"""The R/qtl2 parsing and processing code.""" import io import csv import json import yaml from pathlib import Path from functools import reduce from typing import Any, List, Union, Iterator from zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo, is_zipfile from r_qtl.errors import InvalidFormat def thread_op(value, *functions): """Thread the `value` through the sequence of `functions`.""" return reduce(lambda result, func: func(result), functions, value) def control_data(zfile: ZipFile) -> dict: """Retrieve the control file from the zip file info.""" files = tuple(filename for filename in zfile.namelist() if (filename.endswith(".yaml") or filename.endswith(".json"))) num_files = len(files) if num_files == 0: raise InvalidFormat("Expected a json or yaml control file.") if num_files > 1: raise InvalidFormat("Found more than one possible control file.") return (json.loads(zfile.read(files[0])) if files[0].endswith(".json") else yaml.safe_load(zfile.read(files[0]))) def genotype_metadata(zfile: ZipFile, cdata: dict) -> dict: """Read Individual ID key and the marker names.""" # TODO: Handle transposed files line_num = 0 with zfile.open(cdata["geno"]) as genofile: for line in filter(lambda line: not line.startswith("#"), io.TextIOWrapper(genofile)): line_parts = line.strip().split(cdata.get("sep", ",")) return { "individual_id_key": line_parts[0].strip(), "markers": tuple(marker.strip() for marker in line_parts[1:]) } def genotype_data(zfile: ZipFile, cdata: dict) -> Iterator[dict]: """Load the genotype file, making use of the control data.""" # TODO: Handle transposed files with zfile.open(cdata["geno"]) as genofile: reader = csv.DictReader(filter(lambda line: not line.startswith("#"), io.TextIOWrapper(genofile)), delimiter=cdata.get("sep", ",")) if not cdata.get("geno_transposed", False): for row in reader: yield { key: thread_op( value, # replace genotype codes lambda val: cdata["genotypes"].get(val, val), # replace N/A strings lambda val: ( None if val in cdata["na.strings"] else val)) for key,value in row.items() } def map_data(zfile: ZipFile, map_type: str, cdata: dict) -> dict: """Read gmap files to get the genome mapping data""" assert map_type in ("genetic-map", "physical-map"), "Invalid map type" map_file = cdata[{ "genetic-map": "gmap", "physical-map": "pmap" }[map_type]] # TODO: Might need to check `gmap_transposed` and `pmap_transposed` instead # of `geno_transposed` -- see # https://github.com/rqtl/qtl2data/blob/main/ArabMAGIC/arabmagic_tair8.json # for the *_transposed values transposed_dict = { "genetic-map": "gmap_transposed", "physical-map": "pmap_transposed" } if not cdata.get(transposed_dict[map_type], False): with zfile.open(map_file) as gmapfile: reader = csv.DictReader( filter(lambda line: not line.startswith("#"), io.TextIOWrapper(gmapfile)), delimiter=cdata.get("sep", ",")) return tuple(row for row in reader) with zfile.open(map_file) as gmapfile: lines = [[field.strip() for field in line.strip().split(cdata.get("sep", ","))] for line in filter(lambda line: not line.startswith("#"), io.TextIOWrapper(gmapfile))] headers = tuple(line[0] for line in lines) return reduce( lambda gmap, row: gmap + (dict(zip(headers, row)),), zip(*(line[1:] for line in lines)), tuple()) def read_r_qtl2_files(filepath: Path): """Read R/qtl2 format zip files.""" with ZipFile(filepath, "r") as zfile: cf = control_data(zfile) raise NotImplementedError("Implementation is incomplete.")