This repository houses Guix configuration for GeneNetwork machines and containers. * GeneNetwork development container The GeneNetwork development container is run on /penguin2/. It runs continuous integration and continuous deployment services for genenetwork2, genenetwork3 and several other associated projects. To build and install the container, you will need the guix-bioinformatics and guix-forge channels. Once these channels are pulled and available, on /penguin2/, run #+BEGIN_SRC shell $ ./ #+END_SRC /penguin2/ is configured with a systemd service to run this container. Restart it. #+BEGIN_SRC shell $ sudo systemctl restart genenetwork-development-container #+END_SRC * Virtuoso container for tux01 production The virtuoso container is run on /tux01/ production. It runs virtuoso alone. To build and install the container, you will need the guix-bioinformatics channel. Once guix-bioinformatics is pulled and available, on /tux01/, run #+begin_src shell $ ./ #+end_src /tux01/ is configured with a systemd service to run this container. Restart it. #+begin_src shell $ sudo systemctl restart virtuoso-container #+end_src The default password of the virtuoso dba user is dba. Set a new password. Pay attention to the single versus double quoting. #+begin_src SQL> set password "dba" "new-password"; #+end_src Disable the dav user. #+begin_src SQL> UPDATE SET u_account_disabled=1 WHERE u_name='dav'; #+end_src