{%extends "base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_messages%} {%block title%}Select Grouping/Population{%endblock%} {%block contents%}

Select grouping/population

The data is organised in a hierarchical form, beginning with species at the very top. Under species the data is organised by population, sometimes referred to as grouping. (In some really old documents/systems, you might see this referred to as InbredSet.)

In this section, you get to define what population your data is to be organised by.

select grouping/population {{flash_messages("error-select-population")}}
If you are adding data to an already existing population, simply pick the population from this drop-down selector. If you cannot find your population from this list, try the form below to create a new one..


create new grouping/population {{flash_messages("error-create-population")}}
This is a short name that identifies the population. Useful for menus, and quick scanning.
This can be the same as the name above, or can be longer. Useful for documentation, and human communication.
This determines whether the population/grouping will appear on the menus for users.
I do not currently know what this is about. This is a failure on my part to figure out what this is and provide a useful description. Please feel free to remind me.
A long-form description of what the population consists of. Useful for humans.
{%endblock%} {%block javascript%} {%endblock%}