#! /usr/bin/env guile !# (add-to-load-path (dirname (current-filename))) (use-modules (rnrs io ports) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-26) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 string-fun) (sxml simple) (dump sql) (dump string-similarity) (dump table) (dump utils)) ;;; GeneNetwork database connection parameters and dump path (define (call-with-genenetwork-database proc) (let ((connection-settings (call-with-input-file "conn.scm" read))) (call-with-database "mysql" (string-join (list (assq-ref connection-settings 'username) (assq-ref connection-settings 'password) (assq-ref connection-settings 'database) "tcp" (assq-ref connection-settings 'host) (number->string (assq-ref connection-settings 'port))) ":") proc))) (define %database-name (assq-ref (call-with-input-file "conn.scm" read) 'database)) (define %dump-directory (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/data/dump")) (define (call-with-dump-file filename proc) (let ((absolute-path (string-append %dump-directory filename))) (display absolute-path) (newline) (call-with-output-file absolute-path proc))) ;; Dump schema annotations to org (define (get-tables-from-comments db) (sql-map (match-lambda ((("TableName" . table)) table)) db (select-query ((TableComments TableName)) (TableComments)))) (define (dump-table-fields db table) (format #t "* ~a~%" table) (match (sql-find db (select-query ((TableComments Comment)) (TableComments) (format #f "WHERE TableName = '~a'" table))) ((("Comment" . comment)) (format #t "~a~%" comment))) (sql-for-each (lambda (row) (match row ((("TableField" . table-field) ("Foreign_Key" . foreign-key) ("Annotation" . annotation)) (format #t "** ~a~%" (substring table-field (1+ (string-length table)))) (unless (string-null? foreign-key) (format #t "Foreign key to ~a~%" foreign-key)) (unless (string-null? annotation) (display annotation) (newline))))) db (select-query ((TableFieldAnnotation TableField) (TableFieldAnnotation Foreign_Key) (TableFieldAnnotation Annotation)) (TableFieldAnnotation) (format #f "WHERE TableField LIKE '~a.%'" table))) (newline)) (define (dump-schema-annotations db) (call-with-genenetwork-database (lambda (db) (for-each (cut dump-table-fields db <>) (get-tables-from-comments db))))) ;;; Dump tables (define (delete-substrings str . substrings) "Delete SUBSTRINGS, a list of strings, from STR." (fold (lambda (substring result) (string-replace-substring result substring "")) str substrings)) (define (replace-substrings str replacement-alist) "Replace substrings in STR according to REPLACEMENT-ALIST, an association list mapping substrings to their replacements." (fold (match-lambda* (((substring . replacement) str) (string-replace-substring str substring replacement))) str replacement-alist)) (define (string->identifier prefix str) "Convert STR to a turtle identifier after replacing illegal characters with an underscore and prefixing with gn:PREFIX." (string->symbol (string-append "gn:" prefix "_" (string-map (lambda (c) (case c ((#\/ #\< #\> #\+ #\( #\) #\space #\@) #\_) (else c))) (string-downcase str))))) (define (snake->lower-camel str) (let ((char-list (string->list str))) (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (put-char port (char-downcase (string-ref str 0))) (map (lambda (char previous-char) (unless (char=? char #\_) (put-char port (if (char=? previous-char #\_) (char-upcase char) char)))) (drop char-list 1) char-list))))) (define (string-blank? str) "Return non-#f if STR consists only of whitespace characters." (string-every char-set:whitespace str)) (define (scm->triples alist id) (for-each (match-lambda ((predicate . object) (when (cond ((string? object) (not (string-blank? object))) (else object)) (triple id predicate object)))) alist)) (define (triple subject predicate object) (format #t "~a ~a ~s .