"""Load pheno from R/qtl2 bundle into the database."""
import sys
import argparse
import traceback
from zipfile import ZipFile
from functools import reduce
from logging import Logger, getLogger

from redis import Redis
import MySQLdb as mdb
from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor

from scripts.rqtl2.entry import build_main
from scripts.rqtl2.cli_parser import add_common_arguments
from scripts.cli_parser import init_cli_parser, add_global_data_arguments

from r_qtl import r_qtl2 as rqtl2
from r_qtl import r_qtl2_qc as rqc

from functional_tools import take

__MODULE__ = "scripts.rqtl2.install_phenos"

def insert_probesets(dbconn: mdb.Connection,
                     platformid: int,
                     phenos: tuple[str, ...]) -> int:
    """Insert any new phenos into the database."""
    with dbconn.cursor() as cursor:
            "INSERT INTO ProbeSet(ChipId, Name) VALUES(%(chipid)s, %(pheno)s) "
            "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Name=Name",
            tuple({"pheno": pheno, "chipid": platformid} for pheno in phenos))
        return cursor.rowcount

def insert_probeset_data(dbconn: mdb.Connection,
                         speciesid: int,
                         phenos: tuple[dict, ...]) -> tuple[
                             int, tuple[dict, ...]]:
    """Insert numeric (averages) data into the database."""
    with dbconn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
        _other, samplenames = reduce(#type: ignore[var-annotated]
            lambda acc, row: (#type: ignore[arg-type, return-value]
                (acc[0] + (row,)),
                (acc[1] + (row["id"],))),
            (tuple(), tuple()))
        paramstr = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(samplenames))
            "SELECT Id, Name FROM Strain WHERE SpeciesId=%s "
            f"AND Name IN ({paramstr})",
            (speciesid,) + samplenames)
        sampleids = {row["Name"]: row["Id"] for row in cursor.fetchall()}
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(Id) AS lastid FROM ProbeSetData")
        lastid = (cursor.fetchone() or {}).get("lastid", 0)
        data = tuple(
            {**row, "psdid": lastid + idx}
            for idx, row in enumerate(
                    (item for item in ({
                        "sampleid": sampleids[innerrow["id"]],
                        "value": innerrow[pheno],
                        "pheno": pheno
                    } for innerrow in phenos for pheno in
                      (key for key in innerrow.keys() if key != "id"))
                     if item["value"] is not None),
            "INSERT INTO ProbeSetData(Id, StrainId, value) "
            "VALUES(%(psdid)s, %(sampleid)s, %(value)s)",
        return cursor.rowcount, tuple({
            "dataid": row["psdid"],
            "pheno": row["pheno"]
        } for row in data)

def cross_reference_probeset_data(dbconn: mdb.Connection,
                                  platformid: int,
                                  datasetid: int,
                                  phenos: tuple[str, ...],
                                  dataids: tuple[dict, ...]) -> int:
    Cross-reference the data with the dataset and related ProbeSet phenotype.
    with dbconn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
        paramstr = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(phenos))
        cursor.execute("SELECT Id, Name FROM ProbeSet WHERE ChipId=%s "
                       f"AND Name IN ({paramstr})",
                       (platformid,) + phenos)
        phenoids = {row["Name"]: row["Id"] for row in cursor.fetchall()}
            "INSERT INTO ProbeSetXRef(ProbeSetFreezeId, ProbeSetId, DataId) "
            "VALUES(%(datasetid)s, %(phenoid)s, %(dataid)s)",
                "datasetid": datasetid,
                "phenoid": phenoids.get(row["pheno"])
            } for row in dataids))
        return cursor.rowcount

def install_pheno_files(#pylint: disable=[too-many-locals]
        rconn: Redis,#pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
        dbconn: mdb.Connection,
        fullyqualifiedjobid: str,#pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
        args: argparse.Namespace,
        logger: Logger = getLogger()) -> int:
    """Load data in `pheno` files and other related files into the database."""
    (speciesid, platformid, datasetid, rqtl2bundle) = (
        args.speciesid, args.platformid, args.datasetid, args.rqtl2bundle)
    with ZipFile(str(rqtl2bundle), "r") as zfile:
            logger.info("R/qtl2 bundle validated successfully.")

            cdata = rqtl2.control_data(zfile)
            phenodata = rqtl2.file_data(zfile, "pheno", cdata)
            phenorows = 0
            datarows = 0
            while True:
                batch = tuple(take(phenodata, 1000))
                if len(batch) == 0:
                    logger.info("pheno data loading complete!")
                    logger.info("Inserted a total of %s new ProbeSets and %s "
                                "new data rows.",

                phenos = tuple(key for key in batch[0].keys() if key != "id")
                count = insert_probesets(dbconn, platformid, phenos)
                phenorows += count
                logger.info("Inserted %s new ProbeSets", count)

                count, dataids = insert_probeset_data(dbconn, speciesid, batch)
                datarows += count
                logger.info("Inserted %s new data rows", count)

                    dbconn, platformid, datasetid, phenos, dataids)
        except rqtl2.InvalidFormat as _exc:
            logger.debug("There is no pheno file in the R/qtl2 bundle.")
        except Exception as _exc:# pylint: disable=[broad-except]
            logger.error("Failing with the exception: %s", traceback.format_exc())
            return 3
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

    def cli_args():
        """Process command-line arguments for `install_phenos`"""
        parser = add_global_data_arguments(init_cli_parser(
            "Parse genotypes from R/qtl2 bundle into the database."))

            help="The platform from which the data was generated.")

        parser = add_common_arguments(parser)

        return parser.parse_args()

    main = build_main(cli_args(), install_pheno_files, __MODULE__)