#! Run GEMMA A simple script that takes the JSON input from list-traits-to-compute and runs GEMMA on those. Run from base dir with ~/opt/guix-pull/bin/guix shell guile guile-dbi guile-json -- guile -L . -e main -s scripts/precompute/run-gemma.scm 115476.json and with some extra paths (for gemma) ~/opt/guix-pull/bin/guix shell -C -F xz python python-lmdb tar time parallel coreutils-minimal guile guile-dbi guile-json ruby --expose=/home/wrk/iwrk/opensource/code/genetics/gemma-wrapper/=/gemma-wrapper --expose=/home/wrk/iwrk/opensource/code/genetics/gemma/=/gemma -- env TMPDIR=tmp GEMMA_COMMAND=/gemma/bin/gemma-0.98.5-linux-static-debug guile -L . -e main -s ./scripts/precompute/run-gemma.scm test !# (use-modules ; (gn data dataset) ; (gn data hits) ; (gn data strains) ; (gn util convert) (gn runner gemma) (ice-9 getopt-long) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 textual-ports) (json) (rnrs bytevectors) (srfi srfi-1) ) (define (main args) ;; (write args) (let* [ (option-spec '( (version (single-char #\v) (value #f)) (help (single-char #\h) (value #f)))) (options (getopt-long args option-spec)) (show-version (option-ref options 'version #f)) (help-wanted (option-ref options 'help #f))] (if show-version (begin (display "run-gemma version 1.0\n") (exit))) (if help-wanted (format #t "run-gemma Usage: run-gemma [options...] filename(s) -v --version Display version -h --help Display this help ") (let [(trait-id "115475") (trait-fn "115475.json") ] (call-with-input-file trait-fn (lambda (port) (let* [(json (json->scm port)) (dataset (car (assoc-ref json "data"))) (data (cdr dataset)) (dataset-name (assoc-ref data "name")) (trait-name (assoc-ref data "trait-name")) (traits (assoc-ref data "traits")) (pheno-fn (string-append trait-id "-pheno.txt")) ] (write-pheno-file pheno-fn traits) (invoke-gemma-wrapper-loco dataset-name trait-name trait-fn pheno-fn "BXD.8_geno.txt.gz") )))))))