~%" subject predicate object)) (define (field->key x) (translate-forms 'field (lambda (x) #`(key #,(symbol->string (syntax->datum ((syntax-rules (field) ((field table column) column) ((field table column alias) alias)) x))))) x)) (define (field->assoc-ref alist x) "Recursively translate field references in source X to (assoc-ref ALIST field-name) forms." (translate-forms 'field (lambda (x) #`(assoc-ref #,alist #,(symbol->string (syntax->datum ((syntax-rules (field) ((field table column) column) ((field table column alias) alias)) x))))) x)) (define (collect-fields x) (map (syntax-rules (field) ((field reference ...) (reference ...))) (collect-forms 'field x))) (define (find-clause clauses key) "Find (KEY ...) clause among CLAUSES, a list of syntax forms." (find (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((clause-key _ ...) (eq? (syntax->datum #'clause-key) key)))) clauses)) (define %dumped '()) (define-syntax define-dump (lambda (x) (syntax-case x (tables schema-triples triples) ((_ name clauses ...) (let ((tables-clause (find-clause #'(clauses ...) 'tables)) (schema-triples-clause (or (find-clause #'(clauses ...) 'schema-triples) #'(schema-triples))) (triples-clause (find-clause #'(clauses ...) 'triples))) (syntax-case triples-clause (triples) ((triples subject predicates ...) (let ((fields (collect-fields #'(subject predicates ...)))) #`(begin (set! %dumped (append (list #,@(filter-map (lambda (field) (syntax-case field (distinct) (distinct #f) ((table column _ ...) #'(cons 'table 'column)) (field-spec (error "Invalid field specification" #'field-spec)))) fields)) %dumped)) (define (name db) #,(syntax-case schema-triples-clause (schema-triples) ((schema-triples (triple-subject triple-predicate triple-object) ...) #`(for-each triple (list 'triple-subject ...) (list 'triple-predicate ...) (list 'triple-object ...))) (_ (error "Invalid schema triples clause:" schema-triples-clause))) (sql-for-each (lambda (row) (scm->triples (map-alist row #,@(field->key #'(predicates ...))) #,(field->assoc-ref #'row #'subject))) db #,(syntax-case tables-clause (tables) ((tables tables-spec raw ...) #`(select-query #,fields tables-spec raw ...)) (_ (error "Invalid tables clause:" (syntax->datum tables-clause))))))))) (_ (error "Invalid triples clause:" triples-clause))))) (_ (error "Invalid define-dump syntax:" (syntax->datum x)))))) (define binomial-name->species-id (cut string->identifier "species" <>)) (define-dump dump-species (tables (Species)) (triples (binomial-name->species-id (field Species FullName)) (set rdf:type 'gn:species) (set gn:name (field Species SpeciesName)) (set gn:menuName (field Species MenuName)) (set gn:binomialName (field Species FullName)))) (define-dump dump-strain (tables (Strain (join Species "ON Strain.SpeciesId = Species.SpeciesId"))) (schema-triples (gn:strainOfSpecies rdfs:domain gn:strain) (gn:strainOfSpecies rdfs:range gn:species)) (triples (string->identifier "strain" (field Strain Name)) (set rdf:type 'gn:strain) (set gn:strainOfSpecies (binomial-name->species-id (field Species FullName))) ;; Name, and maybe a second name (set gn:name (field Strain Name)) (set gn:name (field Strain Name2)) (set gn:alias (field Strain Alias)) (set gn:symbol (field Strain Symbol)))) ;; TODO: This function is unused. Remove if not required. (define mapping-method-name->id (cut string->identifier "mappingMethod" <>)) ;; TODO: This function is unused. Remove if not required. (define-dump dump-mapping-method (tables (MappingMethod)) (triples (string->identifier "mappingMethod" (field MappingMethod Name)) (set rdf:type 'gn:mappingMethod))) (define inbred-set-name->id (cut string->identifier "inbredSet" <>)) (define-dump dump-inbred-set (tables (InbredSet (inner-join Species "USING (SpeciesId)"))) (triples (inbred-set-name->id (field InbredSet Name)) (set rdf:type 'gn:inbredSet) (set gn:fullName (field InbredSet FullName)) (set gn:geneticType (field InbredSet GeneticType)) (set gn:family (field InbredSet Family)) (set gn:inbredSetOfSpecies (binomial-name->species-id (field Species FullName BinomialName))))) (define (phenotype-id->id id) (string->identifier "phenotype" (number->string id))) (define-dump dump-phenotype (tables (Phenotype)) (triples (phenotype-id->id (field Phenotype Id)) (set rdf:type 'gn:phenotype) (set gn:prePublicationDescription (field Phenotype Pre_publication_description)) (set gn:postPublicationDescription (field Phenotype Post_publication_description)) (set gn:originalDescription (field Phenotype Original_description)) (set gn:prePublicationDescription (field Phenotype Pre_publication_abbreviation)) (set gn:postPublicationDescription (field Phenotype