"""Load genotypes from R/qtl2 bundle into the database.""" import sys import uuid import logging import traceback from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile from argparse import ArgumentParser import MySQLdb as mdb from redis import Redis from r_qtl import r_qtl2 as rqtl2 from quality_control.parsing import take from qc_app.db_utils import database_connection from qc_app.check_connections import check_db, check_redis from scripts.redis_logger import RedisLogger stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr) logger = logging.getLogger("install_genotypes") logger.addHandler(stderr_handler) def insert_genotypes(dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int, populationid: int, genotypes: tuple[dict]) -> int: """Insert genotype and genotype values into the database.""" with dbconn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO Geno(SpeciesId, Name, Marker_Name) " "VALUES (%(speciesid)s, %(marker)s, %(marker)s) " "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " "SpeciesId=VALUE(SpeciesId)", tuple({"speciesid": speciesid, "marker": geno["marker"]} for geno in genotypes)) # TODO: Install individuals/samples/strains: Strain # TODO: Cross-ref samples to population: StrainXRef # TODO: Install geno data: GenoData return cursor.rowcount def install_genotypes(dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int, populationid: int, rqtl2bundle: Path) -> int: """Load any existing genotypes into the database.""" count = 0 installed = 0 with ZipFile(str(rqtl2bundle.absolute()), "r") as zfile: try: logger.info("Validating bundle") rqtl2.validate_bundle(zfile) logger.info("Bundle validated successfully.") logger.info(("Loading genotypes. This could take a while. " "Please be patient.")) cdata = rqtl2.control_data(zfile) genotypes = rqtl2.file_data(zfile, "geno", cdata, rqtl2.make_process_data_geno(cdata)) while True: batch = tuple(take(genotypes, 5000)) if len(batch) == 0: logger.info("Loading Genotypes complete!") logger.info( f"Total genotypes installed: {installed} of {count}") break curr_installed = insert_genotypes( dbconn, speciesid, populationid, batch) installed = installed + curr_installed count = count + len(batch) logger.info(f"Installed {curr_installed} genotypes") if "gmap" in cdata: logger.info("Loading genetic mapping info.") # TODO: load gmap files logger.info("Successfully loaded genetic mapping.") if "pmap" in cdata: logger.info("Loading physical mapping info.") # TODO: load pmap files logger.info("Successfully loaded physical mapping.") except rqtl2.InvalidFormat as exc: logger.error(str(exc)) logger.info("There are no genotypes to load.") except Exception as exc: logger.error("Failing with exception: %s", traceback.format_exc()) return 3 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": def cli_args(): """Process command-line arguments for install_genotypes""" parser = ArgumentParser( prog="install_genotypes", description="Parse genotypes from R/qtl2 bundle into the database.") parser.add_argument("databaseuri", help="URL to MariaDB") parser.add_argument("redisuri", help="URL to Redis") parser.add_argument("jobid", help="Job ID that this belongs to.", type=uuid.UUID) parser.add_argument("speciesid", help="Species to which bundle relates.") parser.add_argument("populationid", help="Population to group data under") parser.add_argument("rqtl2bundle", help="Path to R/qtl2 bundle zip file.", type=Path) parser.add_argument("--redisexpiry", help="How long to keep any redis keys around.", type=int, default=86400) return parser.parse_args() def main(): """Run `install_genotypes` scripts.""" args = cli_args() check_db(args.databaseuri) check_redis(args.redisuri) if not args.rqtl2bundle.exists(): logging.error("File not found: '%s'.", args.rqtl2bundle) return 2 with (Redis.from_url(args.redisuri, decode_responses=True) as rconn, database_connection(args.databaseuri) as dbconn): formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s") job_messagelist = f"{str(args.jobid)}:log-messages" rconn.hset(name=str(args.jobid), key="log-messagelist", value=job_messagelist) redislogger = RedisLogger( rconn, args.jobid, expiry=args.redisexpiry) redislogger.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(redislogger) logger.setLevel("INFO") return install_genotypes(dbconn, args.speciesid, args.populationid, args.rqtl2bundle) sys.exit(main())