{%extends "base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_messages %} {%block title%}Upload R/qtl2 Bundle{%endblock%} {%block contents%}

Phenotype(ProbeSet) Study

The R/qtl2 bundle you uploaded contains (a) "pheno" file(s). This data needs to be organised under a study.

In this page, you can either select from a existing dataset:

Select from existing ProbeSet studies {{flash_messages("error-rqtl2-select-probeset-study")}}
Select from existing ProbeSet studies.


Create a new ProbeSet dataset below:

Create new ProbeSet study {{flash_messages("error-rqtl2-create-probeset-study")}}
Select from a list of known genomics platforms.
Provide a name for the study.
Provide a longer, more descriptive name for the study. This is optional and you can leave it blank.
Provide a shorter name for the study. This is optional and you can leave it blank.