C": 1
      }, {
          "id": "4", "PVV4": 1, "AXR-1": 1, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 1, "EC.480C": 1,
          "EC.66C": 1
      }, {
          "id": "5", "PVV4": 2, "AXR-1": 2, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 2, "EC.480C": 2,
          "EC.66C": 2
      }, {
          "id": "6", "PVV4": 2, "AXR-1": 2, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 2, "EC.480C": 2,
          "EC.66C": 2
      }, {
          "id": "7", "PVV4": 1, "AXR-1": 1, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 1, "EC.480C": 1,
          "EC.66C": 1
      }, {
          "id": "8", "PVV4": 2, "AXR-1": 2, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 2, "EC.480C": 1,
          "EC.66C": 1
      }, {
          "id": "9", "PVV4": None, "AXR-1": 2, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 2,
          "EC.480C": 2, "EC.66C": 2
      }, {
          "id": "10", "PVV4": 2, "AXR-1": 2, "HH.335C-Col/PhyA": 2, "EC.480C": 2,
          "EC.66C": 2
def test_parse_multiple_files(filepath, filekey, expected):
    """Test parsing of files from R/qtl2 bundle where file keys have multiple values.

    GIVEN: Path to a zip file with R/qtl2 data
    WHEN: we parse the geno file
    THEN: ensure that the data we get is as expected
    with ZipFile(Path(filepath).absolute(), "r") as zfile:
        cdata = rqtl2.control_data(zfile)
        process_fns = (rqtl2.make_process_data_geno(cdata)
                       if filekey == "geno" else tuple())
        assert tuple(rqtl2.file_data(
            zfile, filekey, cdata, *process_fns)) == expected