(use-modules (rnrs io ports) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-26) (srfi srfi-28) (srfi srfi-71) (srfi srfi-171) (ice-9 match) (sxml simple) (sparql driver) (sparql lang) (sparql util) (dump string-similarity) (dump table)) (define rdfs (prefix "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#")) (define rdf (prefix "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")) (define gn (prefix "http://genenetwork.org/")) (define graph (@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph)) (define graph-node (@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph-node)) (define graph-edge (@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph-edge)) (define graph-port (@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph-port)) (define html-string (@@ (ccwl graphviz) html-string)) (define graph->dot (@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph->dot)) (define (sparql-query-records . args) ;; TODO: Use the JSON query results so that types can be converted ;; correctly. (query-results->list (apply sparql-query (append args (list #:host "" #:port 8891))) #t)) (define (floor-log1024 x) "Return the floor of the base 1024 logarithm of X." (if (< x 1024) 0 (1+ (floor-log1024 (/ x 1024))))) (define (human-units bytes) "Return number of BYTES as a string with human-readable units." (let* ((integer-log (floor-log1024 bytes))) (format "~a ~a" (round-quotient bytes (expt 1024 (min integer-log 3))) (case integer-log ((0) "B") ((1) "KiB") ((2) "MiB") (else "GiB"))))) (define (human-units-color bytes) "Return the table header color coding for a table of size BYTES." (let* ((color-scheme "purd4")) (format "/~a/~a" color-scheme (1+ (min (floor-log1024 bytes) 3))))) (define (sxml->xml-string tree) "Serialize sxml TREE to a string. Return the serialized string." (call-with-output-string (cut sxml->xml tree <>))) (define (sxml->graphviz-html tree) "Convert sxml TREE to a graphviz , and return it." (html-string (sxml->xml-string tree))) (define (table-label table) "Return HTML string label for TABLE." (sxml->graphviz-html `(table (@ (cellborder 0) (bgcolor ,(if (any column-dumped? (table-columns table)) "lightgrey" "white"))) (tr (td (@ (border 1) (bgcolor ,(human-units-color (table-size table)))) ,(format "~a (~a)" (table-name table) (human-units (table-size table))))) ,@(map (lambda (column) `(tr (td (@ (port ,(column-name column)) ,@(if (column-dumped? column) `((bgcolor "green")) '())) ,(column-name column)))) (table-columns table))))) (define (string-remove-suffix-ci suffix str) "Remove SUFFIX from STR if present. Suffix check is case-insensitive." (if (string-suffix-ci? suffix str) (substring str 0 (- (string-length str) (string-length suffix))) str)) (define (column->foreign-table table column all-tables) "If COLUMN in TABLE is a foreign key, return the table it refers to. Else, return #f. ALL-TABLES is a list of all tables in the database." (cond ((and (string=? (column-name column) "UserId") (string=? (table-name table) "UserPrivilege")) 'User) ((string-ci=? (column-name column) "GenbankID") 'Genbank) ((not (or (string-prefix? "int" (column-type column)) (string-prefix? "smallint" (column-type column)))) #f) ((let ((string-similarity-threshold 0.8) (target-table (or (and=> (find (lambda (suffix) (string-suffix-ci? suffix (column-name column))) (list "id1" "id2" "_id" "id")) (cut string-remove-suffix-ci <> (column-name column))) (column-name column)))) (and (not (jaccard-string-similar? target-table (table-name table))) (find (lambda (table) (jaccard-string-similar? target-table (table-name table))) all-tables))) => table-name) (else #f))) (define (tables) "Return list of all tables in DB. Each element of the returned list is a object." (map (match-lambda ((table size fields field-types field-dumped) (make-table table (string->number size) (map make-column (string-split fields #\,) (string-split field-types #\,) (map (cut string=? <> "1") (string-split field-dumped #\,)))))) (sparql-query-records "PREFIX gn: SELECT SAMPLE(?tablename) SAMPLE(?size) GROUP_CONCAT(?fieldname ; separator=\",\") GROUP_CONCAT(?fieldtype ; separator=\",\") GROUP_CONCAT(EXISTS{ ?dump rdf:type gn:dump . ?dump gn:dependsOn ?field .