"""Common utilities for CLI parsers""" from uuid import UUID from typing import Optional from argparse import ArgumentParser def init_cli_parser(program: str, description: Optional[str] = None) -> ArgumentParser: """Initialise the CLI arguments parser.""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog=program, description=description) parser.add_argument( "databaseuri", type=str, help="URI to connect to MariaDB") parser.add_argument( "redisuri", type=str, help="URI to connect to the redis server.") parser.add_argument("jobid", type=UUID, help="Job ID that this belongs to") parser.add_argument( "--redisexpiry", type=int, default=86400, help="How long to keep any redis keys around.") return parser def add_global_data_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: """Add the global (present in nearly ALL scripts) CLI arguments.""" parser.add_argument("speciesid", type=int, help="Species to which bundle relates.") parser.add_argument("populationid", type=int, help="Population to group data under") return parser