# GeneNetwork CLI

## Tags

* assigned: ??
* type: feature-request
* priority: low
* keywords: command-line interface, CLI

## Description
It would be great for GeneNetwork to have a nice command line client for doing 
most if not all the things you can do with the html interface (GN2) and/or the 
API (GN3). 

I think this feature might interest scientific researchers who are comfortable 
with the command line.

GitHub and GNU MediaGoblin have one:

=> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/mediagoblin.git/tree/mediagoblin/gmg_commands MediaGoblin CLI Commands

=> https://docs.mediagoblin.org/en/master/siteadmin/commandline-upload.html

GNU MediaGoblin has a basic API:

=> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/mediagoblin.git/tree/mediagoblin/api MediaGoblin API

Github Command Line Client:

=> https://cli.github.com/ gh