} ; separator=\",\") WHERE { ?table rdf:type gn:sqlTable ; gn:name ?tablename ; gn:hasSize ?size ; gn:hasField ?field . ?field rdf:type gn:sqlTableField ; gn:name ?fieldname ; gn:sqlFieldType ?fieldtype . } GROUP BY ?table"))) (define (foreign-key-graphviz-edges tables) "Return the list of graphviz edges representing foreign key relations in TABLES." (append-map (lambda (table) (filter-map (lambda (column) (and=> (column->foreign-table table column tables) (cut cons (graph-port (table-name table) (column-name column)) <>))) (table-columns table))) tables)) (define (write-sql-visualization port) "Write a visualization of the SQL schema in graphviz dot syntax to PORT." (let ((all-tables (tables))) (graph->dot (graph 'schema #:nodes (map (lambda (table) (graph-node (table-name table) `((shape . "none") (label . ,(table-label table))))) all-tables) #:edges (foreign-key-graphviz-edges all-tables)) port))) (define (literal-node-id domain predicate) "Return the graphviz node identifier for an RDF literal node which is the range of PREDICATE. The domain of PREDICATE is DOMAIN." (string-append "literal_node__" (basename domain) "_" (basename predicate))) (define (rdf-type-nodes) "Return the list of all graphviz nodes representing types." (map (match-lambda ((type) (graph-node (basename type) `((fillcolor . lightgreen) (style . filled))))) (sparql-query-records "SELECT DISTINCT ?type WHERE { { ?predicate rdfs:domain ?type } UNION { ?predicate rdfs:range ?type } MINUS { ?predicate rdfs:range rdfs:Literal } }"))) (define (rdf-literal-nodes) "Return the list of all graphviz nodes representing literal properties." (map (match-lambda ((type predicate tables fields) (graph-node (literal-node-id type predicate) `((shape . box) (style . filled) (fillcolor . gold) (label . ,(basename predicate)) (tooltip . ,(string-join (map (lambda (table field) (string-append table "." field)) (string-split tables #\,) (string-split fields #\,)) ", ")))))) (sparql-query-records "PREFIX gn: SELECT ?type ?predicate GROUP_CONCAT(?tablename ; separator=\",\") GROUP_CONCAT(?fieldname ; separator=\",\") WHERE { ?predicate rdfs:domain ?type ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal . ?dump rdf:type gn:dump ; gn:createsPredicate ?predicate ; gn:forSubjectType ?type ; gn:dependsOn ?field . ?field rdf:type gn:sqlTableField ; gn:name ?fieldname . ?table rdf:type gn:sqlTable ; gn:hasField ?field ; gn:name ?tablename . } GROUP BY ?type ?predicate "))) (define (rdf-edges) "Return the list of all graphviz edges in the RDF visualization." (map (match-lambda ((type predicate range) (if (string=? range (string-trim-both (rdfs "Literal") (char-set #\< #\>))) ;; Literal properties (graph-edge (basename type) (literal-node-id type predicate)) ;; Relations between classes (graph-edge (basename type) (basename range))))) (sparql-query-records (select '(type predicate range) `((predicate ,(rdfs "domain") type) (predicate ,(rdfs "range") range)))))) (define (write-rdf-visualization port) "Write a visualization of the RDF schema in graphviz dot syntax to PORT." (graph->dot (graph 'rdf #:nodes (append (rdf-type-nodes) (rdf-literal-nodes)) #:edges (rdf-edges)) port)) (define (main) (call-with-output-file "sql.dot" write-sql-visualization) (call-with-output-file "rdf.dot" write-rdf-visualization)) (main)