{%extends "base.html"%} {%from "cli-output.html" import cli_output%} {%block title%}R/qtl2 bundle: QC job results{%endblock%} {%block contents%}

R/qtl2 bundle: QC job results

The R/qtl2 bundle you uploaded has passed all automated quality-control checks successfully.

You may now continue to load the data into GeneNetwork for the bundle, with the following details:

Species Name {{species.Name | capitalize}} Scientific {{species.FullName | capitalize}}
population Name {{population.InbredSetName}} Full Name {{population.FullName}} Genetic Type {{population.GeneticType}} Description {{population.Description or "-"}}
R/qtl2 Bundle File Original Name {{rqtl2bundleorig}} Internal Name {{rqtl2bundle[0:25]}}…