"""Module handling the high-level parsing of the files"""
import collections
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from functools import partial
from typing import Tuple, Union, Generator, Callable, Optional

import MySQLdb as mdb
from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor

import quality_control.average as avg
from quality_control.file_utils import open_file
import quality_control.standard_error as se
from quality_control.errors import (
    InvalidValue, DuplicateHeading, InconsistentColumns)
from quality_control.headers import (
    invalid_header, invalid_headings, duplicate_headings)

class FileType(Enum):
    """Enumerate the expected file types"""
    AVERAGE = 1

def strain_names(dbconn: mdb.Connection, speciesid: int) -> tuple[str, ...]:
    """Retrieve samples/cases from database."""
    with dbconn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Strain WHERE SpeciesId=%s",
        samplenames = ((row["Name"], row["Name2"]) for row in cursor.fetchall())
        return tuple(set(filter(
            lambda item: bool(item.strip() if item is not None else item),
            (name for names in samplenames for name in names))))

def header_errors(filename, line_number, fields, strains):
    """Gather all header row errors."""
    return (
        (invalid_header(filename, line_number, fields),) +
        invalid_headings(filename, line_number, strains, fields[1:]) +
        duplicate_headings(filename, line_number, fields))

def empty_value(filename, line_number, column_number, value):
    """Check for empty field values."""
    if value == "":
        return InvalidValue(filename, line_number, column_number, value,
                            "Empty value for column")
    return None

def average_errors(filename, line_number, fields):
    """Gather all errors for a line in a averages file."""
    return (
        (empty_value(filename, line_number, 1, fields[0]),) +
            avg.invalid_value(filename, line_number, *field)
            for field in enumerate(fields[1:], start=2)))

def se_errors(filename, line_number, fields):
    """Gather all errors for a line in a standard-errors file."""
    return (
        (empty_value(filename, line_number, 1, fields[0]),) +
            se.invalid_value(filename, line_number, *field)
            for field in enumerate(fields[1:], start=2)))

def make_column_consistency_checker(filename, header_row):
    """Build function to check for column consistency"""
    headers = tuple(field.strip() for field in header_row.split("\t"))
    def __checker__(line_number, contents_row):
        contents = tuple(field.strip() for field in contents_row.split("\t"))
        if len(contents) != len(headers):
            return InconsistentColumns(
                filename, line_number, len(headers), len(contents),
                (f"Header row has {len(headers)} columns while row "
                 f"{line_number} has {len(contents)} columns"))
        return None
    return __checker__

def collect_errors(
        filepath: str, filetype: FileType, strains: list,
        update_progress: Optional[Callable] = None,
        user_aborted: Callable = lambda: False) -> Generator:
    """Run checks against file and collect all the errors"""
    errors:Tuple[Union[InvalidValue, DuplicateHeading], ...] = tuple()
    def __process_errors__(
            filename, line_number, line, error_checker_fn, errors = tuple()):
        errs = error_checker_fn(
            tuple(field.strip() for field in line.split("\t")))
        if errs is None:
            return errors
        if isinstance(errs, collections.abc.Sequence):
            return errors + tuple(error for error in errs if error is not None)
        return errors + (errs,)

    with open_file(filepath) as input_file:
        filename = Path(filepath).name
        for line_number, line in enumerate(input_file, start=1):
            if user_aborted():

            if isinstance(line, bytes):
                line = line.decode("utf-8")

            if line_number == 1:
                consistent_columns_checker = make_column_consistency_checker(
                    filename, line)
                for error in __process_errors__(
                        filename, line_number, line,
                        partial(header_errors, strains=strains),
                    yield error

            if line_number != 1:
                col_consistency_error = consistent_columns_checker(line_number, line)
                if col_consistency_error:
                    yield col_consistency_error

                for error in __process_errors__(
                        filename, line_number, line, (
                            average_errors if filetype == FileType.AVERAGE
                            else se_errors),
                    yield error

            if update_progress:
                update_progress(line_number, line)