"""Load genotypes from R/qtl2 bundle into the database.""" import sys import traceback from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile from functools import reduce from typing import Iterator, Optional from logging import Logger, getLogger, StreamHandler import MySQLdb as mdb from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor from r_qtl import r_qtl2 as rqtl2 from r_qtl import r_qtl2_qc as rqc from functional_tools import take from scripts.rqtl2.entry import build_main from scripts.rqtl2.cli_parser import add_common_arguments from scripts.cli_parser import init_cli_parser, add_global_data_arguments def insert_markers(dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int, markers: tuple[str, ...], pmapdata: Optional[Iterator[dict]]) -> int: """Insert genotype and genotype values into the database.""" mdata = reduce(#type: ignore[var-annotated] lambda acc, row: ({#type: ignore[arg-type, return-value] **acc, row["id"]: { key: val for key,val in row.items() if key != "id" } }), (pmapdata or tuple()), {}) with dbconn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO Geno(SpeciesId, Name, Marker_Name, Chr, Mb) " "VALUES (%(speciesid)s, %(marker)s, %(marker)s, %(chr)s, %(pos)s) " "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE SpeciesId=SpeciesId", tuple({ (speciesid, marker): { "speciesid": speciesid, "marker": marker, "chr": mdata.get(marker, {}).get("chr"), "pos": mdata.get(marker, {}).get("pos") } for marker in markers}.values())) return cursor.rowcount def insert_individuals(dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int, individuals: tuple[str, ...]) -> int: """Insert individuals/samples into the database.""" with dbconn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO Strain(Name, Name2, SpeciesId) " "VALUES(%(id)s, %(id)s, %(speciesid)s) " "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Name=Name", tuple({"speciesid": speciesid, "id": individual} for individual in individuals)) return cursor.rowcount def cross_reference_individuals(dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int, populationid: int, individuals: tuple[str, ...]) -> int: """Cross reference any inserted individuals.""" with dbconn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: paramstr = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(individuals)) cursor.execute("SELECT Id FROM Strain " f"WHERE SpeciesId=%s AND Name IN ({paramstr})", (speciesid,) + individuals) ids = ({"popid": populationid, "indid": row["Id"]} for row in cursor.fetchall()) cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO StrainXRef(InbredSetId, StrainId) " "VALUES(%(popid)s, %(indid)s) " "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE InbredSetId=InbredSetId", tuple(ids)) return cursor.rowcount def insert_genotype_data(dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int, genotypes: tuple[dict, ...], individuals: tuple[str, ...]) -> tuple[ int, tuple[dict, ...]]: """Insert the genotype data values into the database.""" with dbconn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: paramstr = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(individuals)) cursor.execute( f"SELECT Id, Name FROM Strain WHERE Name IN ({paramstr})", individuals) indids = {row["Name"]: row["Id"] for row in cursor.fetchall()} markers = tuple(key for key in genotypes[0].keys() if key != "id") paramstr = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(markers)) cursor.execute( f"SELECT Id, Name FROM Geno WHERE SpeciesId=%s AND Name IN ({paramstr})", (speciesid,)+markers) markerids = {row["Name"]: row["Id"] for row in cursor.fetchall()} cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(Id) AS lastid FROM GenoData") lastid = cursor.fetchone()["lastid"] data = tuple(item for item in ( {**row, "gid": gid} for gid, row in enumerate( ({ "value": innerrow[marker], "indid": indids[innerrow["id"]], "markerid": markerids[marker] } for innerrow in genotypes for marker in (key for key in innerrow.keys() if key != "id")), start=lastid+1)) if item["value"] is not None) cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO GenoData(Id, StrainId, value) " "VALUES(%(gid)s, %(indid)s, %(value)s)", data) return cursor.rowcount, tuple({ "dataid": row["gid"], "markerid": row["markerid"] } for row in data) def cross_reference_genotypes(dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int, datasetid: int, dataids: tuple[dict, ...], gmapdata: Optional[Iterator[dict]]) -> int: """Cross-reference the data to the relevant dataset.""" _rows, markers, mdata = reduce(#type: ignore[var-annotated] lambda acc, row: (#type: ignore[return-value,arg-type] (acc[0] + (row,)), (acc[1] + (row["id"],)), { **acc[2], row["id"]: { key: val for key,val in row.items() if key != "id" } }), (gmapdata or tuple()), (tuple(), tuple(), {})) with dbconn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor: paramstr = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(markers)) cursor.execute("SELECT Id, Name FROM Geno " f"WHERE SpeciesId=%s AND Name IN ({paramstr})", (speciesid,) + markers) markersdict = {row["Id"]: row["Name"] for row in cursor.fetchall()} cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO GenoXRef(GenoFreezeId, GenoId, DataId, cM) " "VALUES(%(datasetid)s, %(markerid)s, %(dataid)s, %(pos)s) " "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE GenoFreezeId=GenoFreezeId", tuple({ **row, "datasetid": datasetid, "pos": mdata.get(markersdict.get( row.get("markerid"), {}), {}).get("pos") } for row in dataids)) return cursor.rowcount def install_genotypes(#pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments, too-many-locals] dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int, populationid: int, datasetid: int, rqtl2bundle: Path, logger: Logger = getLogger()) -> int: """Load any existing genotypes into the database.""" count = 0 with ZipFile(str(rqtl2bundle.absolute()), "r") as zfile: try: logger.info("Validating bundle") rqc.validate_bundle(zfile) logger.info("Bundle validated successfully.") logger.info(("Loading genotypes. This could take a while. " "Please be patient.")) cdata = rqtl2.control_data(zfile) genotypes = rqtl2.genotype_data(zfile) while True: batch = tuple(take(genotypes, 1000)) if len(batch) == 0: logger.info("Loading Genotypes complete!") logger.info( "Total rows processed: %s", count) break insert_markers( dbconn, speciesid, tuple(key for key in batch[0].keys() if key != "id"), (rqtl2.file_data(zfile, "pmap", cdata) if "pmap" in cdata else None)) individuals = tuple(row["id"] for row in batch) insert_individuals(dbconn, speciesid, individuals) cross_reference_individuals( dbconn, speciesid, populationid, individuals) _num_rows, dataids = insert_genotype_data( dbconn, speciesid, batch, individuals) cross_reference_genotypes( dbconn, speciesid, datasetid, dataids, (rqtl2.file_data(zfile, "gmap", cdata) if "gmap" in cdata else None)) count = count + len(batch) except rqtl2.InvalidFormat as exc: logger.error(str(exc)) logger.info("There are no genotypes to load.") except Exception as _exc:# pylint: disable=[broad-except] # Narrow this exception with time. logger.error("Failing with exception: %s", traceback.format_exc()) return 3 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": def cli_args(): """Process command-line arguments for install_genotypes""" parser = add_common_arguments(add_global_data_arguments(init_cli_parser( "install_genotypes", "Parse genotypes from R/qtl2 bundle into the database."))) return parser.parse_args() thelogger = getLogger("install_genotypes") thelogger.addHandler(StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)) main = build_main( cli_args(), lambda dbconn, args: install_genotypes(dbconn, args.speciesid, args.populationid, args.datasetid, args.rqtl2bundle), thelogger, "INFO") sys.exit(main())