{%extends "base.html"%} {%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_messages%} {%block title%}Upload R/qtl2 Bundle{%endblock%} {%block contents%}

Select Genotypes Dataset

Your R/qtl2 files bundle contains a "geno" specification. You will therefore need to select from one of the existing Genotype datasets or create a new one.

This is the dataset where your data will be organised under.

select from existing genotype datasets {{flash_messages("error-rqtl2-select-geno-dataset")}}
Datasets Select from the existing genotype datasets for species {{species.SpeciesName}} ({{species.FullName}}).


create a new genotype dataset {{flash_messages("error-rqtl2-create-geno-dataset")}}
Provide the new name for the genotype dataset, e.g. "BXDGeno"
Provide a longer name that better describes the genotype dataset, e.g. "BXD Genotypes"
Provide a short name for the genotype dataset. This is optional. If not provided, we'll default to the same value as the "Name" above.
Specify whether the dataset will be available publicly. Check to make the dataset publicly available and uncheck to limit who can access the dataset.