#! /usr/bin/env guile !# (use-modules (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-26) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 regex) (transform strings) (transform sql) (transform triples) (transform special-forms)) (define %connection-settings (call-with-input-file (list-ref (command-line) 1) read)) (define-transformer genewiki-symbols (tables (GeneRIF_BASIC (left-join Species "USING (SpeciesId)")) "GROUP BY GeneId ORDER BY BINARY symbol") (schema-triples (gnt:symbol rdfs:domain gn-term:geneWikiEntry) (gnt:wikiEntryOfSpecies rdfs:range gn:species) (gnt:taxid rdfs:domain gn-term:geneWikiEntry)) (triples (ontology 'generif: (field GeneRIF_BASIC GeneId)) (multiset gnt:symbol (string-split (field ("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT symbol)" symbol)) #\,)) (multiset gnt:wikiEntryOfSpecies (string-split (field ("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Species.SpeciesName)" species)) #\,)) (multiset gnt:taxId (map (cut ontology 'ncbiTaxon: <>) (string-split (field ("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT TaxID)" taxId)) #\,))))) (define-transformer gn-genewiki-entries (tables (GeneRIF (left-join GeneRIF_BASIC "USING (symbol)") (left-join Species "ON Species.SpeciesId = GeneRIF.SpeciesId") (left-join GeneRIFXRef "ON GeneRIFXRef.GeneRIFId = GeneRIF.Id") (left-join GeneCategory "ON GeneRIFXRef.GeneCategoryId = GeneCategory.Id")) "WHERE GeneRIF.display > 0 AND GeneRIF.VersionId = 0 GROUP BY GeneRIF.symbol") (schema-triples (gnt:geneWikiEntry a rdfs:Class) (gnt:geneWikiEntry a owl:Class) (gnt:geneWikiEntry rdfs:comment "Represents GeneRIF Entries") (gnt:geneCategory rdfs:domain gn:geneWikiEntry) (gnt:geneWikiEntryOfGn rdfs:domain gn:geneWikiEntry) (gnt:geneWikiEntry rdfs:domain gn:geneWikiEntry)) (triples (let ([geneid (field GeneRIF_BASIC GeneId)]) (if (eq? geneid 0) (ontology 'gnt:anonSymbol_ (field GeneRIF symbol)) (ontology 'generif: geneid))) (set rdf:type (if (string-null? (field ("IFNULL(GeneRIF_BASIC.GeneId, '')" geneWikiEntryP))) "" 'gn:geneWikiEntry)) (set gnt:wikiEntryOfSpecies (string->binomial-name (field Species FullName))) ;; This only transforms symbols not present in the GeneRIF_BASIC table (set gnt:symbol (let ([geneid (field GeneRIF_BASIC GeneId)]) (if (eq? geneid 0) (field GeneRIF symbol) ""))) (multiset gnt:geneWikiEntryOfGn (let* ([entries (sanitize-rdf-string (field ("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT_WS('::::', IFNULL(GeneCategory.Name, ''), IFNULL(GeneRIF.PubMed_ID, ''), GeneRIF.email, CAST(CONVERT(BINARY CONVERT(GeneRIF.comment USING latin1) USING utf8) AS VARCHAR(15000)), GeneRIF.createtime, IFNULL(weburl, '')) SEPARATOR';;;;;')" wikientry)))] [comments (string-split-substring entries ";;;;;")]) (map (match-lambda ((genecategory pmid email text createtime weburl) (blank-node (set gnt:geneCategory genecategory) (multiset dct:source (map (lambda (el) (if (string-null? el) "" (ontology 'pubmed: el))) (string-split pmid #\space))) (set dct:creator (regexp-substitute/global #f "@.*$" email 'pre "" 'post)) (set gnt:geneWikiEntry (annotate-field text '^^xsd:string)) (set dct:created (annotate-field createtime '^^xsd:datetime)) (set foaf:homepage weburl)))) (map (cut string-split-substring <> "::::") comments)))))) (define-transformer ncbi-genewiki-entries (tables (GeneRIF_BASIC) "GROUP BY GeneId, comment, createtime") (schema-triples (gnt:geneWikiEntryofNCBI rdfs:domain gn:geneWikiEntry)) (triples (ontology 'generif: (field GeneRIF_BASIC GeneId)) (set gnt:geneWikiEntryOfNCBI (blank-node (set gnt:geneWikiEntry (annotate-field (field GeneRIF_BASIC comment) '^^xsd:string)) (multiset dct:source (map (lambda (el) (if (string-null? el) "" (ontology 'pubmed: el))) (string-split (field ("GROUP_CONCAT(PubMed_ID)" pmids)) #\,))) (set dct:created (annotate-field (time-unix->string (field GeneRIF_BASIC createtime) "~5") '^^xsd:datetime)))))) (with-documentation (name "GeneRIF Metadata") (connection %connection-settings) (table-metadata? #f) (prefixes '(("rdf:" "") ("rdfs:" "") ("gn:" "") ("gnc:" "") ("gnt:" "") ("dct:" "") ("pubmed:" "") ("ncbiTaxon:" "") ("generif:" "") ("xsd:" "") ("owl:" ""))) (inputs (list ;; genewiki-symbols gn-genewiki-entries ;; ncbi-genewiki-entries )) (outputs '(#:documentation "./docs/generif.md" #:rdf "./verified-data/generif.ttl")))