Post_publication_abbreviation)) (set gn:labCode (field Phenotype Lab_code)) (set gn:submitter (field Phenotype Submitter)) (set gn:owner (field Phenotype Owner)) (set gn:authorizedUsers (field Phenotype Authorized_Users)) (set gn:units (and (string-ci=? (field Phenotype Units) "unknown") (field Phenotype Units))))) (define-dump dump-publication (tables (Publication)) (triples (string->identifier "publication" (number->string (field Publication Id))) (set rdf:type 'gn:publication) (set gn:pubMedId (field Publication PubMed_ID)) (set gn:title (field Publication Title)) (set gn:journal (field Publication Journal)) (set gn:volume (field Publication Volume)) (set gn:pages (field Publication Pages)) (set gn:month (field Publication Month)) (set gn:year (field Publication Year)) (multiset gn:authors ;; The authors field is a comma ;; separated list. Split it. (map string-trim (string-split (field Publication Authors) #\,))) (set gn:abstract ;; TODO: Why are there unprintable characters? (delete-substrings (field Publication Abstract) "\x01")))) (define-dump dump-publish-xref (tables (PublishXRef (inner-join InbredSet "USING (InbredSetId)"))) (schema-triples (gn:phenotypeOfSpecies rdfs:domain gn:phenotype) (gn:phenotypeOfSpecies rdfs:range gn:species)) (triples (phenotype-id->id (field PublishXRef PhenotypeId)) (set gn:phenotypeOfSpecies (inbred-set-name->id (field InbredSet Name))))) (define tissue-short-name->id (cut string->identifier "tissue" <>)) (define-dump dump-tissue ;; The Name and TissueName fields seem to be identical. BIRN_lex_ID ;; and BIRN_lex_Name are mostly NULL. (tables (Tissue)) ;; Hopefully the Short_Name field is distinct and can be used as an ;; identifier. (triples (tissue-short-name->id (field Tissue Short_Name)) (set rdf:type 'gn:tissue) (set gn:name (field Tissue Name)))) ;; One email ID in the Investigators table has spaces in it. This ;; function fixes that. (define (fix-email-id email) (string-delete #\space email)) (define (investigator-attributes->id first-name last-name email) ;; There is just one record corresponding to "Evan Williams" which ;; does not have an email ID. To accommodate that record, we ;; construct the investigator ID from not just the email ID, but ;; also the first and the last names. It would be preferable to just ;; find Evan Williams' email ID and insert it into the database. (string->identifier "investigator" (string-join (list first-name last-name (fix-email-id email)) "_"))) (define-dump dump-investigators ;; There are a few duplicate entries. We group by email to ;; deduplicate. (tables (Investigators) "GROUP BY Email") (triples (investigator-attributes->id (field Investigators FirstName) (field Investigators LastName) (field Investigators Email)) (set rdf:type 'foaf:Person) (set foaf:name (string-append (field Investigators FirstName) " " (field Investigators LastName))) (set foaf:givenName (field Investigators FirstName)) (set foaf:familyName (field Investigators LastName)) (set foaf:phone (field Investigators Phone)) (set foaf:mbox (fix-email-id (field Investigators Email))) (set foaf:homepage (field Investigators Url)) (set gn:address (field Investigators Address)) (set gn:city (field Investigators City)) (set gn:state (field Investigators State)) (set gn:zipCode (field Investigators ZipCode)) (set gn:country (field Investigators Country)))) (define avg-method-name->id (cut string->identifier "avgmethod" <>)) (define-dump dump-avg-method ;; The Name and Normalization fields seem to be the same. Dump only ;; the Name field. ;; ;; There are two records with Name as "N/A". Deduplicate. (tables (AvgMethod) "GROUP BY Name") (triples (avg-method-name->id (field AvgMethod Name)) (set rdf:type 'gn:avgMethod) (set gn:name (field AvgMethod Name)))) (define gene-chip-name->id (cut string->identifier "platform" <>)) (define-dump dump-gene-chip (tables (GeneChip)) (triples (gene-chip-name->id (field GeneChip Name)) (set rdf:type 'gn:platform) (set gn:name (field GeneChip GeneChipName)))) ;; TODO: Double check Platforms. It doesn't seem to match up. (define-dump dump-info-files (tables (InfoFiles (left-join Datasets "USING (DatasetId)") (left-join DatasetStatus "USING (DatasetStatusId)") (left-join Species "USING (SpeciesId)") (left-join InbredSet "USING (InbredSetId)") (left-join Tissue "USING (TissueId)") (left-join Investigators "USING (InvestigatorId)") (left-join AvgMethod "USING (AvgMethodId)") (left-join GeneChip "USING (GeneChipId)")) "WHERE GN_AccesionId IS NOT NULL") (schema-triples (gn:datasetOfInvestigator rdfs:domain gn:dataset) (gn:datasetOfInvestigator rdfs:range gn:investigator) (gn:datasetOfSpecies rdfs:domain gn:dataset) (gn:datasetOfSpecies rdfs:range gn:species) (gn:datasetOfInbredSet rdfs:domain gn:dataset) (gn:datasetOfInbredSet rdfs:range gn:inbredSet) (gn:datasetOfTissue rdfs:domain gn:dataset) (gn:datasetOfTissue rdfs:range gn:tissue) (gn:normalization rdfs:domain gn:dataset) (gn:normalization rdfs:range gn:avgMethod) (gn:datasetOfPlatform rdfs:domain gn:dataset) (gn:datasetOfPlatform rdfs:range gn:geneChip)) (triples (string->identifier "dataset" (number->string (field InfoFiles GN_AccesionId))) (set rdf:type 'gn:dataset) (set gn:datasetOfInvestigator (investigator-attributes->id (field Investigators FirstName) (field Investigators LastName) (field Investigators Email))) (set gn:accessionId (string-append "GN" (number->string (field InfoFiles GN_AccesionId)))) (set gn:datasetStatusName (string-downcase (field DatasetStatus DatasetStatusName))) (set gn:datasetOfSpecies (binomial-name->species-id (field Species FullName BinomialName))) (set gn:datasetOfInbredSet (inbred-set-name->id (field InbredSet Name InbredSetName))) (set gn:datasetOfTissue (tissue-short-name->id (field Tissue Short_Name))) (set gn:normalization (avg-method-name->id ;; If AvgMethodName is NULL, assume N/A. (if (string-blank? (field AvgMethod Name AvgMethodName)) "N/A" (field AvgMethod Name AvgMethodName)))) (set gn:datasetOfPlatform (gene-chip-name->id (field GeneChip Name GeneChip))) (set gn:summary ;; TODO: Why are there unprintable characters? (delete-substrings (field Datasets Summary) "\x01" "\x03")) (set gn:aboutTissue ;; TODO: Why are there unprintable characters? (delete-substrings (field Datasets AboutTissue) "\x01" "\x03")) (set gn:geoSeries (and (not (string-prefix-ci? "no geo series" (field Datasets GeoSeries))) (field Datasets GeoSeries))) (set gn:name (field InfoFiles InfoFileTitle Name)) (set gn:title (field InfoFiles Title)) (set gn:specifics (field InfoFiles Specifics)) (set gn:datasetGroup (field Datasets DatasetName DatasetGroup)) (set gn:aboutCases (field Datasets AboutCases)) (set gn:aboutPlatform (field Datasets AboutPlatform)) (set gn:aboutDataProcessing (field Datasets AboutDataProcessing)) (set gn:notes (field Datasets Notes)) (set gn:experimentDesign (field Datasets ExperimentDesign)) (set gn:contributors (field Datasets Contributors)) (set gn:citation (field Datasets Citation)) (set gn:acknowledgment (field Datasets Acknowledgment)))) (define (dump-data-table db table-name data-field) (let ((dump-directory (string-append %dump-directory "/" table-name)) (port #f) (current-strain-id #f)) (unless (file-exists? dump-directory) (mkdir dump-directory)) (sql-for-each (match-lambda (((_ . strain-id) (_ . value)) ;; Close file if new strain. (when (and port (not (= current-strain-id strain-id))) (close-port port) (set! port #f)) ;; If no file is open, open new file. (unless port (set! current-strain-id strain-id) (let ((filename (string-append dump-directory "/" (number->string strain-id)))) (display filename (current-error-port)) (newline (current-error-port)) (set! port (open-output-file filename)))) (display value port) (newline port))) db (format #f "SELECT StrainId, ~a FROM ~a ORDER BY StrainId" data-field table-name)) (close-port port))) ;;; Visualize schema (define (tables db) "Return list of all tables in DB. Each element of the returned list is a object." (map (lambda (table) (set-table-columns table (sql-map (lambda (row) (make-column (assoc-ref row "Field") (assoc-ref row "Type"))) db (format #f "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ~a" (table-name table))))) (sql-map (lambda (row) (make-table (assoc-ref row "table_name") ;; FIXME: This is probably correct only for ;; MyISAM tables. (assoc-ref row "data_length") #f)) db (select-query ((information_schema.tables table_name) (information_schema.tables data_length)) (information_schema.tables) (format #f "WHERE table_schema = '~a'" %database-name))))) (define (string-remove-suffix-ci suffix str) "Remove SUFFIX from STR if present. Suffix check is case-insensitive." (if (string-suffix-ci? suffix str) (substring str 0 (- (string-length str) (string-length suffix))) str)) (define (floor-log1024 x) "Return the floor of the base 1024 logarithm of X." (if (< x 1024) 0 (1+ (floor-log1024 (/ x 1024))))) (define (human-units bytes) "Return number of BYTES as a string with human-readable units." (let* ((integer-log (floor-log1024 bytes))) (format #f "~a ~a" (round-quotient bytes (expt 1024 (min integer-log 3))) (case integer-log ((0) "B") ((1) "KiB") ((2) "MiB") (else "GiB"))))) (define (human-units-color bytes) "Return the table header color coding for a table of size BYTES." (let* ((color-scheme "purd4")) (format #f "/~a/~a" color-scheme (1+ (min (floor-log1024 bytes) 3))))) (define (sxml->xml-string tree) "Serialize sxml TREE to a string. Return the serialized string." (call-with-output-string (cut sxml->xml tree <>))) (define (sxml->graphviz-html tree) "Convert sxml TREE to a graphviz , and return it." ((@@ (ccwl graphviz) html-string) (sxml->xml-string tree))) (define (dumped-table? table) "Return non-#f if TABLE has been dumped. Else, return #f." (any (match-lambda ((dumped-table . _) (string=? (symbol->string dumped-table) (table-name table))) (x (error "Malformed entry in %dumped:" x))) %dumped)) (define (table-label table) "Return HTML string label for TABLE." (sxml->graphviz-html `(table (@ (cellborder 0) (bgcolor ,(if (dumped-table? table) "lightgrey" "white"))) (tr (td (@ (border 1) (bgcolor ,(human-units-color (table-size table)))) ,(format #f "~a (~a)" (table-name table) (human-units (table-size table))))) ,@(map (lambda (column) `(tr (td (@ (port ,(column-name column)) ,@(if (member (cons (string->symbol (table-name table)) (string->symbol (column-name column))) %dumped) '((bgcolor "green")) '())) ,(column-name column)))) (table-columns table))))) (define (table->graphviz-node table) "Convert TABLE to graphviz node, and return it." ((@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph-node) (table-name table) `((shape . "none") (label . ,(table-label table))))) (define (column->foreign-table table column all-tables) "If COLUMN in TABLE is a foreign key, return the table it refers to. Else, return #f. ALL-TABLES is a list of all tables in the database." (cond ((and (string=? (column-name column) "UserId") (string=? (table-name table) "UserPrivilege")) 'User) ((string-ci=? (column-name column) "GenbankID") 'Genbank) ((not (column-int? column)) #f) ((let ((string-similarity-threshold 0.8) (target-table (or (and=> (find (lambda (suffix) (string-suffix-ci? suffix (column-name column))) (list "id1" "id2" "_id" "id")) (cut string-remove-suffix-ci <> (column-name column))) (column-name column)))) (and (not (jaccard-string-similar? target-table (table-name table))) (find (lambda (table) (jaccard-string-similar? target-table (table-name table))) all-tables))) => table-name) (else #f))) (define (tables->graphviz-edges tables) "Return the list of graphviz edges representing foreign key relations in TABLES." (append-map (lambda (table) (filter-map (lambda (column) (and=> (column->foreign-table table column tables) (cut cons ((@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph-port) (table-name table) (column-name column)) <>))) (table-columns table))) tables)) (define (dump-schema db) (let ((tables (tables db))) ((@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph->dot) ((@@ (ccwl graphviz) graph) 'schema #:nodes (map table->graphviz-node tables) #:edges (tables->graphviz-edges tables))))) ;; Main function (define (prefix prefix iri) (format #t "@prefix ~a ~a .~%" prefix iri)) (call-with-genenetwork-database (lambda (db) (with-output-to-file (string-append %dump-directory "/dump.ttl") (lambda () (prefix "rdf:" "") (prefix "rdfs:" "") (prefix "foaf:" "") (prefix "gn:" "") (newline) (dump-species db) (dump-strain db) (dump-mapping-method db) (dump-inbred-set db) (dump-phenotype db) (dump-publication db) (dump-publish-xref db) (dump-tissue db) (dump-investigators db) (dump-avg-method db) (dump-gene-chip db) (dump-info-files db))) (with-output-to-file (string-append %dump-directory "/schema.dot") (cut dump-schema db))))