#+STARTUP: inlineimages #+TITLE: Quality Control Application ** Project Goals The project seeks to handle the checking of data files for correct syntax and other errors before allowing the code to be uploaded. The files are *"tab-separated"* values (TSV) files, and must conform to the following criteria: *** Line-Level Checks - Must be tab-separated - *** Cell-Level Checks - No empty data cells - no data cells with spurious characters like `eeeee`, `5.555iloveguix`, etc. - decimal numbers must conform to the following criteria: - - when checking an average file decimal numbers must contain exactly three places to the right side of the dot. - - when checking a standard error file decimal numbers must contain six or greater places to the right side of the dot. - - there must be a number to the left side of the dot (e.g. 0.55555 is allowed but .55555 is not). - check line endings to make sure they are Unix and not DOS - check strain headers against a source of truth (see strains.csv) ** Development For reproducibility, this project is developed using guix. To launch a guix shell for development, do: #+BEGIN_SRC shell guix shell --container --network --manifest=manifest.scm #+END_SRC to get an environment that is isolated from the rest of your system. *** Checks Run tests with: #+BEGIN_SRC shell pytest #+END_SRC To run the linter over the code base, run: #+BEGIN_SRC shell pylint tests quality_control qc_app #+END_SRC To check for correct type usage in the application, run: #+BEGIN_SRC shell mypy --show-error-codes . #+END_SRC ** Running QC *** Command-Line Version To run qc against a file, the syntax is: #+BEGIN_SRC shell python3 -m qc [--strainsfile ] [--verbose] #+END_SRC where - ~~ is one of "*average*" or "*standard-error*" - ~~ is either an absolute path to the file, or a path relative to the current working directory - if the ~--strainsfile~ option is not provided, it will default to the one in the root directory of this repository - the ~--verbose~ option is a flag, defaulting to ~False~ that controls the display of optional progress messages To view the usage information for the application, run #+BEGIN_SRC shell python3 -m qc --help #+END_SRC **** TODO Figure out how to put qc.py in a /bin or /scripts directory and still be able to import the modules in the repo **** TODO Reduce the command to simply ~qc [--strainsfile ] [--verbose] ~ *** Web Version Coming soon...