"Test that the progress indication works correctly" def test_with_non_existing_job(client, redis_conn_with_fresh_job): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument] """ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client 2. A redis instance with a fresh, unstarted job WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded for a non existing job THEN: Ensure that the page: 1. Has a meta tag to redirect it to the index page after 5 seconds 2. Has text indicating that the job does not exist """ job_id = "non-existent-job-id" resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}") assert resp.status_code == 400 assert ( b"No job, with the id 'non-existent-job-id' was found!" in resp.data) assert b'' in resp.data def test_with_unstarted_job(client, job_id, redis_conn_with_fresh_job): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument] """ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client 2. A redis instance with a fresh, unstarted job WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded THEN: Ensure that the page: 1. Has a meta tag to refresh it after 5 seconds 2. Has a progress indicator with zero progress """ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}") assert b'' in resp.data assert ( b'' in resp.data def test_with_in_progress_no_error_job( client, job_id, redis_conn_with_in_progress_job_no_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument] """ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client 2. A redis instance with a job in progress, with no errors found in the file so far WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded THEN: Ensure that the page: 1. Has a meta tag to refresh it after 5 seconds 2. Has a progress indicator with the percent of the file processed indicated """ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}") assert b'' in resp.data assert ( b'' in resp.data assert ( b'No errors found so far' in resp.data) assert b"' in resp.data assert ( b'' in resp.data assert ( b'

We have found the following errors so far

' in resp.data) assert b'table class="table reports-table">' in resp.data assert b'Duplicate Header' in resp.data assert b'Invalid Value' in resp.data def test_with_completed_job_no_errors( client, job_id, redis_conn_with_completed_job_no_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument] """ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client 2. A redis instance with a completed job, with no errors found in the file so far WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded THEN: Ensure that the response is a redirection to the results page """ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}") assert resp.status_code == 302 assert f"/parse/results/{job_id}".encode("utf8") in resp.data def test_with_completed_job_some_errors( client, job_id, redis_conn_with_completed_job_no_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument] """ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client 2. A redis instance with a completed job, with some errors found in the file so far WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded THEN: Ensure that the response is a redirection to the results page """ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}") assert resp.status_code == 302 assert f"/parse/results/{job_id}".encode("utf8") in resp.data