#! /usr/bin/env guile !# (add-to-load-path (dirname (current-filename))) (use-modules (rnrs io ports) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-26) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 string-fun) (dump sql)) ;;; GeneNetwork database connection parameters and dump path (define (call-with-genenetwork-database proc) (let ((connection-settings (call-with-input-file "conn.scm" read))) (call-with-database "mysql" (string-join (list (assq-ref connection-settings 'username) (assq-ref connection-settings 'password) (assq-ref connection-settings 'database) "tcp" (assq-ref connection-settings 'host) (number->string (assq-ref connection-settings 'port))) ":") proc))) (define %dump-directory (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/data/dump")) (define (call-with-dump-file filename proc) (let ((absolute-path (string-append %dump-directory filename))) (display absolute-path) (newline) (call-with-output-file absolute-path proc))) ;; Dump schema annotations to org (define (get-tables-from-comments db) (sql-map (match-lambda ((("TableName" . table)) table)) db "SELECT TableName FROM TableComments")) (define (dump-table-fields db table) (format #t "* ~a~%" table) (match (sql-find db (format #f "SELECT Comment FROM TableComments WHERE TableName = '~a'" table)) ((("Comment" . comment)) (format #t "~a~%" comment))) (sql-for-each (lambda (row) (match row ((("TableField" . table-field) ("Foreign_Key" . foreign-key) ("Annotation" . annotation)) (format #t "** ~a~%" (substring table-field (1+ (string-length table)))) (unless (string-null? foreign-key) (format #t "Foreign key to ~a~%" foreign-key)) (unless (string-null? annotation) (display annotation) (newline))))) db (format #f "SELECT TableField, Foreign_Key, Annotation FROM TableFieldAnnotation WHERE TableField LIKE '~a.%'" table)) (newline)) (define (dump-schema-annotations db) (call-with-genenetwork-database (lambda (db) (for-each (cut dump-table-fields db <>) (get-tables-from-comments db))))) ;;; Dump tables (define (camel->kebab str) (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (string-for-each (lambda (c) (when (and (not (zero? (port-position port))) (char-set-contains? char-set:upper-case c)) (put-char port #\-)) (put-char port (char-downcase c))) str)))) (define (snake->lower-camel str) (let ((char-list (string->list str))) (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (put-char port (char-downcase (string-ref str 0))) (map (lambda (char previous-char) (unless (char=? char #\_) (put-char port (if (char=? previous-char #\_) (char-upcase char) char)))) (drop char-list 1) char-list))))) (define (camel->lower-camel str) (string-append (string-downcase (substring str 0 1)) (substring str 1))) (define (scm->triples alist id) (for-each (match-lambda ((predicate . object) (triple id predicate object))) alist)) (define (process-metadata-alist alist) (filter-map (match-lambda ((key . "") #f) ((key . value) (cons (string->symbol (string-append "gn:" (camel->lower-camel (snake->lower-camel key)))) value))) alist)) (define (triple subject predicate object) (format #t "~a ~a ~s .~%" subject predicate object)) (define (binomial-name->species-id binomial-name) (string->symbol (string-append "gn:" (string-replace-substring binomial-name " " "_")))) (define (dump-species db) (sql-for-each (lambda (alist) (match alist (((_ . common-name) (_ . menu-name) (_ . binomial-name)) (let ((id (binomial-name->species-id binomial-name))) (triple id 'rdf:type 'gn:species) ;; Common name (triple id 'gn:name common-name) ;; Menu name (TODO: Maybe, drop this ;; field. It can be inferred from the ;; common name.) (triple id 'gn:menuName menu-name) ;; Binomial name (triple id 'gn:binomialName binomial-name))))) db "SELECT SpeciesName, MenuName, FullName FROM Species")) (define (dump-strain db) (sql-for-each (lambda (alist) (match alist (((_ . binomial-name) (_ . name) (_ . name2) (_ . symbol) (_ . alias)) (let ((id ;; TODO: Ensure this identifier does not collide. (string-append "gn:" (string-map (lambda (c) (case c ((#\/ #\< #\> #\+ #\( #\) #\space) #\_) (else c))) name)))) (triple id 'rdf:type 'gn:strain) ;; The species this is a strain of (triple id 'gn:strainOfSpecies (binomial-name->species-id binomial-name)) ;; Name (triple id 'gn:name name) ;; A second name, if there is one (unless (string=? name name2) (triple id 'gn:name name2)) ;; Symbol, if there