"""Input validation utilities""" from typing import Any def is_empty_string(value: str) -> bool: """Check whether as string is empty""" return (isinstance(value, str) and value.strip() == "") def is_empty_input(value: Any) -> bool: """Check whether user provided an empty value.""" return (value is None or is_empty_string(value)) def is_integer_input(value: Any) -> bool: """ Check whether user provided a value that can be parsed into an integer. """ def __is_int__(val, base): try: int(val, base=10) except ValueError as verr: return False return True return isinstance(value, int) or ( (not is_empty_input(value)) and ( isinstance(str) and ( __is_int__(value, 10) or __is_int__(value, 8) or __is_int__(value, 16))))