{%extends "base.html"%} {%from "cli-output.html" import cli_output%} {%block title%}R/qtl2 bundle: QC Job Error{%endblock%} {%macro errors_table(tableid, errors)%} {%for error in errors%} {%endfor%}
Line Column Value Message
{{error.line}} {{error.column}} {{error.value}} {{error.message}}
{%endmacro%} {%block contents%}

R/qtl2 bundle: QC job Error

The R/qtl2 bundle has failed some Quality Control checks.

We list below some of the errors that need to be fixed before the data can be uploaded onto GeneNetwork.

{%if errorsgeneric | length > 0%}

Generic Errors ({{errorsgeneric | length}})

We found the following generic errors in your R/qtl2 bundle:
{%endif%} {%if errorsgeno | length > 0%}

Geno Errors ({{errorsgeno | length}})

We found the following errors in the 'geno' file in your R/qtl2 bundle:
{{errors_table("tbl-errors-geno", errorsgeno[0:50])}} {%endif%} {%if errorspheno | length > 0%}

Pheno Errors ({{errorspheno | length}})

We found the following errors in the 'pheno' file in your R/qtl2 bundle:
{{errorspheno}} {%endif%} {%if errorsphenocovar | length > 0%}

Phenocovar Errors ({{errorsphenocovar | length}})

We found the following errors in the 'phenocovar' file in your R/qtl2 bundle:
{{errorsphenocovar}} {%endif%}


{{cli_output(job, "stdout")}}


{{cli_output(job, "stderr")}}


{%for msg in messages%} {{msg}}