is one (unless (string-null? symbol) (triple id 'gn:symbol symbol)) ;; Alias, if there is one (unless (string-null? alias) (triple id 'gn:alias alias)))))) db "SELECT Species.FullName, Strain.Name, Strain.Name2, Strain.Symbol, Strain.Alias FROM Strain JOIN Species ON Strain.SpeciesId = Species.SpeciesId")) (define (mapping-method-name->id name) (string->symbol (string-append "gn:mappingMethod" name))) (define (dump-mapping-method db) (sql-for-each (match-lambda (((_ . name)) (triple (string-append "gn:mappingMethod" name) 'rdf:type 'gn:mappingMethod))) db "SELECT Name FROM MappingMethod")) (define (inbred-set-name->id name) (string->symbol (string-append "gn:inbredSet" name))) (define (dump-inbred-set db) (sql-for-each (lambda (alist) (let ((id (inbred-set-name->id (assoc-ref alist "Name")))) (triple id 'rdf:type 'gn:phenotype) (scm->triples (filter-map (match-lambda (('gn:binomialName . binomial-name) (cons 'gn:inbredSetOfSpecies (binomial-name->species-id binomial-name))) (('gn:mappingMethodName . mapping-method-name) (cons 'gn:inbredSetMappingMethod (mapping-method-name->id mapping-method-name))) (x x)) (process-metadata-alist alist)) id))) db "SELECT InbredSet.Name, InbredSet.FullName, GeneticType, Family, Species.FullName AS BinomialName, MappingMethod.Name AS MappingMethodName FROM InbredSet INNER JOIN Species USING (SpeciesId) INNER JOIN MappingMethod ON InbredSet.MappingMethodId = MappingMethod.Id")) (define (phenotype-id->id id) (string->symbol (string-append "gn:phenotype" (number->string id)))) (define (dump-phenotype db) (sql-for-each (lambda (alist) (let ((id (phenotype-id->id (assoc-ref alist "Id")))) (triple id 'rdf:type 'gn:phenotype) (scm->triples (filter (match-lambda (('gn:id . _) #f) (('gn:units . value) (string-ci=? value "unknown")) (_ #t)) (process-metadata-alist alist)) id))) db "SELECT Id, Pre_publication_description, Post_publication_description, Original_description, Units, Pre_publication_abbreviation, Post_publication_abbreviation, Lab_code, Submitter, Owner, Authorized_Users FROM Phenotype")) (define (dump-publication db) (sql-for-each (lambda (alist) (let ((id (string-append "gn:publication" (number->string (assoc-ref alist "Id"))))) (triple id 'rdf:type 'gn:publication) (triple 'gn:title 'rdfs:subPropertyOf 'rdfs:label) (scm->triples (append-map (match-lambda (('gn:id . _) '()) ;; The authors field is a comma ;; separated list. Split it. (('gn:authors . authors) (map (lambda (author-name) (cons 'gn:author (string-trim author-name))) (string-split authors #\,))) (('gn:abstract . abstract) ;; TODO: Handle unprintable ;; characters better. (list (cons 'gn:abstract (string-replace-substring abstract "\x01" "")))) (x (list x))) (process-metadata-alist alist)) id))) db "SELECT Id, PubMed_ID, Abstract, Authors, Title, Journal, Volume, Pages, Month, Year FROM Publication")) (define (dump-publish-xref db) (sql-for-each (match-lambda (((_ . inbred-set-name) (_ . phenotype-id)) (triple (phenotype-id->id phenotype-id) 'gn:phenotypeOfSpecies (inbred-set-name->id inbred-set-name)))) db "SELECT Name, PhenotypeId FROM PublishXRef INNER JOIN InbredSet USING (InbredSetId)")) (define (dump-data-table db table-name data-field) (let ((dump-directory (string-append %dump-directory "/" table-name)) (port #f) (current-strain-id #f)) (unless (file-exists? dump-directory) (mkdir dump-directory)) (sql-for-each (match-lambda (((_ . strain-id) (_ . value)) ;; Close file if new strain. (when (and port (not (= current-strain-id strain-id))) (close-port port) (set! port #f)) ;; If no file is open, open new file. (unless port (set! current-strain-id strain-id) (let ((filename (string-append dump-directory "/" (number->string strain-id)))) (display filename (current-error-port)) (newline (current-error-port)) (set! port (open-output-file filename)))) (display value port) (newline port))) db (format #f "SELECT StrainId, ~a FROM ~a ORDER BY StrainId" data-field table-name)) (close-port port))) (define (prefix prefix iri) (format #t "@prefix ~a ~a .~%" prefix iri)) (call-with-genenetwork-database (lambda (db) (with-output-to-file (string-append %dump-directory "/dump.ttl") (lambda () (prefix "rdf:" "") (prefix "rdfs:" "") (prefix "foaf:" "") (prefix "gn:" "") (newline) (dump-species db) (dump-strain db) (dump-mapping-method db) (dump-inbred-set db) (dump-phenotype db) (dump-publication db) (dump-publish-xref db)))))